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Everything posted by Blueandgold

  1. He said Marve is injured and didn't practice all week, after Bob Irving said he saw Marve practice all week. Something sounds fishy... He sure looked injured warming up on the bench for the rest of the game after Willy got hurt! What a joke. Maybe they were looking at trading him?
  2. What did he say about playing Brohm and not giving Marve a chance on the post game show?
  3. Agreed, I'm a big fan of Walters, Marve and Willy. O'Shea, Bellfool and Brohm can all hit the road as far as I'm concerned.
  4. He sucks the life out of this team the second he steps on the field.
  5. Matt Nichols is slightly better than Brohm and far worse than Marve. He isn't even in the same stratosphere as Willy.
  6. The Riders are still in the league so that isn't possible .
  7. Cornish has been falling apart for two years now. I'm guessing he hangs it up in a year or two.
  8. Which is such a stupid rule. Yes receivers calling for flags is annoying, but the last thing we need is more flags.
  9. In my opinion we've officially reached a changing of the guard in the CFL, after all the years of Ray, Burris, and to an extent guys like Lulay and Durant ruling the CFL the five best QB's in no particular order are now Cato, Collaros, Willy, Harris and Bovine. It also happens that all these guys are fairly young(Willy & Harris are both 29 by the end of the year) everyone else is 26 or under. But what I want to know is which one of these guys do we consider the best? At the beginning of the year I would have told you Bovine without thinking twice. But he's played poorly in just about every game this season. I find it very difficult to choose him at this stage personally, so my question is, what QB do you pick to lead your team today? I'm actually a big fan of everyone on that list so there's no wrong answer in my mind. But it comes down to two guys for me, Rakeem Cato and Zach Collaros. I know it's been a small body of work, but man Cato has been impressive. He's had the most impressive CFL debut since Casey Printers in 2004 IMO. I'm also a huge Collaros fan but I just see something special in Cato I can't say no to.
  10. I don't see any reason to not go for two at this stage.
  11. Except that isn't the reason the refs are using. They're doing the whole ''immediate recovery'' fiasco from last week in Sask.
  12. If the Refs don't get their **** together soon the CFL is going to be losing a lot of fans this season. The product on the field is trending towards unacceptable and unbearable.
  13. Williams & Price sure aren't playing up to their salaries.
  14. We can't kick ones and two's have been moved up to the three yard line. It's just mind boggling that we refuse to go for twos.
  15. Went to the heart breaking game in Calgary last week and I'll be in Edmonton to see a victory!
  16. The ''day early game day thread'' should be abolished as it provides me with fake excitement. Seriously though, if Neufeld's healthy why not play him at tackle over Tyler?
  17. Cornish failed me last week but I'll go the dice with him again.
  18. At least the Riders are 2-11 since the Banjo Bowl.
  19. Oh it's definitely terrible on Willy's part, but its far worse on O'Shea's in my opinion.
  20. I know it's one game and Stoudimire has been a great returner for us, but I'd be very tempted to stick with Veltung.
  21. How does O'Shea not call a time out there? There is no defense for that. Then go for a long field goal on third and short? Yuck.
  22. Special teams and coaching let us down today.
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