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Everything posted by Blueandgold

  1. If the worst thing that we can say about Nichols is that "he did similar things to Willy" I think we're in significantly better hands already. I can't think of one single aspect where Nichols was actually a downgrade from Drew.
  2. Bond over Neufeld was a big help, I don't think anyone is arguing that. But Nichols tonight, with an average to above average performance was leaps and bounds better than Willy in any single game this season. You're seriously out to lunch if you think we get the same kind of production with Willy starting. Please don't use that Hamilton game as an example for Willy either, we scored 19 points offensively off of 5 turnovers( unless you want to give them credit for Leggetts pick six). Not to mention, on the one touchdown we scored we started with the ball on the Hamilton 30 due to Recovering a kick. I'll give 50% of the credit to the Oline and the other 50% to Nichols for tonight's win.
  3. I said that Willy scored multiple touchdowns against Hamilton, but I realize now that he didn't. So yeah Nichols did something Willy hasn't, scored two offensive touchdowns in a single game. Do you honestly think that we score 30 points tonight with Drew Willy starting?
  4. Medlock put up those points because our offense drove the ball something that Willy wasn't doing. Longest field goal was 42 yards. No doubt that it would've been to have better red zone production, but I was still happy with our offensive performance. I can't say I'm really sure what you're arguing.
  5. No our offense put up two touchdowns, not to mention that all of our points aside from the last FG were on hard earned drives. No starting at the Esks 30 yard line.
  6. Am I the only one who understands the intent of this post? C'mon guys.
  7. Nichols scored more points tonight than Willy has in any single game all season. Willy managed to score multiple touchdowns in a game ONCE all year and that's because of Masoli coughing up the ball like no tomorrow. He's been god awful, aside from Toronto & Montreal, I would take TWO Quarterbacks on every team in the CFL over Willy based strictly on their 2016 performance.
  8. Even with average Quarterbacking(Nichols tonight) we beat Edmonton & Montreal at IGF, but we probably still lose to Calgary. I'd like to see Drew Willy make a defender miss and hit Darvin Adams deep down the field like Nichols did. Seriously, has Willy made a play even similar to that ONCE all year?
  9. Nichols still isn't a very good starting QB - but he's worlds better than Drew Willy this year. Willy looked terrible from the first snap of the pre season. It's laughable that certain posters here have been attempting to absolve Drew Willy of the Bombers struggles.
  10. I'll take in any one of their 5 Canadian O-linemen :).
  11. Morgan is an emergency guy on defense, but I wouldn't giving Jones a shot over Roberts.
  12. I mean you could say that, but this is our 6th game and Johnny Adams has yet to play.
  13. Secondary looks horrific, and I'm not too sure I have much faith in Sheppard and Cole but aside from that it doesn't look bad. If we can't succeed with THREE imports on the O-line? Boy oh boy.
  14. Can we hire a real GM and demote Walters back to being a very expensive AGM again?
  15. I mean Matt Nichols isn't very good so Willy will have an opportunity to re-gain his job. The rest is on him. With that being said, I doubt that he's our 2017 starting QB.
  16. I'm done with this team if we hire someone in realm of Higgins or Taman.
  17. Kamu Peterson. Absolutely terrible for us, goes to Edmonton and is Adarius Bowman lite.
  18. Randle and Leggett are huge. Still no Johnny Adams either?
  19. Okay, but we had all of those players last year and Willy still looked like a good QB. The team around Willy is actually playing significantly better than they did last year, but Willy himself is playing significantly worse. We all know you're the biggest Willy fan there is on this site, but the guy flat out sucks. Is he the only problem? No of course not. But is he the biggest wart? Absolutely.
  20. If a very average QB like Nichols can come in the game and immediately outplay Willy, that really doesn't say anything good to me regarding his future. Willy may in fact rebound as a decent QB in the CFL, but watching him play I'm absolutely convinced that it wont be here.
  21. If we're 1-6, and 0-4 at home he'll be gone after the Ticats beat us.
  22. Willy is playing terribly, but Matt Nichols is not a starting QB in the CFL.
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