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Everything posted by Blueandgold

  1. He should be a nice addition to our special teams.
  2. He played very good for the Lions in 2011 when they signed him midway through the season, but he was god awful in 2012 then sat out last year. He may be talented, but I don't have much faith in his ability to be productive and stay on the field for an entire year.
  3. Even if this was taken out of context, it seems like Sheets is always doing or saying something stupid.
  4. Steve Morely going into his 6th year as a starter for us is quite depressing.
  5. If we had a normal defense I could see Newman being our starting safety, instead I think he'll be one of the guys who rotates in and plays all over the field.
  6. I don't like the idea myself(or very much about whats going on with our D at this) but I'm starting to believe that they'l roll with two Canadians in the secondary myself. Alexander at Corner and Newman beating our Bucknor at Safety would be my guesses.
  7. Kyle Koch is decent, he might be worth a look as a depth player.
  8. So we get four designated imports now instead of three?
  9. No way does Wally give up a first rounder for a back QB unless he has serious doubts about Lulay.
  10. I know Poblah made too much money, but given Cory Watson's injury concerns and our lack of depth at the position you have to wonder why we didn't bring back either of Poblah or Etienne.
  11. I've never heard of this Hecht character. Is he even a lock to make the team?
  12. Kind of sucks that we've been the worst team in the league the last two years but somehow ended up with number two both times.
  13. I could care less about all of their opinions sans Lapo.
  14. I hope the Stamps don't take Lavertu. I'd love it if we ended up with him.
  15. If Ottawa is in the business of making insane trades today, we might as well as give them Max Hall & Steve Morely for Kevin Glenn.
  16. I'd bet that Hage chooses play to this season. He just didn't have any interest in playing for Ottawa.
  17. I'm not a huge fan of Kuale, and I'm even less impressed with him taking Parker's spot.
  18. So is it basically a certainty that Ottawa is taking Lavertu?
  19. Anybody who coaches special teams for a living has to have that ability, I feel.
  20. Parker was lights out last season. Whether he can play to that ability over a full season is highly debatable, but its hard to believe we didn't give him a chance in TC. If our scheme doesn't use players with the ability that Terrell Parker showed, then IMO there's an issue with the scheme. Etch has gong show written all over him.
  21. Huh. Interesting. I haven't read a single thing about the guy because I really just don't care and I only watch him play. But yeah, not a chance. Perhaps if he didn't have an absolutely disastrous combine someone might of thought more highly of the guy. Probably the worst area for depth in this draft was on the defensive line... and you combine the fact that he is slow and undersized, you're talking about a guy who is going to be in sub packages playing MAYBE 25 snaps a game. His ceiling was a 5th round pick, and I believe even before the draft, half the league's GM's said they wouldn't take him until the 7th round or not even sign him... not because he is gay, but because he is what he is, and that is not a prototypical NFL defensive lineman. Good for him if he makes it, but I think he will be the most popular 7th round draft pick cut ever. I'll go out on a further limb and say he might only have been drafted BECAUSE he's gay. He's not good enough to make a 53 man roster IMO, but I'm not sure the Rams can afford to release him now.
  22. If Austin was able to sell Shomari Williams contract...
  23. Etch is similar to Greg Marshall where his defenses have these fabulous starts in the first third of the season before tailing off afterwards once all the other teams catch on to what you're doing.
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