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Everything posted by Blueandgold

  1. Stronson, Rotor, BSD, Rdavidson all think they’re a lot smarter than they actually are. Any move the Riders make is a good move, regardless of their previous thoughts on the topic. I still remember when Stronson was celebrating the fact that Walters and O’Shea got three year extensions, claiming that it was “great for the Riders”.
  2. Popp who cut Henoc for Vaughn Martin, who subsequently lasted half a year before never being heard from again.
  3. It sounds like they need to shed more salary too. Crazy.
  4. I never would’ve guessed that Demski would be our highest paid free agent. Until we get Muambas name on a contract that is.
  5. Muamba to the Bombers makes too much sense to not happen.
  6. I’ll even get over losing Bond if we sign Muamba (but in a sad twist of fate, Muamba would allow us to still start an American guard. ) But, Flanders could stay as a starting receiver over the likes of Coates if we have a second NI on D. I like it a lot. A good Canadian MLB would fill two huge needs at once. I really hope we can get him.
  7. Whisper in Henoc’s ear that he has 200K waiting for him here.
  8. Do you think Randle makes less than 150K? I highly doubt that.
  9. Campbell's deal doesn’t seem bad. He was rumoured to be close to a deal with Calgary at the same price. Jake Harty is also making slightly less than we paid Demski. It’s still an overpay, but if he’s going to be a starting Canadian it’s not a horrible deal.
  10. Well, given all of the NFL washouts on that roster he may be the starting QB. Wouldn't Montreal kill to have Kevin Glenn, Brandon Bridge, or Vernon Adams right now? I don’t understand why they didn’t make a play for any of the available Quarterbacks.
  11. I'm surprised that we didn't have more interest in bringing him back. He could've competed with Coates for a starting job if we're planning on going with two Canadians at receiver.
  12. Matt Bucknor is still starting at corner in BC I believe. Gabriel also made some starts. But you're right, since Sanchez retired there hasn't been many options there.
  13. The only one of those DB's who can play on even a rotational basis is Derek Jones, and he's better suited to play safety.
  14. Messam to the Riders. Im happy to see them spend their money on players like him.
  15. Doesn’t Montreal literally not have a QB right now? Are they honestly banking on starting Freeman or trading for Manziel?
  16. Not to mention all the undisciplined penalities he takes... we’ll be okay without him. Just like we were for the remainder of the season after he went down
  17. I wonder if Westerman and Heath have a more tepid market than they were anticipating. Jake Thomas is the guy I want back (and Bond but I’m resigned to the fact he’s gone).
  18. But but but Floyd said we overpaid at 130K!
  19. As long as the Riders don’t sxoop him up...
  20. I don’t really see why we needed to bring Fogg back. Although, he is a good returner.
  21. Jake Thomas is one guy who would be nice to re-sign in case we need to go Canadian at DT.
  22. I’ve never even heard of Fenner. Is he good?
  23. I’m a big fan of Evans. I hate seeing him go to the Riders.
  24. You wouldn't think so. But, Canadians do make a surprising amount of money. I'm happy to have him though. He can easily be the best Canadian receiver we've had in 20 years.
  25. I heard a rumor that we're paying Demski 160K. I hope that isn't true, as it would definitely be an over payment.
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