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The Unknown Poster

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Everything posted by The Unknown Poster

  1. Yup. So looks like he's a 24 year old Canadian with upside and a three year contract. Anyone who thinks this is a bad trade is nuts Next up, Muamba.
  2. What's the story on nuefeld? Is he a starting Canadian I linemen? Is he good? If hall didn't want to be here then good. Get a Canadian for him. If he's made it clear he intends to try the NFL next season he's a rental for Saskatchewan so his value is diminished.
  3. Someone better get in front of the media soon and take the beating. In the grand scheme of things it means nothing but it shows courage and accountability. If I'm Miller and Walters I'm calling a press conference for Monday morning for the media to ask whatever they want.
  4. I guess this was a week that Burke didn't help Creehan with the d. Terrible.
  5. Rattling of makes of terrible choices proves nothing.
  6. I haven't finished watching the game but have seen some tweets about checking out, not trying etc Is it the lack of talent at this point or so these payers just not care anymore? I said it last week and I'll say it again: this team talks about accountability amongst the players. Where is the accountability amongst the management? Someone has to be fired. Period.
  7. It only helps Calgary if they told them which half of he play book they cut.
  8. Every other team in the CFL knows he's a pending UFA who won't resign here (at least not before next summer). His value is only as great as what he can do for the interested team.
  9. Hall's value is in being the type of player Sask might want when they believe they have a very real shot at a Cup. They *need* to be playing in that game. So there is what Hall is actually worth and there is what he is worth to a team that might be put over the top by getting him. I think we can fleece Taman a bit.
  10. You think they'd give up a first rounder and a later round for a pending UFA with NFL aspirations?
  11. If a respected former player like Wade Miller doesnt instill some sense that things will be different, what more can you do
  12. Regardless of why he won't sign here now, trade him. If Sask is desperate and will over-pay for a rental, do it. Do it all day long. We need to set the table for next year.
  13. In retrospect we maybe should have kept Garret. I wonder if Simpson even comes back at this point.
  14. Packers are certainly different than the Bombers. Seems like more of a gimmick to me and Im not sure it would generate a ton of cash. The last thing Winnipeg needs is Bombers' fans who think they are even more empowered because of the one $10 share they own. And I agree that the term limit is both good and bad. Can a board member be re-upped via vote? If you have a good board member, I would want to keep them. In theory the current situation should work because the Province and City (who appoint members) should be very vested in ther success of the team. I also agree that a good CEO is the important part of this. Selinger just likes the word accountability. He certainly doesn't practice it in reality though. The recent spat with Osborne House being just the latest example. Also, what does Buck have to do with this at all?
  15. Saw this on the other board. Apparently Madani was on the radio saying Sask is hot for Alex Hall who has declined two contract offers from the Bombers.
  16. I think that's lame. How much have we paid already? Now we're going to pay even more for a worthless piece of paper and the right to vote from a pre selected bunch of hand picked board members? Anyone who falls for that is an idiot.
  17. I think the structure is fairly decent. Where the board went wrong was in wanting to reduce the power of the CEO (Lyle). From that point on it was all down hill. Let's hope Miller can make better decisions.
  18. Good points rebus rankin I think the answer to 1 is yes. Even the government acknowledged this to a degree by their willingness to turn over the team to private ownership. I'd like to see some creative solution to answering the team debt. If the government assumes the debt and maintains de facto ownership of the stadium but sells the team how much can they generate to off set the $80 million or so? Would a ticket surcharge be enough to cover the rest of the debt? If you take away the $80 million or $90 million - whatever it is - this team is likely very attractive to private ownership. The revenue they can generate yearly is significant enough. Id suspect under that model Asper would write a cheque tomorrow. I'd still love to know if True North has any interest.
  19. Unfortunately the bombers can't be helped by a few VLTs. The location prohibits private development in the area. Private ownership makes sense except for the debt load which would have to be forgiven. Maybe Selinger is looking for a gig after he loses the next election. Fans choosing board members makes sense on paper but fans are often the least likely people to make good decisions about sports teams. Most fans have never played pro sports or run big business and feel their passion make them qualified. Let's not go down that route.
  20. This premier is a joke. Look for more acts of so called accountability as his arrogant party shuffles towards defeat. What a jerk.
  21. Could the Argo's make a "deal" with Ottawa not to take Ray if they re-sign Collaros and leave RR unprotected?
  22. The completion of the Rapid Transit corridor to a dedicated transit station on the Golf Course is a must. Once that is complete, it should be a tremendous experience getting to and from Stadium events. Hopefully they include some enhanced landscaping/park space at that location too. Walking through that area coming up behind IGF is a great view of the building. Would be wonderful park, gathering, tailgating space.
  23. I'd be thrilled to get Burris next season provided we have a significant prospect behind him. Spend two years transitioning to the young option behind am exceptionally talented veteran QB. But all bets are off if we dont improve the O-line significantly.
  24. Transit isn't a fad. The rapid transit to u of m will help with the station on the golf corse land. If the city hadn't kowtowed to the University Heights residents it would have helped too.
  25. Yes timing was bad. He's the first QB in how long that shows an ability to actually move the ball. All QB's throw int's. It happens. I assumed they'd go into the half and Burke and Marcel would sit Hall down and calm him down and come back with him. It just made little sense to me to throw in the towel that soon.
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