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Everything posted by Blueandgold

  1. What's funny is that the impairment from driving while one is fatigued is probably greater than the impairment from driving high.
  2. If we're looking at signing ham n eggers like Bauman why on earth did we let Etienne go?
  3. I don't think a CFL team will ever reject a player because they got caught with less than a quarter of marijuana.
  4. I hope you're kidding. I'd rather beg Labbe to come out of retirement.
  5. Wouldn't be my first choice. He's also a former Argo though so the connection is there.
  6. I hate to say this, but I'm starting to DISLIKE the idea of Etch being our DC more and more. I'm not sure he even makes it through the season to be honest.
  7. We already have Korey Banks, and even if we didn't I wouldn't be particularly interested.
  8. Which ones do you suggest? Who is out there? It's kind of like how people get mad that we didn't sign any NI O-linemen then weren't able to name anyone who would've been an improvement for us.,
  9. I personally like Etienne and wish we would've kept him, but it's fairly obvious that our current regime doesn't feel the same way.
  10. Never heard of him, but looking at his history I feel as if he'll get paid without ever playing a down for us.
  11. Two of Max Hall, Cauchy Muamba and a mid round pick is the most I'd give up for him.
  12. Looking to play closer to home? I'm wondering if SSK left him unprotected knowing his contract situation could allow them to re-acquire him after one season. Also, they had to keep that offensive line intact. Would he really be in such a hurry to go back to Sask? Leaving him unprotected would have to sting a bit.
  13. The only way I want two import running backs dressing is if the back up is our main kick AND punt returner.
  14. The Riders becoming the very thing they've despised for the last thirty years - the Evil Empire.
  15. Guys like Kevin Smith & Steve Slaton would still be in the NFL if their bodies allowed them to play professional football. These type of signings rarely work out.
  16. Montreal apparently still has him actually(and I know you were kidding).
  17. I wouldn't want to count on a guy who was considered a downgrade from Justin Sorensen myself.
  18. We didn't overpay Ollie. We signed him to meet the cap floor.
  19. Ottawa could easily afford Glenn's salary. The problem with keeping Glenn is that Ottawa will then have three disgruntled Quarterbacks which is something I assume an expansion team wouldn't want.
  20. I read it somewehere that Alex Hall is not interested in us because he don't like our defensive coaching staff. I like Keron Williams, he wont likely come in cheap though and we might have good DEs in our roster right now. I thought it was Burke & Creehan that Hall was less than impressed with?
  21. I find it very unlikely Ted Laurent would sign here. I am interested in the situations of Alex Hall & Keron Williams though.
  22. Are you comparing a bunch of no-name import rookies with 55 year old Henry Burris taking up a gazillion dollars along with their other older QB? I'm talking about a few people complaining after they signed Anton McKenzie. Apparently Ottawa has no budget at all yet we have an open wallet. I imagine guys like Anton and Paris Jackson are coming very cheap at this point in time. Not to mention, Ottawa has to meet the cap floor and with a lack of established players they can afford to overpay a little this year if necessary.
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