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Everything posted by Blueandgold

  1. LeFevour is just another version of Justin Goltz... Well….a better version of JG, he will be their protected QB, according to Drew Edwards's mock protected list: •QB (1) •Dan LeFevour: With Henry Burris set to become a free agent, there's no reason to protect him in the draft. LeFevour now has two years of backup experience and played a bigger role this season. - Marcellus Bowman should be protected and may end up playing MLB - the CFL has decided not to make the protected lists public. http://scratchingpost.thespec.com/ This, to me, is where the CFL always fails... why not make the lists public? CFL needs fans, stats/info/anything helps fans get hooked. If it was me, I'd have neg lists, contracts, etc all accessible to fans - that and I'd pay more stats guys even before we pay the refs, ha. I also think that a few teams are going to get 'busted' by leaving FAs unprotected... if Burris was left open, why not sign him and use the next two months to sign him. The lists aren't being made public for good reason. For the respect of the players, it does little good, and much more potential harm. How would you feel if you, as a player, knew you were unprotected, didn't get picked by Ottawa, and the had to report to your current team for training camp the next season? Players and management sometimes have fragile relationships to begin with so why add another element of friction to the problem., It would also create a media frenzy. Reporters would be drilling GMs/coaches ad nauseum, "Why did you protect this guy? Why didn't you protect that guy?" Who wants to hear all that? Does a GM need to be defending each and every decision he makes? Bottom line is, it could create unnecessary conflict between many teams, and that's not something the league would be prepared to deal with on the grand scale. I'm quite sure the players are going to find out if they were protected or not.
  2. I imagine that the Cats would go after Drew Willy or another available QB. I definitely can't see LeFevour as a starting QB next year.
  3. Good hire. A step in the right direction for sure.
  4. Dressler would never leave the Riders anyways. If we can get Collaros and Andrew Harris along with retaining Muamba and Matthews I'll be happy.
  5. Khari never overly impressed as an OC in Hamilton. That being said, with slim picking I'd be willing to give it a chance.
  6. I have no issues with it, I prefer Walters to Higgins thats for sure.
  7. McManus is being looked at as Assistant GM, that's a ways down the totem pole to decide on the starting Quarterback. Besides, who would seriously prefer Brian Brohm or Masoli or any of the Ticat Quarterbacks to Collaros?
  8. I'm not sure I agree with your opinion, but the constant mentions of Drew Willy are strange. I see nothing impressive about him, I suspect he has a similar career to the likes of McPherson, Porter, and Jyles.
  9. but it's a very good reason actually. GMs don't want to deal with players getting their panties in a twist if they weren't protected and I'd rather have the fans left in the dark than to start creating some bad blood between players and management. I mean is it far fetched at all to see some player who wasn't protected but not taken in the draft feel unwanted by their team and start looking for somewhere else to go? Yes they should all be more mature than that but we all know that professional athletes are not always as mature as they should be. The players are obviously going to find out if they're protected or not. Its stupid, but I can't say I'm surprised given the stance on the Neg List and Salaries.
  10. His inability to beat the Riders in the playoffs must just eat him alive. He threw for more yards than Durant...the running game was the true difference. Burris completing about 40% of his passes sure didn't help either.
  11. Why? Even if he plays stellar I think most would still expect a Riders win. Austin gave the ole Burke line of "we played a better team" tonight. Bottom line. He got his team there. I'd take him over Glenn only because at their best Henry is better. My friend won $200 on a GC score ticket. I told him to mail it to the Bombers offices with a "For Collaros" note attached. I'd take the consistency of Glenn myself. But, for a cold weather playoff game, neither of them would be optimal choices in my mind.
  12. Oh come on - for all we know that gesture he made is not allowed under the rules or he said something he shouldn't. LOL....even the most die hard Rider fans realize that was a horrific penalty.
  13. His inability to beat the Riders in the playoffs must just eat him alive.
  14. Is there a starting job in the league for Burris next year?
  15. I'm almost ready to switch over to the Broncos Pats game thats starting right away. Its a shame that we haven't had a really competitive GC three years in a row, sans the late failed Bombers rally in 2011.
  16. Pretty much this. I was really hoping you guys would knock off the Cats last week.
  17. I don't take it that way at all. There isn't a better fit in the entire league, Collaros knows that. He just wants to get paid. Why is Winnipeg a better fit over Ottawa ? Quarterbacks tend to get absolutely killed on expansion teams.
  18. But if Collaros shares the same agent as say Dan West, well maybe Collaros name also comes up over a cup of coffee...
  19. I haven't even watched the West & East Finals. My interest in the CFL is at an all time low this year.
  20. The 2008 WSF, the 2011 East Final and the the West Final last week proves that Glenn can't perform in big games, especially not those with bad weather.
  21. Seeing that lackluster list of candidates, Khari Jones suddenly looks more appealing...
  22. I'm not sure if that would be brilliant or a train wreck.
  23. Kyle Walters becoming GM is just a formality, everything else though is speculation at this point.
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