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Everything posted by Blueandgold

  1. This is the same coach who sent Medlock out for a 57 yard field goal instead of going for it on 3rd and 5. In my opinion, he was compensating for one bad decision by making another (not nearly) as bad decision. Just for the record, through the first half of last year, Justin Medlock was 17/17 from 0-39 yards last season and a perfect 18/18 on converts. Even if you add in the 40-49 range, he was 9-11. That's clutch. I'll maintain the position that's more likely that Harris fumbles(or there's just a bad snap or a holding penalty or something) OR Medlock misses from 32 yards out than Medlock straight missing from 42.
  2. Sure, and I'm betting on Medlock hitting what's a chip shot field goal to him, over the chance of Harris not fumbling and the chance of Medlock missing a shorter chip shot field. 42 to 32 yards is a negibile difference for a kicker like Medlock.
  3. *Thinks back to the game against BC at IGF*
  4. For all the talk about the great Rider receiving core, the best receiver on the field was still Weston Dressler. Also, why did we start the Roc over Fogg? It would've been nice to have at least one vet DB on that side of the field.
  5. Well that kind of takes away the entire defends of the one Hurl fan.. He played good, but I'm still more than skeptical about him being a viable option for the duration of the season.
  6. I wasn't a huge Mcduffie fan, but I'd take him back in a heartbeat right now.
  7. Now this is worth the risk. It's nice that we didn't use a first for a change.
  8. The Riders doing horrible, especially clowns like Carter, should be preferred before all else.
  9. Neither one of those teams looked very good. I venture these will be the two worst teams in the league this year.
  10. It's a huge position of need. It can't hurt whatsoever to do our due diligence on this guy.
  11. That's a good question, I'd think you would pick one that isn't.
  12. I really wish we would've signed a decent MLB. I thought we had moved past the days of starting guys like Hurl and Kuale.
  13. I can do without seeing any of Bruce Johnson, Lankford, Stafford or Hurl seeing significant playing time.
  14. We'll probably just bring back a trusted veteran like Kuale.
  15. He did and missed basically the whole season due to injury. I can't see him sticking here.
  16. Our O-Line was a huge part of success last year. I'd prefer that we stick with three imports for another year and find someplace else to start another Canadian if need be.
  17. Riders NI Talent and O-Line are still very questionable, along with their horrific QB situation. Not so coincidentally, those are the three most important aspects of a football team.
  18. Sure ive been wrong many times before and will be wrong many times again. I've also been right many times before and will be correct again many more times. What's your point? Not to mention, you said that Garrett Waggoner was a good pick, so who knows about anything you say right?
  19. Richards is worse than Etienne. How people here are still sticking up for him I just don't understand.
  20. Waggoner is a mediocre player and is no big loss. How bad of a selection that was has really gone under the radar around here.
  21. Yup. I loved Kohlert when he was picked in the expansion draft by Ottawa and chose to re-sign here, but he was absolutely dreadful this year.
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