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The Unknown Poster

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Everything posted by The Unknown Poster

  1. They exist on the local forums too. But not as many and easier to moderate. :-)
  2. Either way, how many people were racing to the table to put up the money? Thats a good deal for the Bombers if they get a $350,000 press box in exchange for advertising. A very good deal in deed. its clear Asper loves this team. Regardless of whatever, he's the type of guy I like having around because he bleeds blue & gold.
  3. Oh for sure. HF Boards will always be the busiest. But sometimes a local forum is more interesting just due to having local fans. i find HF a bit over-whelming. I did most of my Jets talk and most of my current event type talk over at the Jets forum so I now I need a new outlet...lol
  4. Any thought to having a Jets & NHL specific forum here? I know most NHL fans post at HF boards but there isnt a good "local" forum. The one I used to post out really slipped downhill in the past year and finally unceremoniously banned me for being a trouble maker after I took exception to one of the mods' anti-gay stance (and after being warned by the admin not to "test" him, I pretty much told him he was a joke). A lot of intelligent and mature sports fans here. Anyone want to talk hockey?
  5. Something Lawless mentioned while discussing this on H&L yesterday was the Press Box. Obviously, it needs to be upgraded and they are doing so at a cost of $350,000. David Asper is footing the bill. It was origionally going to be a sponsorship deal with his new hotel (I believe the one at P&M) but since they are not proceeding with that project, he is simply paying for the construction. Lawless said "adding it to his corporate suite bill". Alot of anti-Asper rhetoric out there and while I understand some of it (and dont intend to start an Asper debate) no one can say David isn't a very, very good friend to the Winnipeg Blue Bombers. Good for him.
  6. I think I mentioned Johnny's on Marion but if I didn't allow me to second the motion. Fantastic tasty burger.
  7. Im pretty sure the "anti-climate change" or "oil sand supporters" never falsified their data like the climate change people have. The worst thing, regardless of truth or what side your on, is when celebrities get involved. Im sure there are some well-informed celebrities that legitimately want to use their fame for good. But so many are just plain ignorant and get far more attention then they should. Who was the anti oil sands idiot, Neil Young? Like come on... Or Sean Penn openly supporting Saddam Huessein, Like get a grip buddy.
  8. Far be it from me to defend the climate change looney's (ah that aint nice) but I think their point is yes, the earth has cooled and warmed on its own in the past but that man is making it even worse now. But even if that is true, whats the worst that can happen? We end up just as warm as we would but quicker?
  9. I always thought it was terribly cowardly when Buchko sent Jim Bell to make the media rounds with the news that the stadium would be delayed a season after he vowed it would open on time. Thats when my really soured on the guy.
  10. But ultimately no matter what we do the Earth will get very warm and the earth will get very cold. There will be future ice ages. I remember in the late 70's and early 80's the scientists all said we were at the start of a new ice age that was coming slowly. Now its HEAT.
  11. I dont know... without going and looking things up Im under the impression the earth is capable of sustaining even more people and that forecasts show the population leveling off and beginning to decline in a few years. The issue is the haves vs have nots I think moreso than general over population.
  12. Hmmmmmm...I really want to engage this debate but I just dont feel up to citing sources or getting info to support my positions. But I will say, I think humanity has impacted climate but that the earth is perfectly capable of absorbing our impact. There are climate change scientists are far too determined to prove their work is true at all costs. Even if the science doesnt support their position they will find something, anything, to hang their hat on. There was that incident in the UK where scientists had falsified their data. Things are complicated by the fact the solar system seems to be entering a natural warming phase and Im pretty sure man isnt causing the climate on Mars to change (if only we could). The doom and gloomers who talk about a future with melted polar ice caps fail to mention that in Earth's history it has been both fully frozen and fully melted and will be both again in our future. As an aside, "climate change" is a better word because "Global Warming" doesnt accurately describe things. A rapid warming triggers cooling etc. And causes havok with the weather. I read a great fictional account of this called The Coming Global Superstorm. Similarly the later movie The Day After Tomorrow is along the same vein.
