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Everything posted by Blueandgold

  1. He'd be nice insurance for Collaros. Ideally Willy and Collaros would be my first choice. Burris and Willy too. I just can't see a Burris and Collaros combo. I have a feeling we end up with whatever Hamilton leaves us. An injury prone headcase isn't insurance, just a nuisance.
  2. I'd take the ones we ended up with myself. I'm not sure that Coehoorn would've been a better long term pick than Etienne.
  3. What really annoyed me about Burke was how he refused to ever take responsibility for our issues.
  4. No need to rehash the draft .. but I agree with the sentiment .. there's a time and place (in the draft) to take fliers on guys who will be in NFL training camps .. top of the first round is not one of those spots. All of the top prospects had NFL interest and AT THE TIME Mulumba was one of the safer bets to make it to Canada sooner rather than later.
  5. Please for the love of Bomber fans everywhere please pick Miles. I'm surprised Kavis didn't even an interview.
  6. Pretty accurate, although I'm not sure Boatman is quite that good.
  7. Yes, whatever happened to Miles? I thought he was our top candidate prior to the interest in Stubler.
  8. Looking at our options, I'd be thrilled to have Kavis right about now.
  9. Hopefully we can bring Alex Hall back into the fold if he stays in the CFL.
  10. I like the look of their staff. I don't think they'll win for a couple years because of the difficulty of bringing in enough talent to an expansion team, no matter who's coaching the team. But I think Campbell is going to be a great Head Coach -- he's got bits of experience coaching all 3 facets, plus the family pedigree to boot. Gibson and Nelson aren't explosive choices for coordinators, but I'd take Gibson over Bellefeuille, and Nelson over whoever we end up with. The positional coaches are all solid up-and-comers. Only a Riderfan would say say something like this. We don't even have a DC yet and you already believe Nelson is better.
  11. This gave me a good laugh lol. Can't argue with this.
  12. Well that freaking sucks. I'd be interested in Miles or Reed myself, because say what you want about Kavis but our 2010 defense was not bad at all. Mark Nelson seems to have trouble staying in one place for extended periods of time, and I'm not really interested in a Greg Marshall return.
  13. Never heard of him, but he has a cool name. Anyways, he can't be worse than Sandra.
  14. First of all Daniel Bryan 2.0 can't be a free agent considering BC released him mid season. I'm happy Sandra got his walking papers, considering he was actually a downgrade from Palardy. Last and most importantly, its great to have Turner back into the fold considering he was easily the best on our D-line(sans Alex Hall of course).
  15. To this day there is still no excuse for Goltz not to have been doing QB sneaks.
  16. If Collaros is here, Hamilton would be the best bet for Willy. Maybe even BC.
  17. Probably someone along the lines of Sherman, Volny, Fitzgerald or Rene Stephan I'd wager. I'm not sure any of those guys are worth risking losing Kohlert.
  18. If Medlock's available, O'Shea better be interested. That guy is a beast. Yes he is available, he didn't even play football this season. actually, he's been to a number of teams but didn't stay longer as he expected He was in Oakland for like two days and that's it for 2013 IIRC.
  19. Actually, if that's the case, that's the perfect way to expose somebody, knowing what the situation is. By protecting him, they would have exposed someone else….maybe somebody they didn't know what the situation would be. If true, it's the smart thing to have done. I disagree, if someone wants to leave yes leave them unprotected. But, when you're extremely weak at Canadian talent its a pretty big risk to leave one of your best players open. It won't be as easy as getting him to sign the same contract he had agreed upon, its extremely plausible someone outbids us or drives up the price in free agency. The risk just wouldn't be worth the reward in protecting Kohlert over say Volny in round three IMO. I'm not sure why this is surprising. Walters made it obvious this was his plan. To be honest, it was the first I'd heard of Kohlert not wanting to stay here, and from the sounds of the WFP that was bs anyway. So if he didn't want to leave then why risk losing him? It was clear we protected Henoc so why not Kohlert? How can you say "they should have protected Kohlert over Volny" when you don't know the protected lists? Not to mention they already have how many FBs? It was an example, given our weak Canadian talent we barely have 12 players worth protecting. We would've been losing a player of around the caliber of Volny, and I'm not sure thats worth DECREASING our chances of re-signing Kohlert. I admit when I heard Kohlert called, I was a little "..." - but quickly got over it. If he was going to leave, he was going to leave regardless. Yes IF he was going to leave I would've left him unprotected, but if he had already agreed to re-sign we're risking either losing him or having to pay him more money come free agency.
  20. If Medlock's available, O'Shea better be interested. That guy is a beast. Yes he is available, he didn't even play football this season.
  21. Actually, if that's the case, that's the perfect way to expose somebody, knowing what the situation is. By protecting him, they would have exposed someone else….maybe somebody they didn't know what the situation would be. If true, it's the smart thing to have done. I disagree, if someone wants to leave yes leave them unprotected. But, when you're extremely weak at Canadian talent its a pretty big risk to leave one of your best players open. It won't be as easy as getting him to sign the same contract he had agreed upon, its extremely plausible someone outbids us or drives up the price in free agency. The risk just wouldn't be worth the reward in protecting Kohlert over say Volny in round three IMO.
  22. ^ If that's the case why risk waiting until free agency and losing him?
  23. I don't want him just for the fact he inflicted Boltus upon us. Oh, and I don't believe hes very good at his job.
  24. This brings me about a zero in terms of excitement. I was hoping this would be the year we finally got rid of Morely.
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