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The Unknown Poster

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Everything posted by The Unknown Poster

  1. Whoops, not Stonewall. Its Stony Mountain. And the burger joint is called The Summit.
  2. Havent been to Market, but comparing Burgers at these places: Montanas Earls Joeys Boston Pizza Moxies Joey's a nose a head of Moxies. Both very good burgers.
  3. I will have to try Rae & Jerry's again as the ONE time I went there I was unimpressed. The bread was atrocious. maybe I just dont know my breads but I could have used them as billy clubs they were so hard (someone told me they were for dipping in soup...?) Used to be a regular Santa Lucia customer and I still like them but I wouldnt say their the best pizza (for me, ofcourse if you ask 100 people for best pizza, you'll get at least 20 replies). For chain pizza, I like Tony's on pembina and Papa Johns. Hate to admit it but I've been into Pizza Hut again lately too. But like I said Four Points on Pembina has great pizza. For steak, Ill compare Keg, Chop, Tony Romas, Hy's, Round Table...Keg wins. Chop used to be awesome (and I do like their Steak Bites) but their quality has dropped. And whats with nowhere having a good Blue Cheese (or gorgonzola) steak? Chop used to have their's stuffed with Gorgonzola, now its a weak, barely-there "sauce". Rounce Table's isnt much better, though overall their food is great but for value, Keg is still the best.
  4. What was the controversy last season involving Bob Irving? I cant remember...but I recall being amused. Wasn't it that Lawless broke a story and Irving went on a rant or something? I remember someone calling into H&L to ask Gary what he thought of Irving's whining and Gary was very gracious.
  5. Neurologist thing seems like a red herring to me. Why not also ask for surgical theatres in the locker room. Surely the trainers are trained in how to assess concussion symptoms. Just seems like something someone said in a conversation "and why dont we have brain doctors at the games?" Yeah yeah, great idea. I mean who cares? Have cardiologists too well you're at it. I guess if the NFL has them some people in the CFL think they need them too.
  6. Unburger was shut down for "renovations" (ie. they were closed due to health code violations). Reopening as NuBurger was there way of distancing themselves from the gross online reports I believe. I still havent tried it though I have heard good things. Market burger was all the rage when it opened but I havent been there yet either. Buddy has been out to a burger join in Stonewall that he raves about but I cant remember the name. Best burger I have had is Johnny's on Marion. As for OJ's, I like it but conversation?? Not a chance. Much too loud. I do enjoy Joey's though. This might sound strange but the Four Points on Pembina HWY has a great pizza.
  7. If its me I'd say "oh Im just enjoying the sun for a few minutes, is there a reason I need to move" and if the reason was silly, then I'd be mad. I was there last summer as part of my job and they didnt seem to care where people were sitting. But I didnt try to sit in the end zones. but now I sort of want to...
  8. I was going to post about my specific experience but figured this thread, like many others, would expand into related or unrelated areas so lets be more general. Discuss good and bad experiences around Winnipeg restaurants. I went to Kawaii Crepe for the third time last night. And while I love the crepes, the service is horrendous. First time I went about a month ago, to the Osborne location. It was pretty busy and it took a long time to make our order. Because it was busy I assumed that was the reason (though they werent firing all the crepe grills, or whatever you call them). Second time, we went to the St Mary's location. Pretty busy and again took quite a long time. But they finished my crepe and let it sit on the counter getting cold while they made my gf's. Keep in mind, these were ordered together. The only difference being that my gf's was a vegan crepe. Third time, last night, my order was completed very quickly but they didnt even start my gf's for about ten minutes after I got mine. What angered me was there was a lot of employees (it wasn't busy) and three of them were chit chatting about something non-work related while one girl manned the grilles. When a buddy I was texting with asked me what was on my crepe, I snapped a pic of the menu board and was then snapped at my one of the employees that "taking pictures of the menu is not allowed". lol Two thumbs up for the Crepes. Two thumbs down for the service. On an unrelated note, Tony Roma's (pembina location) was abysmal the last three times I went. Over-cooked, bland food. Service was fine but food, not so much.
  9. Atlanta hurt Burmi a lot. I remember there being an issue during the lockout when the Jets wanted Burmi to play for the Caps and he had an offer to play for the KHL. He eventually chose to do as management instructed and went to the Caps. But I wonder if that soured him a little. In other words, he did what was asked and then didnt get "his chance". Personally I think it came down to Burmi being immature as you say and not wanting to do as he was told. But he's young and I think he will be back in 2015.
