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Everything posted by Blueandgold

  1. Bombers are playing for a lot today. We lose this game and fall more out of the playoff running, and I think it decreases our chances at signing Henoc.
  2. Aside from the fact that Tate is much much much more talented than Nichols. Although, he is bat **** crazy.
  3. Wait...Henoc Muamba slept with your wife??? LOL!
  4. Willy didn't get any additional money this year with his new contract, just more of it upfront. Ian Wild got cut? I'm surprised that isn't a bigger deal here. It would be nice having him back.
  5. If Brohm plays like John Beck & Brett Smith plays like Tanner Marsh we've got a chance!
  6. We can do worse. We are likely doing worse right now with Brohm/Marve. Who would you propose we get? Bearing in mind that finding someone who's good enough to be a quality backup but not good enough to be a starter is a tricky thing to do. I'm no Glenn fan but he's significantly better than Nichols. I'll take Crompton if he becomes available too.
  7. Gale is a good QB. He's probably better than Matt Nichols honestly.
  8. I'll go with Davis, Nichols isn't ready and he can't possibly be worse than Brohm.
  9. I hope that we have a better backup QB than Matt Nichols next season.
  10. As much as you seem to think otherwise MOS is going nowhere. Learn to accept that Back to back blow out losses from a previously win less team then anything and everything should be on the table.
  11. And at least Bishop was "wildly" entertaining! for good or bad. Anyone remember when he ran into his own OL and knocked himself out? that was awesome! He also made some mind blowing throws! That guy sure could rifle that ball In Calgary! I was at that game live. I couldn't believe it, then in the post game interview Bishop says ''I wasn't knocked out, I was just a little tingly.'' Absolutely hilarious stuff.
  12. Beck & Marsh are just as bad as anything we have. I thought straight outta compton's injury was supposed to be short term? What's the deal with him?
  13. Is Ray healthy? Gale is a good player. Better than anyone we have behind Willy anyways.
  14. Nichols is awful, but at least he'll be an improvement on Marve & Brohm until our schemes and O-line get him injured.
  15. If you recall, Wally wanted our first rounder for the rights to talk to Reilly, when it was already rumored he was going to sign with Edmonton. Reilly has said time and time again that he would've considered signing with the Bombers - Mack just never made a play for him.
  16. Mack had the opportunity to bring in a guy like Mike Reilly and didn't do it. Mack was absolutely terrible and let's not pretend that there was any way that he could've been good.
  17. Yet he's still far better than Brohm. That might be the scariest part about all of this.
  18. Walters gets a lot of free passes and truthfully I blame the state of this team on him even more than O'Shea. He's done his best to upgrade our talent. He can't control who O'Shea starts or doesn't start. If I found out that he had input in keeping Bellfool around then my opinion of Walters would worsen.
  19. I like what Walters has done. I'm not a fan of O'Shea, but I'd be willing to keep Walters around for another coach.
  20. Not all of us...I knew that spending 200K on a mediocre over the hill center was a bad idea from the very beginning.
  21. Marve, Bellfool and our O-line can all share this loss.
  22. Sure, let's talk about Troy Stoudermire in comparison to Justin Veltung.
  23. I could care less about whether or not O'Shea criticized him in the media. What I would've liked to see is Kuale cut, or benched for a game or a quarter or the first series. Something to show that he has to change his behavior.
  24. Would you say that Kuale last year was held accountable for all of his selfish undisciplined penalties? How should I know? I'm not in the locker room. However you've made it clear that you believe the only way to hold a player accountable is to bash them in the media, sit them, or cut them. I disagree. Considering that he continued to make the same mistakes over and over again and kept playing I don't think you can consider him being ''held accountable''. Look at how Bill Belichick runs things. He benched Wes Welker for the first Quarter of a playoff game. That's a coach who demands respect and accountability from his players. The way O'Shea would talk about Kuale I wonder if he was really aware of how poorly he played. That might not make much sense so take it for what it's worth. I think O'shea was well aware of Kuales stupidity and i think he's the type of coach that just won't throw his players under the bus in public.. Sometimes, this forum makes me scratch my head at times and say to myself, guess mike kelly was actually right... Cuz Tim Burke did throw players under the bus and people hated it, O'shea doesn't and people hate it. I dunno, I go back to Paul Maurice with the JETS, said what happens in the room stays in the room, i can make you fn cry in that room, i think O'shea is the same way, I think in that room he could make you fn cry, but outside of it, he's gonna defend those same players. I don't think theres anything wrong with that. Kuale? Well, he's not here anymore so i think that says just about everything we need to know about how the coaches actually viewed him. Kuale took snaps a way from Ian Wild last year.Just think about that for a minute. Words are just that words, you need to take action if you want someone to learn from their mistakes. Kuale shouldn't have even been on the roster. There's a reason he isn't in the league anymore, and there's no way he would've gotten the same leeway on any other team that her received here. Look at Ottawa cutting Brandon McDonald this week for being an idiot on the field, and he's actually a decent player.
  25. Would you say that Kuale last year was held accountable for all of his selfish undisciplined penalties? How should I know? I'm not in the locker room. However you've made it clear that you believe the only way to hold a player accountable is to bash them in the media, sit them, or cut them. I disagree. Considering that he continued to make the same mistakes over and over again and kept playing I don't think you can consider him being ''held accountable''. Look at how Bill Belichick runs things. He benched Wes Welker for the first Quarter of a playoff game. That's a coach who demands respect and accountability from his players.
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