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Everything posted by Blueandgold

  1. Picard's been terrible all year. I bet he plays in Ottawa next year.
  2. I cringe every time I see Reilly take a hit.
  3. They probably don't want to bring in Goltz cold off the bench. It makes sense.
  4. Nichols, Goltz or Reilly on one leg? Not exactly your ideal trio.
  5. They do have a love affair for Pat White, but hes absolutely awful. They should've kept Crompton as number three.
  6. I wonder if Edmonton regrets cutting Crompton? They actually have a shot of upsetting Calgary with Crompton at QB instead of Nichols.
  7. I love seeing the Riders get dismantled as much as anyone, but I'd prefer to watch a good football game at this point in the season.
  8. Edmonton is having some ratio issues. Paris Jackson & Cauchy Muamba getting meaningful playing time in a playoff game. Yikes.
  9. All Nichols needs to do is protect the ball and the Esks win. It's a shame that Bowman dropped the one nice ball he threw.
  10. Classic Bowman. Those plays happen far too often and that's why he has no business being MOP.
  11. Who else would they go to? They have no choice but to stick with Crompton. But, I don't see him doing nearly as well without Carter and potentially Green. He's still the worst starting QB in the league aside from maybe Glenn & Burris.Exactly. Which is why I assume they'd try to upgrade. Guys like Nichols, Tate and Brohm come to mind. Would any one of those guys be an upgrade over Crompton though? It seems like a lateral move at best. But, they should still try to bring in one of them as the number two who can push Crompton if they don't have any confidence in Tanner Marsh. There's no way they can go into next season with Alex Brink as the back up QB.
  12. Who else would they go to? They have no choice but to stick with Crompton. But, I don't see him doing nearly as well without Carter and potentially Green. He's still the worst starting QB in the league aside from maybe Glenn & Burris.
  13. Unlikely. Signed a contract extension through 2016 in June. As a fan of a Western team I hope that you're correct. BC has been regressing since he's taken over and they don't have another QB aside from Glenn on their roster. I love it.
  14. Yup. I'm happy with O'Shea, Montreal can keep Higgins.
  15. Why not? He's one of the best short yardage QB's I've seen. If you've got a good starter, then having Goltz on your team to do short yardage is a no brainer. Isn't Goltz basically taking the place of Pat White, the Eskies short yardage rushing QB that is hurt right now? Makes perfect sense to me. The only difference in Goltz & White is the color of their skin. Aside from that, they're almost identical players.
  16. Kind of fits considering how crappy this entire year has been. Crompton vs Glenn isn't much better either.
  17. I don't care how good Bowman's stats are, he most definitely doesn't deserve to be MOP. He still leaves almost as many plays on the field as he makes.
  18. So Mike, tell me... If he is fired who will hire him as a DC? Please fill me in. Be interested in your take. ... what's your point? That he's the worst Defensive Coordinator in the league and we can clearly do better.
  19. Semi Finals BC 17 Montreal 14 Sask 24 Edmonton 17 Division Finals Calgary 31 Sask 24 Hamilton 28 BC 14 Grey Cup Calgary 28 Hamilton 21
  20. If Lulay's not ready to play at full speed & is completely healthy then what's the point? Might as well dress the nobody third stringer. Even if he's completely healthy he's barely played all season and would be rusty as all hell, so that's why you wouldn't start him, but if he's healed why wouldn't you put him as a backup in case you need him? That shoulder.... No way it stands up to any kind of hits. What a way to treat your franchise qb. Benevides worrying about the short term & not the long one. Franchise QB? Lulay has somewhere between one and three games left in a Lions uniform.
  21. As fans we don't deserve to have to suffer through Nichols & Joseph in a playoff game.
  22. Not sure that either of them is a big upgrade on Demarco, and I'm personally not a DeMarco fan.
  23. Glenn starts regardless of Lulay's health. Now, if Glenn is struggling and Lulay is healthy then you might try to bring in Lulay off the bench.
  24. The realistic situation would've been Burris to Winnipeg, Willy to BC and Glenn stays in Ottawa.
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