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Everything posted by Blueandgold

  1. They cut Elliot to make room for Jyles? Yikes.
  2. Andrew Harris re-ups in BC. There goes my dream of bringing him next off season.
  3. Hiring Wylie will cast a bigger improvement over our entire line than any one player could've IMO.
  4. If you aren't the real Nate you should be sued for copyright infringement . I'd bring Elliot back and let him compete with Max Hall.
  5. You sound like the people who complain that Ovechkin only scores because he takes a lot of shots.
  6. We'd be crazy to trade Kane. Along with Trouba and Scheifele he should be one of our building blocks.
  7. Maybe we should just be happy that Migs hasn't resurfaced here yet.
  8. Maybe we can take him there I'd love to get Gills in the third round.
  9. Not really. We traded our 2nd rounder for a position of need (OL). If we can now obtain a similar 2nd round pick in exchange for a position of strength, for example a NI DB like Cauchy, that would be a very shrewd move by Walters. Cauchy isn't going to get a 2nd rounder and safety isn't a position of strength. Cauchy is a big reason that safety isn't a position of strength. IF someone was willing to let a 2nd rounder go for Cauchy I'd be thrilled.
  10. Losing at home to Ottawa in the franchise's first freaking game would be a disaster of epic proportions... Sadly, I have a feeling I know how that game is going to turn out already.
  11. I'd love to have him playing across from Vega again. I'd be somewhat surprised if he came back here though. He didn't sound very interested in re-signing prior to being traded.
  12. I wouldn't go that far. Possibly going from Stubler to Etch was a massive downgrade. But, it is nice to have him back.
  13. We have enough trouble filling rosters with quality Canadian players as it is. We have stuff where juniors such as Brett Carter could basically be on the team without taking up a roster spot. That's good enough.
  14. Although Chiu is an intriguing name, it's tough for me to say that someone without any experience coaching in the CFL wouldn't be a significant downgrade from one of the best O-line coaches in the game in Wylie.
  15. If we still had our second round pick getting Coombs there would've been nice.
  16. I'm not sure anyone would be upset about a Canadian safety with a beloved brother playing well for us. Unfortunately, Cauchy being cut has to be considered far more likely than him being a productive starter.
  17. Hall most likely doesn't make the team if we acquire Glenn.
  18. I wouldn't give up Suber. I honestly wouldn't give up anything more than a Cauchy Muamba, Desia Dunn or an Aaron Kelly.
  19. So Calgary goes and gives the league a successful example of elevating a young starter with upside, and teaming him with an experienced, good-but-not-great backup... and TBurgess from the confines of his cozy British Columbia abode thinks that it is laughable to suggest that might work in Winnipeg? Calgary's been arguably the most successful team in the CFL since signing Kevin Glenn as its experienced, good-but-not-great, backup quarterback. Why wouldn't we try it, if the price were right? I wouldn't compare Willy with Tate just yet, Tate got to play a fair bit before they traded Burris did he not? Safe to say Calgary had a better idea what Tate was capable of with their team. Willy has played quite a bit more than Tate prior to Burris being traded.
  20. He makes a fair point. Glenn isn't going to elevate the guys around him, but at the same time you're more than capable of winning with him.
  21. I have no issues giving guys the opportunity to potentially make 100x more money in the NFL.
  22. No, I'd give up someone more along the lines of Aaron Kelly.
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