  13. This other forum in question, I was one of the first people there. One of the top posters. But they have one mod who is a devout homophobe and the administrator takes the stance that "we should respect each others' opinions" (same opinion of a couple of their posters too). In most cases I would agree. Being anti-gay, not a chance. So I was deemed "disrespectful to the mods" because I wouldnt accept this guy's anti-gay rhetoric. Then I started a thread about fighting in the NHL and while I made many great points, a few guys would come in with "But I like fighting ! YEah!" and derail it. And somehow I became the "bitter" one. Then while everyone was talking about how Kane is a cancer in the Jets' dressing room, I alluded to the "Concussion Rumour" from last season, which I even acknowledged probably wouldnt be allowed to remain up. But instead of a "yeah dont post that" I get a message from the Admin burying me and telling me not to "test him". So I replied saying hey take it easy man. And got banned. lol The best part was the people who had PM'ed me before the banning to say they posted less because the mods were over-moderating and the content of the board was becoming more and more idiotic. So they ban a top poster. Thats going to make their board a lot more active. Oh well. It will eventually dry up like OB did if they treat their posters that way.
  14. You know what grinds my gears? When you post at a forum for a long time and run afoul of the admin who acts like a **** just because it's "his" forum. Glad MBB is a much mlre exciting place to be then some others (and I don't mean OB).
  15. Yes, there definitely is much more families at Grand Beach now. Probably for various reasons such as no booze in the park, Surf Club closing and a lot of people I know go to oasis for the day (which is a poor replacement for Grand Beach but its close). When I was up there for Sept long weekend, you had to dodge the kids walking up to the Sand Bar in the dark. Doris's, the long time convenience store at Grand Marais is for sale. That place has to be a cash cow. I'd love to buy it.
  16. Garth arrogantly vowed the stadium would open on time. It came across as a guy swaggering to the media who has no clue the reality of the situation. He showed a lot of ego and arrogance. There were a few of us who proclaimed him vastly under qualified for the gig when he got it and sadly we were right. It was like hiring Reinbold. I don't like that he ran and hid when the crap finally hit the fan. It just showed he wasn't right for the job. But he seems perfect for the job at CjoB. So good for him.
  17. Im a long time Grand Marais'er. My buddy's family have had cottages there dating back many decades. I remember we'd drive up there when we were 16, 17 and not get there til 11PM and everything would be open up and down the strip. Its not that its dying off per se. In fact, if you drive around Grand Marais and Grand Beach you'd see A LOT of cottach builds and renovations. It seems the older folks have died off and their kids are now hitting retirement or close to retirement age. What we all equate it to is the very strong desire of the residents for Grand Marais to be a sleepy little town. Where as 20 years ago, you had a lot of teen-30 year olds, those people are all older, family, getting close to retirement. For example, they no longer dredge the channel. before, they used to dredge it so you could lower your boat and other water craft into the lagoon and drive out onto the lake. You cant anymore. They dont want fast water craft on the lake. They let the Surf Club die and its being torn down. Instead of putting in a hotel and restaurant/lounge which would be great over looking the beach, its going to be a playground and picnic area. They are putting in a clinic and expanding the retirement home. Appealing to the older demos. They have planned for years and years to put in a marina but I doubt it will ever happen. Young people with big boats have to buy up at Victoria Beach. Its sad really. Its amazing they even spent money to rebuild the boardwalk when it was destroyed but at least they did spend the money. And at least the consessions were open at the Beach last year. There were years where there was no concessions. Potenza Pizza is the "young" spot at Grand Marais. Pizza, bar, live music til late (and even then, he was forced to turn down the music because people complained...on Friday and Saturday nights. Theres another good restaurant on the Strip but the couple who own it only open when they feel like it and rarely on busy days. I managed to catch it open once and the food was great was super slow. The guy cooking could only cook one thing at a time. Its just a hobby business. The main bar as you drive in has VLT's and actually has good food in the restaurant too. It's usually hopping on the big weekends. The young people go there. I may be wrong but I seem to be getting a bit of a mixed message from you that while you like things slow, you'd like to see some kind of development going on at Grand Marais. Sounds like the decision to not dredge the channel was the NDP's decision & you'd like to see a hotel & bar like the one that closed down out there as well. We know that while the demographics of the town has grown older, it'll turn