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Everything posted by Blueandgold

  1. We left a lot of points on the field with those missed field goals and Bruce missing that pick six. Good teams win ugly games, and that's what we just did.
  2. I can't believe they let him coach for the third time. He's always been an awful coach. It'll be interesting to see where he resurfaces.
  3. That's more indicative to how poorly Willy was playing than anything else.
  4. Calgary getting to play them in their last four games should be nice for them. On the positive side, they might get complacent having no real competition for so long before the West Final.
  5. I have faith in our coaching staff, but with that being said, the changes that sparked our turn around were all forced due to injuries(aside from the massive QB change obviously). We still have to see them make the right decisions in terms of who they keep in the lineup, they've definitely gotten better at it this year but it's still a weak point. I'm very interested in what happens when a guy like Macho says hes good to go.
  6. Not that I think you're making it up, but where did you see that in the story? It sounds interesting.
  7. What ever happened to Jeff Keeping? I thought he was supposed to be back in the line up by now.
  8. They benched Glenn for Cato, and would have to surpass either us or Edmonton. Benching Glenn was Montreal waving the white flag on this season.
  9. I'm sure the Als and Riders have no issues giving up their QB if it helps them long term. A little different for Winnipeg and Edmonton, being in direct competition with the ARgos for a playoff spot.
  10. With Ray injured, I'd like to switch my pick to Hamilton for the Toronto/Hamilton game.
  11. I can't see them sitting a healthy Ryan Smith. He's a good player. But is Mcduffie really better than Denmark? We have Fogg returning punts already, and can easily get someone to return kicks. I'd rather keep Clarence in the lineup myself.
  12. Blah. I don't like the lack of height in our receiving core, but despite his big game I'd still rather see Mcduffie sit than Clarence.
  13. The Riders are a dumpster fire. Does any player aside from Roosevelt look good over there?
  14. That last challenge by Jones was embarrassing. Rider fans will use the refs as a crutch to protect lord Jonsie, but his coaching has been god awful.
  15. I figured that Mayo would stay in the lineup until Darvin was back and that's barring any injuries to our other receivers.
  16. That article by Dunk was awesome. But one question, if we're having these issues with Nichols, how was the Trevor Harris contract structured? I haven't heard a single thing about Ottawa potentially have these issues, but you would think it would be a bigger deal over there considering that Burris and Harris have higher base salaries than Willy and Nichols respectively.
  17. Adams was easily the worst of our receivers. I'm glad to see him go.
  18. The fact that pick six got taken away by the Hail Mary challenge is just wow. Austin got the same tick tack call against the Riders last week as well.
  19. Willy had a subpar O-line, but had great receivers. Nichols has a pretty good O-line, but horrific receivers. These things tend to balance themselves out. How would Nichols do if he was ''afforded assets'' like Weston Dressler, Darvin Adams and Ryan Smith?
  20. I'm thinking a team like Toronto might be willing to give up more for Willy in the off season. I would personally hold onto him through the season unless we get assets plus a solid back up(Glenn) in whatever deal we make. I've been as disgusted by his play as anyone here, but I'd like to see him play again before we give him away.
  21. Richards and JFG have been invisible? Well no kidding they don't see the field..
  22. How many teams in the CFL would go 4-0 without their top 3 receivers? How would Edmonton look if Bowman and Walker both got hurt?
  23. I would say that the delay of game would be an ideal penalties for challenges that are proven wrong, but not for the ones that aren't overturned because the evidence is inconclusive.
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