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Everything posted by Blueandgold

  1. Lol I don't believe the admins would let someone pretend to be him!
  2. Brazill? Isn't that the guy with a bunch of NFL suspensions who flamed out with the Argos two years ago?
  3. I'd give up a second rounder along with Hurl, Neufeld or Bucknor for him.
  4. It would be really nice to not have a Greg Peach, Kuale or Romby type player this season.
  5. Chris Randle was one of the best DB's in the league pre injury. I just don't understand how a guy like Bucknor could be pushing him for the starting job regardless of passport.
  6. Chris randle isn't coming out of the lineup either. I would lean towards starting a second NI receiver in that scenario. I must say, that it feels really good to have Canadian options for a change.
  7. When all of the games were aired a couple of years ago, TSN was reportedly quite happy with the ratings they got so I really don't understand why that hasn't happened since.
  8. Yeah, this would be the equivalent of Alex Vitt retiring.
  9. There was a lot of talk about Smith wanting to come here before the Riders even hired Chris Jones.
  10. Go read pages 28&29 of the off season thread and get back to me.
  11. They have a few insiders but I don't find either one of them to be particularly knowledgeable about football. It's hilarious the way Stronson praised Taman at this time last year only to see him do a complete 180 and call everything negative a GM does "Taman esque".
  12. Before we signed Ryan Smith, I said that he was far more valuable to the Bombers than Dressler and everyone told me he was mediocre and unproven. Looks like people are having a change of heart.
  13. Honestly, I know it's early and injuries will hit but this roster looks really good. I see very few spots where we don't have at least an adequate starter. If we can recruit a decent American RT, DE and especially a safety we're laughing. I really don't want to see Macho Harris make the team and go through another Kuale, Romby, Shell etc situation.
  14. I honestly can't even remember who our third stringer is at the moment. Willy-Nichols and Cato would be a great trio of Quarterbacks.
  15. As if Montreal wasn't already the biggest gongshow in the league... wow just wow. They've really gone downhill.
  16. A better player than a guy like Lemon, with the right passport and for the same amount of money. What more could we ask for?
  17. It also would've been cool if they showed a little bit about the Bombers calling and picking Alex Vitt about being picked by his hometown team.
  18. Serious question cause I don't know. But is it normal for the president to be on something like this?
  19. That's assuming we use a specialty player as our kick returner. It could just as easily be someone like Veltung who starts at receiver for us.
  20. Kohlert is 100% a lock to be a starter.
  21. I do like the new road jerseys but in an odd way I kind of miss the old school plain road jerseys. Anyways, I'll be buying one of those royal Blues in the next few days. I just have to decide who deserves to be on the jersey!
  22. im not saying these guys can't be quality starters in the future. I'm saying we have no reason to believe they'll be better than replacement level players in 2016. I wouldn't be penciling any of them in for starting jobs this year, one of them is going to have to come out and take it in camp.
  23. This isn't Rider fans guy. We're supposed to be the half way impartial/intelligent fan base that doesn't believe every ham n egger is starting material.
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