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Everything posted by Blueandgold

  1. Cauchy struggled last year and is definitely over payed but he considering how weak our Canadian talent is he still has a place here.
  2. I'd re-sign Stewart, Matthews, Gilmore, Cvety, Ford and maybe Foster for depth purposes.
  3. I like Willy, but he just feels like a consolation point at this point. I'm sure people will get a little more excited about him when the sting of losing Collaros and Burris goes away.
  4. I think Huff was hoping and praying that Ottawa would take Tate off of his hands instead of Glenn.
  5. Walters did mention Brad Sinopoli who played most of last season for the Stamps but as the story goes when Walters mentioned his name Mack said "who is Brad Sinopoli"? Walters also apparently wanted Scott Mitchell over Henoc Muamba. Nobody is bullet proof.
  6. Do you just pull information like this out of your butt? How do you even come to this conclusion? They just lost Glenn, why do you think they'd give us Tate? Just a hunch. Is this the same hunch where you said Khari was going to come here to be our next OC? Although I would personally hate to have Drew Tate on our roster, Glenn going back to Calgary and Tate coming here isn't exactly outside the realm of possibilities.
  7. Even Kevin Glenn wasn't overly experienced when we traded for him, on the other hand there's guys like Lefors who don't work out. Time will tell, but I have some optimism that we may have lucked out with Willy.
  8. I'm not sure what Brett Carter's status is. IIRC he was on the practise roster at the end of the season, which would make him a free agent. I noticed that the CJFL site lists him as attending the CFL combine this year. http://www.cjfl.net/cjfl-at-cfl-combine-2014-p190203 I hope the Bombers extend him. He's got great hands based on his time with the Rifles and what he showed in training camp and the pre-season games last year. Note: I have a bias in favour of Manitoba players. I think everyone here is rooting for him. He sure didn't look out of place on the field last year though. I wish they wouldn't of roster-ed him for that one game.
  9. Ottawa is already set with Burris & DeMarco, trading Glenn for Willy would make zero sense for both us and them.
  10. Sucks to lose Etienne, it's hard to believe that we lost all three of our first round picks from the 2011 draft. Losing Etienne really makes me question why we traded Poblah. Even if we do get Kohlert back we'll be short on Canadian receivers, but maybe Etienne wanted to go back to Sask anyways. I'm happy to get Willy though, if it comes down to it going to camp with Willy and Hall as our main two guys wouldn't be the worst thing in the world. I'd prefer to have Kevin Glenn in the mix as well, but only if the price is right. It's nice that we won't have to overpay to get him.
  11. Injury prone Tate? No thanks. I'd take Glenn 1000x over before I drank moonshine and considered Tate.
  12. Kohlert, Watson and Etienne all starting wouldn't be the worst thing in the world. The problem is, we traded Poblah so would have very little depth.
  13. Ottawa can't afford to take him to camp. The longer we wait them out the more the price drops. Ottawa needs to get rid of Glenn more than any team including the Bombers need Kevin Glenn themselves.
  14. I hope we can re-sign Kohlert and Etienne.
  15. One of the worst articles I've ever read. How can he expect any CFL team to compete with an NFL team? Ridiculous.
  16. It would kind of kill the trade value of Glenn if he flat out said they wouldn't be able to afford him and Burris.
  17. It's more likely to be the worst contract since Casey Printers signed with the Ticats.
  18. Signing Butler or Laurent would be amazing although very unlikely.
  19. I just hope that if/when he returns to the CFL he comes back here.
  20. Well this should shut people up. I give Walters credit for not overpaying Burris. Who would've thought Gary Lawless would actually write a good article(his one about not overpaying Burris yesterday).
  21. Marcel Bellefeuille coming back. Rich Stubler signs with the Stamps, Gary Etcheverry becomes our Defensive Coordinator, Zack Collaros signs with the Ti Cats. Said it was a "no brainer" & now Hank may sign in Ottawa. Like I said, the off season from Hell. Wow. If we lose Henoc Muamba I'll agree with you.
  22. Honestly, i'll be happy if we manage to re-sign Muamba, Kohlert and bring in Drew Willy. Losing out on Burris isn't the end of the world, but the fact we keep getting rejected is troubling.
  23. At some point, Walters has to get the job done. We gave Mack two years of blaming Kelly... look where that got us. Overpaying a 39 year old QB is not getting the job done either. Except we didn't sign Collaros and said we were targeting Burris... he hasn't signed Muamba... lost Kohlert... hasn't announced coaching complete coaching staff... you could say he has overpaid in trades... at the very least, our trades have been non-impact - unless Neufeld comes though... I'm still on his side, but things are starting to pile up. Free agency should give us a pretty good idea whether Walters is in over his head... We haven't lost Kohlert or Muamba yet though. After all dust settles from Free Agency we'll be able to judge things a little better.
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