  10. I guess one could suppose that should Judy win, with the NDP on their way out, we might get a significant number of goodies from the province as they appeal to Judy supporters to also vote NDP.
  11. The argument against term limits is that if people dont like it, they can vote for someone else. We know in thoery it doesnt work that way. Its a double edged sword because sometimes you have someone good that you dont want forced out. But usually people over-stay their welcomes. Thing about Judy is, I agreed with some of what she was saying "in principle" and Sammy did to by how he embraced her ideas after he won. She probably is the leading candidate and will have a lot of money and support. I still have a feeling about Paula that she will be the front runner. The last thing this city needs is a socialist Mayor especially with the provincial NDP on their last legs.
  12. Hutch and Montoya combo! I keep seeing this and I have to say that is pie-in-the-sky thinking. Its "hope for the beast" because Montoya has never proven he can be the #1 guy. Jets fans are such that if Montoya has one awesome game they are ready to annoint him the starter. To me, Pavs is on the team next year. Period. Unless he's moved via trade. Jets arent going to buy him out. Rumour has it Chevy has told people he intends to fix the goaltending "from within". So if Pavs is here, the question is what do you do with the number 2 spot? Hutch is certainly making a case for an opportunity to be the #2 guy and even making a case that he could push Pavs for the starting job. But you dont throw a guy with his level of experience to the wolves without a safety net. My question is, has Hutch done enough to earn Chevy's confidence to be the #2 guy? Because if they re-sign Montoya, Hutch is spending most of the season in St John's.
  13. True. Thats sort of why I wondered if there was a deal to be had with LA where we can avoid a bidding war. Richards is, what, $5.6m? We paid Jokinen $4m to be a 3rd line centre. If LA retained $2m in salary per year and we gave them a 3rd round pick plus maybe Burmi's rights, does that get it done and is it worth it? Id love to see Richards here. Even if he's bought out, we might have a chance at him with his local connections. He's the type of player that could be the difference between just missing the playoffs and just making the playoffs.
  14. If you believe the rumours then no he isn't trade bait and LA is considering buying him out. So LA can spend money to lose him for nothing or take an asset we can't use while sending Richards to a team he wants to go to (if in fact he does). No need for sarcasm.
  15. Oh wait you were serious... Let me laugh even harder. If the Kings want out from Richards contract they'll find a taker and I'd be shocked if it wasn't a better return than having to retain salary to pick up a KHL player. Point being if LA wants to buy him out. Obvi
  16. 40% of the time, the players will strike 98% of the time.
  17. How about Burmi for Mike Richards? Maybe LA retains some salary (bringing Richards' salary closer to Jokinen's). There are rumours LA might be interested in buying him out which would make him an idea 3C for the Jets but then you're competing with everyone else. A trade solves that problem. He'd be an instant upgrade at 3C with potential to step into top six in case of injury, improves the PK, brings a mean streak and has won. In Burmi, LA gets a young talent who wont be available until next season but will still be young and talented and could fit into their style of play.
  18. Voting for a strike to give your leadership ammunition to negotiate with is a lot different than actually striking and missing game cheques. For all we know, the feeling was "look, if we have to strike, we'll miss a week of training camp and the owners will cave". When its real money, we shall see.
  19. I find this virtually impossible to believe. It means that either membership is very informed and very united and very trusting of their leadership or it means the only people that bothered to vote are the hardliners. Which I find easier to believe. Show me the percentage who returned their votes. Side question, was this snail mail voting? This is an issue I have with my current union. They actually argued this week with members who inquired as to why we cannot have communication via email. Everything is done on paper, memos, snail mail. You're certainly relying on the hardliners when you go with snail mail. But I have a theory that unions dont want to update because they dont want to make it easy for the people that arent blindly pro union to have a say.
