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The Unknown Poster

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Everything posted by The Unknown Poster

  1. Bushiroad is New Japan. Stardom is an all women’s promotion. WWE has a presser scheduled this week too. Apparently to announce the formation of NXT Japan. Word is they tried to big NOAH but were turned down and may be working with a smaller group called Big Japan.
  2. Not really in the sense of dramatic stuff. But really good sports-centric organic angles. Spirit of competition.
  3. AEW was really really good tonight.
  4. Is this real? This can’t be real
  5. Im speaking more of competitive matches and angles on TV where traditionally tv was used to sell live events and PPV They both ripped off ECW. And Bisch certainly was a great salesman but I wouldn’t downplay his contributions. I’d they were so simple then wwe wouldn’t have been near bankruptcy. Bisch’s luck in landing Hogan and Savage and Flair is Vince deciding those guys were no longer useful. He was wrong. Eric took a gamble and was correct. Part of his problem was being committed to them beyond their best before dates.
  6. I’m a Bischoff fan and always liked him. Watching him on the Rise and fall of WCW documentary talk about how he broke all the rules of wrestling when he went to war with wwe was inspiring to me in a way. Without him you really have to wonder what wrestling looks like today. Would the late 90’s boom ever happened? Wwe was legitimately struggling financially. Without that boom what would have happened? Surely they don’t go public and become a billion dollar company. The nWo was Bischoffs idea (taken from a similar angle he saw in Japan). Running head to head with raw was his idea. Putting big stats and collective matches on tv was his idea. Edgier angles was his idea. Signing the best Japanese and Mexican wrestlers was his idea. Signing smaller athletic guys was his idea. on the flip side, he never used that talent effectively. He never had an idea outside of the nWo. He gave too much power to top stars. He let the budget run away. He started the decline in wcw though Turner execs hiring Russo was the final nail. Bischoff produced several reality tv shows with partner Jason Hervey so he wasn’t just a wrestling guy. But those dried up. He successfully convinced Dixie Carter to put him in charge of TNA at a time when she had a choice between Paul Heyman and Eric. Spike TV execs liked Eric a lot, way more than Dixie and supposedly Eric made positive changes to how tna was operated behind the scenes. I always believed Eric’s goal was to scoop spike for himself. when he was in wwe he has no corporate or creative responsibilities. Just talent and as an on screen role he was very very good. One of the best ever in my opinion. He was well liked and has no ego. He has a notoriously poor memory so his telling of stories is almost always inaccurate. His career as a podcaster was hindered by this and his disdain for Meltzer & Alvarez but it’s because they tell the stories accurately and he can’t remember. Funny enough Eric uses to be a Meltzer source. so does he have talent? On screen I think he’s brilliant. That role isn’t needed right now though if I were wwe is probably find a way to use him that way. He’s far better than Steph and Shane. He was pretty gifted in the 90’s and early 2000’s as a corporate schmooozer. But it seems that has passed him by. word is Fox didn’t like him. And in WWE you have to be available 24/7 (seriously Vince would sometimes have creative meetings at 3am and you had to be available) and there was talk that Eric would sometimes disappear and they wouldn’t be able to get a hold of him. He’s had financial issues lately (what did he blow his millions on) so the wwe gig was a big deal to him. It was a VP level position so it was big bucks and big stock options. Hopefully he got a big severance. Always rumours of that. He was a regular at the Atlanta Gold Club which was eventually raided. And testified to picking up strippers and watching them sleep with his wife. Eric lived large.
  7. Gross I guess it’s an honour to be invited to the White House...
  8. Be interesting to hear the details. It was a surprise when it happened but the belief was Vince felt Eric would put stockholders and network execs at ease given his past accomplishments. And those stockholders and executives wouldn’t be savvy enough to know Eric (who I really like) was basically a one trick pony who had numerous failures since nWo and was very out of touch with modern wrestling. it was widely assumed Eric would be the fall guy for when SD inevitably under performed. But two weeks is way sooner than anyone predicted. as I recall, it was Prichard who convinced Vince to hire Eric in the first place. Prichard returned to wwe in February to consult on creative. So now he’s over seeing creative for SD, something that Eric really wasn’t going to do.
  9. And as for shady phone calls, what the heck was said on that call with Turkey that lead to trump allowing the invasion in the first place.
  10. I think a point of critical mass will occur with many more people coming forward. But trump has done a good job of vilifying people and the GOP has not shown a propensity to support or protect them. It must be very frightening to consider being a whistleblower in that environment where the president will publicly attack you and put your safety in jeopardy. have to assume Bolton will be a guest of the House at some point.
  11. Smart of Singh as many liberals want to vote liberals because they hate the cons more than they dislike racism and other crap by JT. But the NDP is a viable option if they feel it’s not helping the cons win. also if it happens, it raises the profile of Singh and presents the NDP as a legitimate option for government.
  12. Why is Lowry being subjected to carrying lestestu and bourque
  13. i don’t believe for one second they the security threat was made up. Although I do question why media is reporting steps taken to protect the PM. but the absolutely hysteria among some liberal supporters is astounding. Blaming the conservatives for JT getting threatened. Weren’t that upset about blackface though were they? i don’t like a Scheer but the liberal hypocrisy almost makes me want to vote for him.
  14. Saw Joker. No spoilers. But...it was brilliant. Easily a best film of the year contender. cant compare Phoenix and Heath Ledger as the roles are so different but Phoenix also deserves an Oscar. Incredible performance. I went in thinking it would be a tough one but brilliantly written and directed (and acted). I wondered if they’d fit it into the Batman mythology somehow without it being either too connected or totally unconnected. Again, brilliant.
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