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Everything posted by Blueandgold

  1. That's fine by me. I'm still scratching my head as to why we gave up both of Poblah and Etienne though. We need a third starting caliber Canadian receiver given Watson's injury history.
  2. Let him walk. There is zero reason to overpay for a guy like Ford.
  3. Agreed, knowing our luck we'll cut Cauchy the day before the Colts cut Henoc.
  4. It didn't seem like it. Chad Simpson was definitely one, and I was thinking Matthews was another but given our strong interest in bringing him back I'd guess not.
  5. Maurice Price is apparently getting 180K from Cal and I wouldn't be surprised if Dressler gets more than both of these guys when he comes back. I thought it was a B, if we can bring in Ted Laurent that jumps to an A+. Bringing back Matthews would be nice, and we could also use a backup Canadian receiver along with our obvious O-Line issues.
  6. Our O-Line has been crappy enough starting two imports, can we really afford to sit someone like Jarvis Jones in favor of Pencer or Neufeld?
  7. Am i the only one who thinks Ottawa is going to be completely terrible even for an expansion team?
  8. Not a fan of these Thursday home games myself. Kind of strange how our first three games are against the East even though we're back in the West.
  9. Wally has an unreal ability to produce Quarterbacks, if Lulay gets hurt I'm sure Ricky Ray 2.0 will be right there to step in.Seeing as they only have Lulay, pierce and Elliott under contract.... It would likely be someone new with zero cfl experience. Tough even for wally. Unless he's been cut, they have Chris Hart as well. Printers, Pierce and Lulay all got significant playing time and played well by their second year in the CFL.
  10. In this day and age, you dont have your phone with you at the gym? Hell, i do..Me too. I'm listening to music on my iPhone. My guess is he just decided not to pickup when he saw who it was on his caller ID.Yuppers.. Sour grapes from jj me thinks..And with the amount of time Jovon spends on Twitter, I guarantee he has a smartphone. Hah yea no kidding.. At least Walters didn't do it via twitter lol i hope he did it like this http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X8woxeGJveA
  11. Agreed. Barker even tried to conditionally neg list him in case it was ruled Poblah was an import. Yup Poblah would've went number one overall if he was in the draft.
  12. Wally has an unreal ability to produce Quarterbacks, if Lulay gets hurt I'm sure Ricky Ray 2.0 will be right there to step in.
  13. One more thing i haven't heard mentioned by anyone yet...we don't currently have a kicker on our roster do we?
  14. Question is, who will keep the #5 Jersey? No way does Glenn take Willy's jersey from him.
  15. I like bringing in Moore, even if it did cost a ton of money. Newman might surprise some people as well, I wouldn't be surprised if he beat out Cauchy, Bucknor and Sherman at safety. Still one glaring problem though, O-line and there isn't anyone I particularly want still available. On the plus side, we know Walters isn't afraid to swing a trade so i'm sure we'll have a couple of new faces in there by the time TC starts.
  16. Given who we hired as our coordinators I'm not sure we're in much of a position to laugh.
  17. I love Kohlert, but given the choice I'd take Craig Butler over him every time.
  18. I don't really want to deal with everyone calling for Glenn to take Willy's job after a few bad games.
  19. Johnson would be okay as a dime back or at safety, but I'd prefer to just move in a new direction. He's no longer an outstanding corner and he's a terrible punt returner at this stage.
  20. If that's results in us getting someone else aside from Etch i'd be thrilled. Unless that someone is Greg Marshall of course.
  21. Letting Eitenne go might be something we end up regretting.
  22. So Taman is saying that the Bombers really weren't high on re-signing Etienne. Seems weird given how we're really hooped for non-imports this year. I figured it was just Etienne wanting to go home. The Bombers not being interested in re-signing him makes very little sense to me.
  23. Well hopefully that's not the case and this is just a ploy to lower the asking price for Glenn or any other backup in the league. I'll be a little disappointed if the Bombers go into training camp without another QB that has a little CFL experience Is Willy/Hall really any worse than Collaros/LeFevour, Reilly/Nichols or Smith/Marsh?
  24. Collaros hasn't been officially declared the starter, and Edmonton put up the pretense that there was a competition between Reilly and Nichols last year. Aside from Mike Reilly immediately naming Lefors the starter, its actually quite rare that a young QB is flat out named the starter before TC even if everyone knows the job is his to lose.
  25. When did he tear his ACL? Wasn't it during one of the games against The Riders? He may not even be ready for the start of the season.
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