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The Unknown Poster

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Everything posted by The Unknown Poster

  1. Government should fire the head of the LC over this. Its absurd. They blamed the media for making things worse when the LC did nothing to try and stop the escalating robberies and violence. Easy solution on day one was to increase security (and review their contract because they seem to be using the lower end minimum wage guards). Add additional guards (in the video there appears to be ONE guard and if that's the case, its ridiculous...regular robberies occurring and they allow a guard to work alone??). Hire premium security with experience in dealing with these scenarios, well versed in self defence, their legal rights and conflict resolution, equipped to do their jobs (vests, cuffs, radios with panic buttons, gloves, mag lights etc), support to do their job (none of this "no intervening" BS). One day one, they could have required photo ID to enter with a video system to record the ID like at numerous bars. Within a short period of time, they could have retrofitted stores to include a secure locked foyer where ID is scanned before being allowed into the locked inner store. If not already the case, include numerous HD cameras, visible to everyone inside & outside, with large, clear signage indicating their presence. You could have outdoor security as well, in marked vehicles doing vehicle and foot patrols (never alone, at least in pairs). This could potentially be cost shared with other stores in the complex. Basically, hire any bar manager to run the security and all these things would have been done within 30 days of the problem being identified.
  2. This dude knows where all the bodies are buried. Should probably be in protective custody!
  3. Trump getting hammered again today. How does Rick Perry get out of this? He should be testifying too.
  4. This dude is an idiot. His defense is not that the call didn’t happen, but that no one could over hear it? Hahahaha what a dumbass
  5. Government should be ashamed And so should that one security guard.
  6. Keep in mind none of this is really new info. They’re shocked because they can’t believe Sondland told the truth.
  7. that’s nuts. When they hired him he was going to be the guy that brought a cup to Toronto. He was a genius then
  8. Interesting. Probably Barr trying to discredit him. Whistle blower literally doesn’t matter now at all.
  9. Yup. Reports coming that Pompeo is looking to quit.
  10. If they lose ken Starr they can lose anyone!
  11. The resignations should include Trump, Pence, Mulvaney, Pompeo & Perry. Its really unbelievable. This has to be the craziest thing in American political history, that many people of that power being implicated in a bribery scheme.
  12. Someone get ready at Walter Reed, Trump's coming for another "physical"! lol GOP is going to lower themselves to saying "yes, he did it. Yes it was wrong. But let voters decide."
  13. This isn't about you. You're the one who is projecting your own experiences, which you acknowledge are not the majority, to minimize blackface. I find your experiences interesting as part of the larger discussion but JT was not a small town kid who never saw minorities. He was a 29 year old teacher, well versed in drama (where he'd know the history of blackface), son of a PM, very well educated. There was no excuse then, is no excuse now. And has nothing to do with Don Cherry anyway. I know some Cons are mad that it seems JT got away with something Cherry didn't. The difference is, Cherry had a boss who decided to fire him (Rogers) and JT had a boss who didn't (voters).
  14. Guy who made a career being offensive gets turfed for being offensive. Shocking.
  15. The point is, it was common knowledge at the time that blackface was offensive.
  16. And right about now, Pence is telling Senator's "hey, I know Im implicated too, but when Trump goes down, its either me or Nancy." Trump saying the same thing! Seriously, if there is any remaining soul in the GOP, they want to boot Trump ASAP so they can run a real ticket in 2020. Their fear, ofcourse, is Trump takes everyone down with him (creates a "Trump" party and runs anyway). Although, Trump might be too busy with criminal trials by then. Perhaps Haley's recent smoke blowing is more about a Pence/Haley ticket then replacing Pence in Trump's ticket.
  17. Also implicated Pompeo. If this was any other president (and party) he’d resign by the weekend.
  18. They might just impeach Pence too I’ve said before that Pence is sort of trumps leverage because even if senators turn on him they won’t let both the President and VP go and elevate Pelosi to the White House. But I wonder if the gop would conspire with trump to throw pence under the bus. Ie they acknowledge wrong doing so they sacrifice Pence to save trump and get someone they like more as VP (Haley??).
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