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Everything posted by Blueandgold

  1. Yeah, I know Sears has injury concerns but I wasn't sold on Markett yet either.
  2. Plus the receiver caught passes from Boltus. That has to count for something.
  3. Good spot to start his coaching career. Who knows, maybe in seven or so years have a very successful time featuring multiple Grey Cup victories with Mike O'Shea, Buck Pierce will become our new Head Coach.
  4. Back on topic please! I'm shocked that they would delete any threads, the site is pretty quiet these days and I'd be surprised if it's even around next year. It'll simply be the ghost of Shankman modding non existent people for going off topic.
  5. That's exactly what I'm worrying about as well. I have no problems with us bringing Glenn in, but Drew Willy needs to be our starting QB this year.
  6. Max Hall Cauchy and a 5th rounder? I'd rather just roll with Willy though rather than having to deal with the inevitable QB controversy with Glenn.
  7. Still not sure that letting him go was a good move IMO.
  8. This was discussed quite frequently prior to him being hired by the Argos. It seems that most people wanted someone new at first, but seeing as how we ended up with Etch, would this have been a better option? Or would it have just been a bad situation having the man responsible for last years mess around in any capacity?
  9. I agree, otherwise I'm sure he'd be released. Making room for Kevin Glenn would be my guess. Finding a spot for Buck in our organization would be nice, he's someone who if nothing else always gave us his all.
  10. A worse stat might be that we haven't had the same Quarterback lead the team in yardage in back to back years since Kevin Glenn in 2007 and 2008.
  11. I'm not sure why people think Kavis Reed is a horrible coach. I actually thought he did a pretty good job here in 2010.
  12. Nik Lewis is a fantastic player, and we'd be crazy to not have interest in him.
  13. I would assume it would be the Bombers 2015 4th rounder not the Riders. I remember when Brian Brohm was coming out of college, people were surprised that he dropped out of the first round and thought that the Packers would be able to deal him for a first rounder within a couple of years.
  14. If we do, IMO the season is already over. I wasn't aware that the lack of a quality third string QB was that damaging.
  15. I'm not saying its a bad move, Ottawa is an expansion team after all and they need Canadian bodies. I just can't believe it when people try to say that the RedBlacks are already better than we are. I hope we blow them out in their first game.
  16. I'd be disappointed if he was our starting RB this year.
  17. Has Walters gone mad? We've lost all our depth at DB and lost our main competition to January with this move.
  18. Wow. I'm all for rehabilitation over jail time, but NOT when the guy freaking beheads somebody. Absolutely ridiculous.
  19. Yet Wally who is among the most successful General Manager's in the league operates the exact same way.
  20. We did offer Butler the most amount of $$$ he just had zero interest in coming here.
  21. I haven't seen enough of Bucknor to adequately judge him, but IMO every NI DB we have is superior on defense to West.
  22. He may not of officially had the title, but for all intents and purposes yes he was.
  23. Higgins has always been overrated IMO. Jim Popp isn't the greatest coach, but Montreal would've been better off keeping him happy and giving him both roles rather than the dysfunctional **** show they've created. If something like this happened in Winnipeg we'd never hear the end of it.
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