over once again as the older folks pass away or sell their properties to others. So, in 10 years, I'd expect to see a younger demographic again.Back in the 80's when they opened up the Surf Club, like you said there was talk of developing the village & the lagoon area. It sounded quite exciting. But since then, Manitoba's had successive NDP governments & they are not business friendly as we know. I'm sure that also the residents had a big say in stopping any development in Grand Marais as well. Like you said, being older they like quiet. Not parties or rowdyism. I have to say that it was sad to see the town looking kinda run down on the main drag with businesses closed down. There's a lot of potential there that might happen someday when Grand Marais is younger again. I'm not so sure about the demos turning over. All the party kids from 20 years ago are the ones making the decisions now and they want quiet. The people who want water sports get cottages at the whiteshell. I think it's a jewel that the government ignores. An amazing beach but they kowtow to the local residents. It could be a massive tourist attraction for Manitoba (and Winnipeg). I'd love to see a lodge style hotel at the surf club location with restaurant and lounge. Something that could actually be open all year die to winter sports and ice fishing. Attract business to have retreats etc there. You don't have to make it a rowdy bar spot but a good classy place. I realise that people bought cottages nearby and don't want music and people wandering around til 2am. But back in the day it never bothered us to have people up late on fri and sat. It was kind of nice to have some life. I always tell people of you're in the market for a cottage out there don't buy in the park anyway. Buy in Grand marais.
  18. The bar in grand marais as you drive in. I think it's called the Sand Box but I always remember it as Mike Mercury's. It has vlt's, a restaurant, bar, patio, vender etc
  19. Im a long time Grand Marais'er. My buddy's family have had cottages there dating back many decades. I remember we'd drive up there when we were 16, 17 and not get there til 11PM and everything would be open up and down the strip. Its not that its dying off per se. In fact, if you drive around Grand Marais and Grand Beach you'd see A LOT of cottach builds and renovations. It seems the older folks have died off and their kids are now hitting retirement or close to retirement age. What we all equate it to is the very strong desire of the residents for Grand Marais to be a sleepy little town. Where as 20 years ago, you had a lot of teen-30 year olds, those people are all older, family, getting close to retirement. For example, they no longer dredge the channel. before, they used to dredge it so you could lower your boat and other water craft into the lagoon and drive out onto the lake. You cant anymore. They dont want fast water craft on the lake. They let the Surf Club die and its being torn down. Instead of putting in a hotel and restaurant/lounge which would be great over looking the beach, its going to be a playground and picnic area. They are putting in a clinic and expanding the retirement home. Appealing to the older demos. They have planned for years and years to put in a marina but I doubt it will ever happen. Young people with big boats have to buy up at Victoria Beach. Its sad really. Its amazing they even spent money to rebuild the boardwalk when it was destroyed but at least they did spend the money. And at least the consessions were open at the Beach last year. There were years where there was no concessions. Potenza Pizza is the "young" spot at Grand Marais. Pizza, bar, live music til late (and even then, he was forced to turn down the music because people complained...on Friday and Saturday nights. Theres another good restaurant on the Strip but the couple who own it only open when they feel like it and rarely on busy days. I managed to catch it open once and the food was great was super slow. The guy cooking could only cook one thing at a time. Its just a hobby business. The main bar as you drive in has VLT's and actually has good food in the restaurant too. It's usually hopping on the big weekends. The young people go there.
  20. Never liked Panago. I love Pizza Hut particularly because its greasy and cheesy. I also have a love for Gondola. Their thin crust is great but I could eat a whole one. Very good though. Santa Lucia is good. Their garlic cheese toast is the best, by far. And beer in a bottle is ten times better than beer in a can.
  21. I heard Dominoes changed their recipe or something? I havent been there in a long time. Pizza Hut has made efforts to improve their reputation. There was a time when they were terrible, no toppings etc. But they are better and they had a $12 pizza deal for a long time.
  22. I've had Mr Bones a few times as the GF likes their vegan pizza. Im in St Norbert and Mr Bones is on mcPhillips so its a long haul and once the pizza gets cold its not nearly as good. But they have their own unique flavour to the sauce and I dont mind them. The staff are always exceptionally friendly.
  23. I'm trying to eliminate fast food. But looking at that Carl Jr's menu, man I want one of those
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