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Everything posted by Blueandgold

  1. The obvious choice to come out for Gurley isn't McDuffie or Flanders. It's Julian Posey.
  2. Yup. I love that on TSN they blew it up, and showed a picture where Harris STILL HAD THE BALL in an attempt to justify saying that he had lost control.
  3. That competition was a farce, Mike Reilly was Hervey's guy(rightfully so in hindsight) and was always going to get that job regardless of how Nichols played.
  4. Matt Nichols has been an equal upgrade over Drew Willy as Travis Bond has been to Patrick Neufeld.
  5. But all the so called "intelligent" posters here swore up and down that our oline was the problem and that Willy was far superior to Nichols. Quite frankly, Willy has looked horrid from the very first snap this pre season, and I'm someone who thought he was Ricky Ray lite in 2015.
  6. We're counting the year he took over for Mack six games in as his first season? That hardly seems fair.
  7. Leggett, Nichols and Lapo/O'Shea get the nod from me.
  8. It's 140 with his bonuses I believe? His base salary is somewhere around 120K. Still not good obviously, but slightly better.
  9. You honestly believe he's the only one? I'd say about 50% of our import players partake in such events.
  10. As if he got suspended for this. What a joke. With that being said, I suspect he may be unable to get his job back when he returns.
  11. I personally prefer JFG to Kohlert as well, but to me the issue is that with JFG being an SB and Kohlert being a WR they may not want to waste an import at the wide side receiver spot.
  12. Denmark isn't in the same stratosphere as Dressler, for that matter no receiver on our team is. Dressler is an elite CFL receiver.
  13. I'm not really sure how the Bombers can justify keeping Ryan Smith in the lineup over Denmark if it comes to that.
  14. Paden was benched a couple of weeks ago was he not? I'm not sure that's an indicator of anything really.
  15. There's no guarantee Adams comes back healthy, nor that he doesn't revert back to his inconsistent play of last year. Counting on him to be a game breaker when he returns to the line up isn't safe money in my opinion. Ryan Smith has been next to useless this year aside from the Calgary game, maybe he'll have more success if he's in the slot, but at wide out? We'd be better sticking a big bodied Canadian scrub in that spot. Denmark makes some big plays, but still he's a smaller guy and definitely a secondary option. Weston Dressler carries this entire dead weight receiving core. I honestly have no idea how we managed to have so much success without him, it's really a testament to how well our O-line has played with Bond instead of Neufeld as well as how big of an upgrade from Drew Willy we've gotten with Matt Nichols.
  16. Knowing the type of coach O'Shea is, I'm not surprised that he didn't flat out say ''well we can't keep winning with short receivers such as Denmark & Smith''.
  17. Drew Willy is one of those players,(much like Kevin Glenn actually) who will inexplicably have people making excuses for him until he takes the last snap of his career.
  18. I hate this argument with a passion. Pros make obvious mistakes all the time. Who here believed that the Argos were better off going with Ray than Trevor Harris? What did the Argos do?
  19. How is a team not even in the playoff hunt signing all of these guys? I just want us to sign ONE impact player.
  20. We definitely can't afford to have both of Denmark and Smith on the field. We need a bigger guy, (such as one of the Argo cuts) playing instead of one of them.
  21. He's so bad. It's comical that people here to this day try to say that Drew Willy is on par with Matt Nichols.
  22. Me too. The seven game winning streak was very impressive, but it remains to be seen if we can sustain our strong play following a loss. I'm hoping its not like our 7-1 start in(2011, yes I know we went to the GC) nor or 5-1 start in 2014. Given the way we played last night, I'm afraid of us reverting back to our level of play from earlier in the season. Next weeks game is HUGE.
  23. I don't disagree there. Matthews or Grymes would be nice. We need a bigger target, the Dressler, Smith, Denmark trio just doesn't do it. It was kind of funny seeing Edmonton line up Walker & Bowman beside each other, while we trot out Dressler & Smith.
  24. Ian wild was no star. He missed tackle after tackle in the first half particularly. John White won that match up easily.
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