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Everything posted by Blueandgold

  1. I don't think Jones is going to Sask, and if Heenan elects to leave for the money they might not have either one of them.
  2. You vastly overrate Sherman. He's a Winnipeg boy so it'd be nice to see him do well, but his role on a good team should be as a rotational player at best. He just isn't starting material.
  3. So the guys I listed won't 'do whatever is asked of them'? Sorry, but I'll take Derek Jones and Teague Sherman over Tristan Black and Labbe any day. We already have Dan West and Tim Cronk, there's your Labbes... Labbe was a better player than any of those other guys you mentioned.
  4. Zilch. We need a starting left tackle and there aren't many Canadians in the league who can play that position.
  5. Do you not remember how bad our long snapping was when Ian Wild was injured?
  6. I'd much rather bring back Phillip Hunt or Alex Hall than Odell Willis.
  7. 195K?! That's too much for Picard even if the bar for NI salaries is steadily rising.
  8. Name one decent linebacker we brought in last year. Yeah, we're going to have a hell of a time attempting to find two starting linebackers this off season.
  9. If Neufeld starts at guard instead of tackle it'll be very interesting to see what they do with Morley.
  10. Newman went down early .. as did Suber .. But I think the projected secondary was Randle, Washington, Leggett, Suber, Bucknor ... Donovan Alexander was originally supposed to start over Bucknor.
  11. Who starts at guard? Neufeld, Goossen or Morley? I'm guessing that this pushes Morley down to the role of 6th linemen. Not a huge fan of this signing though.
  12. I'm about ready for David Braley to get the hell out of the CFL myself.
  13. Very good signing! Now we just need to bring back Wild and I'll be happy.
  14. K-Groh is just not good enough... Gott or Picard can play guard as well - nothing wrong with an interior of Deane-Gott-Picard, move McMillan to RT, draft more OL Picard will probably cost $130-150k - not sure that breaking the bank on Holmes or Heenan is the right move for Ottawa, they need receivers and DBs Burris may die this year if Picard is one of his Gaurds From excitement! Nope that isn't why...
  15. Lets not sit here and pretend that Rider fans are knowledgeable.
  16. Nope and I don't think he's much(if any) better than Morley at this stage of their respective careers.
  17. Maybe he's looking to add one more big salary receiver?
  18. I don't care where our middle linebacker comes from, as long as he wasn't on our roster last season.
  19. Grey Cup should bring in $10 million in profits for the Bombers plus $5 million in profit like this year as part of regular revenue streams. Bombers will be set on their stadium debt payments for the next three years. Wade must be laughing.We're gonna start seeing Evander Kane type pictures of Wade on Twitter! Wade doing sit-ups with no shirt on and stacks of cash on his stomach! lol This just sounds unpleasant for all.
  20. I'd fire O'Shea and Bellfool immediately if Trestman had any interest in coming here.
  21. I'd like to see him in the starting lineup for 18 games next year.
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