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Everything posted by Blueandgold

  1. It's progress but it's not enough.
  2. I'm not sure how I feel about the optics of asking a guy to restructure mid season.
  3. Using the word ''useless''for all of them aside from Adams was a tad harsh I agree, but I'm not sure I'd use the term ''good prospects'' either.
  4. I did forget about the good game Mayo had against the Ticats, given our dominance it is difficult to remember everything good that happened . Hey, I would like nothing more than for one of these guys to prove themselves as a consistent contributor but it hasn't happened yet. There's no arguing that recruiting receivers has been one of Walters weak spots, and I personally don't believe any of these guys have shown very much to make me believe otherwise yet. That being said, I would love to be proven wrong.
  5. I'd argue that none of them have shown anything at all really - Mayo had the decent game against Calgary when we got **** kicked. But aside from that? Nothing at all. There's a reason that they all keep coming in and out of the lineup, none of them have really played good enough to deserve a spot. The good news is, once all of our guys are healthy we won't have to play any of them.
  6. Teague got demoted? Wow. I'm surprised he's not back on the active roster if he's healthy.
  7. Sadly it seems like all five of those receivers are just about useless.
  8. I'd take him over Davis/Mayo/Adams for sure, but definitely not over any of our core guys. I guess it depends on the extent of the injury to Darvin Adams, but if Dress & Smith are back soon I don't see the need.
  9. He also had a few outstanding games, and our current starting QB was given to us for peanuts because Franklin was considered to be a superior player.
  10. First of all, I didn't compare Franklin to Harris. Second of all, It's the eye test. Franklin has a lot of supporters in the league and for good reason. He's not a similar player, but he's in the exact same situation Mike Reilly was before he came to Edmonton. By the way, Reilly also threw for under 1000 yards passing before signing in Edmonton.
  11. Letting Harris leave was a mistake and they have to know that, doing it again and passing up on Franklin for the sole purpose of being stubborn would be fallacy.
  12. Those guys are going no where. Funny that Hurl was mentioned though, he is on a decent six figure contract...
  13. I'm not a Willy defender, but he was A LOT better than Nichols last season.
  14. You think an injury prone backup O-lineman is more valuable than a very good back up QB?
  15. Those games are mostly attended by family and friends, you may attract a few more people if you drop the price a little bit, but certainitly not 4x the amount they have which you'll need to make it worth it.
  16. Lots of heresy and speculation in this post. Ray is just about done, the bigger question is whether or not Franklin fits the Milanovich system. Either way, when a good young QB becomes a free agent, unexpected teams will take a seat at the table. Let's not forget when we assumed ZacH Collaros was coming here, due to Winnipeg being the one obvious option.
  17. I don't see why Franklin would go to the Riders if he's offered the same money/opportunity elsewhere. The Argos should also be meintoned as a team potentially interested in him.
  18. I mean if three of our four best players are out our hands are kind of tied. Obviously the receiving core sucks, but hey its sucked for a couple of weeks now and we've still been winning.
  19. Adams is awful. I don't see anything in him myself. I hope he's the first guy benched once one of our injured trio is ready to return.
  20. I kind of like that move. Plus Fogg can keep returning kicks, with McDuffie occasionally spelling him.
  21. Man at least the 2009 team was in the playoff race until the final week of the season. Although I do agree that the 2016 Riders are the biggest gong show the CFL has seen since that team.
  22. It's a nice idea in theory but in actuality...
  23. Who's that? The rookie from last year, Jamel Lyles went back to BC to play juniors.
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