  20. I don't understand the point of not letting the members vote, along with withholding information from members. It would be pretty ridiculous to take job action when the sides are speaking the same language with a gap in money, without taking the offer to the membership. Either they accept and it's over, or they vote it down and now you have a mandate for job action. In the end, the PA executive is representing the players. The fact that they are taking strike votes before taking any offer to membership just shows how they've lost sight of their purpose. The point is (and this is certainly true in my workplace), you have X amount of highly informed hardlined pro-union members. Then you likely have a majority that dont care either way. And maybe you have a few that are either Anti-union and will vote against anything or you have a few that are so hardlined against management that they will vote down any offer even if its fair. Union leadership's position would be that they were elected to their positions with a mandate to achieve certain objectives. And there would be meetings and fact-finding efforts prior and during negotiations to deep what is important to membership. And again, you likely have a miniority of members that respond or take part but they are the ones that give leadership their mandate. And if that mandate is to achieve X amount of raises, X amount of bonuses etc, then leadership wont bring an offfer to members until it is close to that. if they do, you might have that uninterested majority that now say 'f this, lets just accept it' and they niether took part in the process, provided a mandate etc etc, but they end up deciding on the contract. So to an extent I get that. I certainly dont get the idea of a union witholding information (like mine did), especially when its pertaining to an offer that we *are* voting on. Whether Im a hardline union guy or disinterested from the beginning, my vote counts just as much so witholding information doesnt serve a purpose at this stage. In teh case of the CFL, if Im a PA member, Im likely considering demanding an option to vote. The reason being, the CFL's offer is fair. It might not be as fair as the players want, but it's not offensive in any way. If the remaining option is miss games, then I'd want to vote on this deal because even if I have to hold my nose to cast my vote, its better then missing games. The PA's argument would be they already got a strike mandate so they dont need to vote.
  21. How dare fans come on a message forum and discuss issues pertaining to the football team. Shame on us.
  22. Sixty percent of the time the players are united every time.
  23. They need some backchannel guys to get the CFL to "compromise", save face and move on. The CFL's deal was fair. Take it. I understand the point of not letting your members vote but maybe its time. On a side note, my local just completed negotiations and I attended the vote where things got heated. It was actually a good deal which tells you the feeling amongst many members if there was heated arguments over a "good" deal. But one of the sticking points was that when the Union announced they had a deal in principle, they refused to tell members what the deal was (there was only 3-5 key points outstanding) in advance of the vote. They actually opened voting before any presentations were made as to what we were voting on. Several people, myself included, took the opportunity to ask why the information was witheld from us and after initially brushing us off, one Union leader said his experience is, if they release the info and its a good deal, people dont bother voting because they assume it will pass and if the vocal minority dont like it, they come out in droves and vote down a good deal. I think that logic is ludicrous. But it shows in CBA nogotiations its not just a matter of letting members choose their deal. its politics. Its "leading" the members to the "right" deal. Etc. Its all rather silly in my opinion.
  24. So Flory thinks the players will accept a worse offer? Because thats whats going to happen if the players strike and cause games to be missed. Unless Flory thinks 8 "owners" who dont need the money are more likely to fracture than hundreds of players who do. Those players have to realise, if they miss two games, those cheques are gone forever (unless the CFL somehow squeezes those games into the schedule). Even if you get a compromised deal, how many of those players will be around long enough that it was worth it to miss two game cheques? I think Flory showed his hand by not striking already. The iron was hot, the media was focused, the CFL had made the last offer and took a take it or leave it approach. Flory talked tough...and then nothing but another offer. I think, unless he's got a great poker face, he's shown his hand - the strike vote wasnt overwhelming enough that he feels comfortable in calling for action. They might walk out united, but how many come back?
  25. I know there was a little "talk" a few years ago about bringing Marty Gold into the fold. He actually filled in on the Night Hawk for a week or two and I thought he filt in well while being different enough to be interesting. Im not sure he'd fit into their corporate culture long term but Marty's show on RRCC radio was pulling drive home listeners away from CJOB. In the end, I think they changed program directors and ended up just pulling strings to have Marty's show shanked (not that Im blaming CJOB for that as I dont think they were directly involved - I cant remember off the top of my head, but there were station GM's from other radio stations on the BOD that vouted to oust Marty's show). I used to be an avid CJOB listener. I like to get information while Im driving around. Im far more a TSN1290 guy now. Most of what I hear on CJOB I can get online and I dont have to sit through more commercials than content to do so. CJOB isnt unique, interesting or the must-listen information station anymore. When 1290 went after them years ago with Gerald Fast and John Collinson, I started listening to them a lot. Ill never forget Collison getting suspected for repeatedly saying "do you want to suck my ****" on his show at 3PM (or so) because he was angry about kids being in the theatre to watch "54".
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