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Everything posted by Blueandgold

  1. Giving us back our first might be excessive, but they should definitely trade it for a second.
  2. Garbage call. I hate penalties that don't effect the play whatsoever.
  3. The more I hear about the case the more and more I believe that Patrick Kane is innocent.
  4. If Henoc is playing in the CFL it has to be here no matter the cost or the situation.
  5. I thought Cole was playing well. The decisions we've made on the defensive line this year have been absolutely atrocious.
  6. I would say that we're significantly worse than our record.
  7. I'm handing in my season tickets if I have to suffer with Taman or Higgins as the GM.
  8. People seem to be forgetting that CFL teams basically start 6 DB's and two linebackers.
  9. I like Wild as much as the next guy but come on.
  10. Wild is a very good player and I'm happy to have him back - as long as this doesn't effect our pursuit of Henoc.
  11. This season was lost the second Drew Willy hurt his knee. The only way to give us a fighting chance at this point is for Picard & Bellfool to lose their jobs.
  12. I'm still not a big believer in Ottawa. The process of signing expensive star players every year can't be sustained.
  13. I for one would endorse a return of the ''database''.
  14. What's the one constant we've had over the years? A meddling president and board of directors.
  15. Almost like a guy named Crompton who was 4th on the depth chart and went on to become a 7-1 starter for another team..... what team did he play for before he joined the Als?? Coincidentally because the Esks made a mistake thinking that Nichols was better than Crompton.Nichols is better than Crompton.Not a chance. Definitely. I don't know what you see in Crompton. IMO last season will end up being his greatest accomplishment as a pro. He'll be out of the league by 2017. Every team in the league except Toronto and Calgary would be better with him as their number two QB. Absolutely false. You are wildly overrating Crompton. I'd take him over DeMarco in Ottawa but that's about it. I'd take the chance on an unproven guy like Jeff Matthews in Hamilton before I would go with a mediocre QB like Crompton. He has no future in the CFL. I'm hoping he gets the start this week so we can see exactly what Nichols vs Crompton looks like. Lol what did you think? Crompton wasn't very good actually.. he was very very average, threw for less than 200 yards. He wasn't good. Not the best time to make that comparison. Crompton didn't win the game for the Als and rarely to never does. Yet he was still miles better than Nichols. Nice try though.
  16. Today wasn't MB's fault. Today was on the players. Sure the receivers didn't help but did you watch the play calling. MB doesn't get a mulligan just because the players played like their OC. Utter crap. I thought the play calling was fine today. Problem was the players. The players couldn't execute, made too many mistakes. I do think there's a leadership problem. Watch the game again... bombers biggest gains were on broken plays or second effort by Marshall. Teams are waiting for the Denmark fly and the hitch screen. They know that MB doesn't move the pocket. Keep building the pressure as the game progresses and the bombers will break. agreed. Hitch plays, runs up the middle.. 23 of 48 for Nichols, 48 fn passes. UNREAL. The play calling is so predictable and vanilla. One good half vs the worst D in the league does not save MB's ass. Did you want us to run the ball when we were down 32-3?
  17. Almost like a guy named Crompton who was 4th on the depth chart and went on to become a 7-1 starter for another team..... what team did he play for before he joined the Als?? Coincidentally because the Esks made a mistake thinking that Nichols was better than Crompton.Nichols is better than Crompton.Not a chance. Definitely. I don't know what you see in Crompton. IMO last season will end up being his greatest accomplishment as a pro. He'll be out of the league by 2017. Every team in the league except Toronto and Calgary would be better with him as their number two QB. Absolutely false. You are wildly overrating Crompton. I'd take him over DeMarco in Ottawa but that's about it. I'd take the chance on an unproven guy like Jeff Matthews in Hamilton before I would go with a mediocre QB like Crompton. He has no future in the CFL. I'm hoping he gets the start this week so we can see exactly what Nichols vs Crompton looks like. Lol what did you think?
  18. I thought he was playing decently before that pick. That was one of the worst plays I've ever seen.
  19. Those interviews while a play is going on are just painful. That's the one thing I just want TSN to stop immediately.
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