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The Unknown Poster

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Everything posted by The Unknown Poster

  1. You're essentially arguing: 1) if the jury wont convict today, no point in having a trial (and actually they're just at the investigation stage so a better argument is, if the jury wont convict today, no reason to call the cops at all) 2) the investigation is not credible because the GOP doesnt support it, ignoring the majority of the House who did (satisfying the constitutional requirement). Why does the GOP position matter but the Dem position doesnt? 3) The process is actually more fair to Trump than in past impeachment inquiries You're not even debating that Trump is guilty, you're arguing he should get off in spite of the evidence against him.
  2. Cause members of both parties sit on the committees. That’s bipartisan. And it’s only the beginning, not the end. Who knows if any GOP will vote against trump. You want to bury it before that even has a chance to happen just like you dismiss the mueller report which showed collusion between trump and Russia, crimes and put many in jail. Nothing to see right? why discuss an issue when absolutely nothing will ever be enough to convince you? When the facts don’t matter why bother ?
  3. They weren’t. They followed the rules. The committees are bipartisan. Not every Tom, **** & Harry is allowed into a SCIF whenever they want.
  4. This is simply not true. The investigative committee’s have both Dems and GOP on them. Both sides get to question witnesses. It’s how it’s always done in the early stages.
  5. Secret testimonies? The "secret testimonies" that include GOP members? Whistleblower who's account has been confirmed by multiple witnesses including the Chief of Staff and the "transcript" released by the WH? "Rules changed"...rules created by the GOP? You have to be in serious denial to be pro-Trump at this point.
  6. You're probably right, but the deal is a pain.
  7. Other reports are an issue with the plane. Edit: word is 20 people, 12 of whom are talent, were able to fly out. The rest are back in their hotel. Brock has flown in on his own jet (and picked up Hogan & Flair who had flight issues in Iceland) so not sure if he counts among that. They certainly have enough talent to do SD tonight but it’s not an ideal situation.
  8. No love For Crown Jewel? What a burial of Cain. Fury was pretty good though. Loved his entrance. Seth/bray = meh. Never ending tag gauntlet = snooze. Historic women’s match = lol Plus:
  9. Havent had a chance to start watching Watchmen yet, whats everyone thinking about it? I wasnt really that interested until I read its a sequel to the comic story and not a re-telling. Sounds really interesting. I LOVED the film (one of the best movies of all time in my humble opinion). Anyone watch The Deuce? It had its series finale this past Monday. The series only went 3 seasons and had a large drop in viewers every season. It originally replaced Vinyl as HBO's New York period drama. I loved Vinyl and think it was more interesting than the Deuce. Deuce was really well acted and looked beautiful but I found it a bit convoluted...a lot of storylines & characters. It also drove me nuts with its sound mix that had the dialogue somewhat lost in the background noise. But this season was really good (probably because they had to finish everything up) with some surprising deaths. Great finale that ended with a time jump to present day Times Square.
  10. Bell Canada will be the Canadian home of HBO Max Streaming Service series' (Green Lantern series in the works).
  11. To be fair, that was Chipman's position when the Jets first came back when the feeling was the Jets would have to be a budget team to succeed. They've been profitable every year and never took revenue sharing dollars (they pay into it, in fact). Even if the Jets only broke even, their the engine that drives the Chipman family empire so I think they're fine paying upwards of the cap now. I think that would change if the Jets had a few years where they were really bad...they wouldnt want to be pay to the cap if they were bad. This year, even if its a step back, they are close to the cap because they're a talented team.
  12. Yeah they'd have to look at a trade and I dont see them trading for a top 4 D. Maybe at the deadline if a team is out of it and the Jets aren't doing too poorly. Hamonic would be the only one I could see really and Calgary might as soon keep him. The tough part for Jets was not being able to shop the free agency market in the summer.
  13. Jets have to be happy he’s going to the Moose rather than Finland. edit:
  14. The surgery frees up cap space. Four months of recovery so now jets know buff isn’t coming back til at least March. Gives them a lot of space if they want to make a deal for a D man.
  15. Didnt several players get homes in Waverly West? Kane had a condo on...Wellington? Ladd was living in Towes condo on Snow (I think its Snow, behind Victoria Hsp).
  16. Well, he has school age kids, right? So either they're here for school or they arent. If he sold his house, one would presume he's not planning on living here (at least short term if he's building something new). He *was* here (we know from the Earls pics). The spin seems to be this surgery means he's not coming back this year OR it means he's fixing an injury so he *can* potentially come back this year.
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