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Everything posted by Blueandgold

  1. Our reluctance to play Flanders is mind boggling. I have no idea why they won’t give him a shot to boost our stagnant offence.
  2. Yeah they said in that article that the Bombers have no interest in Matthews. How is a team with a receiving core as bad as ours not interested in Matthews? Insanity.
  3. Geoff struggles on the left side - he would have to take over for Chung, or more likely Hardrick. It would sure be nice to have a Travis Bond type of player to insert at LG in that scenario though.
  4. Receiver has been a serious problem for this team since 2008 and hasn't been rectified. We've had a subpar receiving core the entire O'Shea/Walters regime.
  5. When has the crossover team ever won or even appeared in a Grey Cup?
  6. I’ll never forget O’Shea trotting out Kuale week after week while he committed terrible UR penaalities and all O’Shea would say is that he’s being “disciplined in house”. I’m not sure what this “discipline” entailed, but Kuale would do the same stupid antics week after week.
  7. This is very, very true. The last time O’Shea coached for his job (August, 2016) he was fantastic. Unfortunately, once he starts experiencing some success he gets very safe and complacent with his roster management. Then at other times he does asinine things such as attempting to kick a 60 yard field goal on third and four with 30 seconds left to lose us a playoff game.
  8. Walters has done a terrible job with the receiving core, but he’s made enough good moves to keep his job. We need a coach that isn’t afraid to make changes. Let’s not forget that Chris Jones replaced Matt Nichols with James Franklin despite a 5-2 record with the former.
  9. How and why did Lapo go away from the two back set? Whether it’s with Flanders who I prefer, or with Demski, we’ve had tons of success with that formation. Start Streveler, dress Flanders and let Demski come into the backfield on sweeps. There won’t be a team in the league that could stop our running game. We can’t win throwing with Nichols and this receiving core.
  10. If O’Shea trots Nichols out there for the Banjo Bowl, they’ll both be out of a job by the time that games done. I can’t imagine this team being competitive on labour day.
  11. As much as we all hate him, this team could really use the talent infusion that Duron Carter would add to the table.
  12. Get a receiver that can go up and make plays.
  13. We’ve also gone away from the two running back set that’s brought us so much success. I’ve been told here that Demski fills Flanders role and more, but I’d disagree on that. We need to get Harris and Flanders back in the backfield together, with a guy like Demski running the sweeps. We may not be able to throw the ball, but let’s take some heat off of Harris and use our fantastic two back set to run the ball.
  14. Nichols wasn’t very good last nigh (better than last week) our receiving core sans Darvin Adams is terrible. This team is desperate for a Brandon Zlystra if they want to take the next step. If we can’t get anyone from the NFL cuts and Duron Carter is still available, I wonder if we get desperate enough to take that risk.
  15. This team is desperate for another playmaker at receiver and that’s been our Achilles heel for years. Once Darvin or Dressler goes down our entire O falls apart as we only have two threats. I don’t know how we can’t recruit a decent receiver, but if any former cflers come loose on NFL cutdown day we need to throw a pile of cash at them. Oh, and if I ever see Lankford take the field for this team again I’ll cry. I feel like I’m beating a dead horse, but he’s completely useless.
  16. To be fair, I’ve heard we had the same understanding with Matt Coates this year.
  17. We should really stop using him on plays like those sweeps. Dressler would still make for a great number three receiver at this stage, but this offence has been missing a third game breaking receiver for years. Sadly we blew our load on Bowman this past off-season. I would love to see us make a move to get us another good import receiver here.
  18. Oh I don't know, how about the one fumble in the one he's actually played this? Lankford is terrible. He has nothing going for him except straight line speed.
  19. Obviously not Dressler or Adams, but Thompkins? Most likely, yes.
  20. Oh good lord please don't inflict Ryan Lankford upon us. Hopefully Dress is good to go.
  21. Isn't this the guy who chased by the cops and was caught with a bag of crack in his backpack? Or am I just imagining this?
  22. Yet I'd sadly take him as our third starting import without much argument.
  23. Personally, even on TV, I love to hear a rocking crowd. I have no idea why TSN would want to mute that.
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