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The Unknown Poster

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Everything posted by The Unknown Poster

  1. keep in mind that the DOJ blocked any effort by Mueller to indict trump by saying you cannot indict a sitting president in part because the constitutional remedy to a criminal president is impeachment. Now they’re suggesting impeachment isn’t allowed either. Trump is walking right into a trap. If the crime doesn’t get him, the cover up (and obstruction) will. Mr tough guys is so clearly terrified of this and it’s reflecting a clear consciousness of guilt.
  2. So the defense here is “Congress shouldn’t get the materials because it would incriminate the president”.
  3. Trumps wild teeeting continues. His defence seems to be that he can commit crimes because other people have too. Weird defence. Anyway, perhaps Mitt is the hero we never knew we needed.
  4. That Lana/Lashley/RUsev vignette was one of the worst things ever. Whomever produced that should be canned.
  5. Speaking of the classy Dershowitz I bet the GOP is wishing they hadnt impeached Clinton if they’re looking for a standard of impeachable conduct...
  6. When they decided to impeach Clinton, they set a low bar. They have to live with it. Especially since public opinion is on the Dems side. Its sort of the OJ effect too. If you're a criminal but you get away with it, that isnt permission to keep on committing crimes. Its a freebie. Dont blow it...cause if you do, they're going to make you pay for all your sins, past & present.
  7. https://www.addictionhope.com/blog/pseudoephedrine-abuse-the-signs-and-symptoms/
  8. I wonder if JT's reluctance to remove members has anything to do with the rumours about his own conduct (not to mention the blackface scandal which hasnt been much of a scandal since so many liberal supporters dont seem to think there is anything wrong with it). Talked to a media buddy of mine and he thinks the rumour of JT's reason for leaving a teaching gig mid semester are true and will hit the mainstream soon. (reports are out there).
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