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The Unknown Poster

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Everything posted by The Unknown Poster

  1. Also Double or Nothing is on the Saturday.
  2. I could see Greyworm dying in a battle to protect Dany. The easy way to take her out is Jon (since he's alone with her a lot) or Arya (wearing a face). But they gave us easy deaths of Cersei and Jamie that werent overly satisfactory so if Dany is to go, it should be more satisfying. But Im not even convinced she will. I think Martin saying people shouldnt expect a happy ending is a bit of a red herring. It would be pretty shitty to invest all this time for a "everyone dies" ending or "bad guy ends up winning." I can see Jon dying too...I think the obvious happy outcome of him being King wont happen. And Arya will go off alone. Sansa leading a coalition of leaders might happen. Democracy comes to Westeros!
  3. Good lord if people are actively questioning whether we should have an issue with Nazi's....yikes. I guess it explains the objection to calling a large chunk of Trump's supporters white nationalists. Whats that expression about protesting too much? Explains a lot. Many very fine people to go around I guess...
  4. Its really getting ridiculous. The 2% trying to derail the thread (ie. get it locked) while the 98% just want a place to talk about the historically crazy US political landscape. As if there isnt plenty of news to discuss lately... Since I would never want to be accused of going off-topic, I see that Captain Economy has managed to sink the stock market today.
  5. You really think I totally understood your point and wasted my time asking you to clarify? Thats tin foil hate stuff. I asked because I didnt understand (I know, I know, difficult to believe I dont always understand everything lol) and I was legitimately curious about the point you were trying to make. If someone was luke warm on Trump, why wouldnt they vote for him? Thats not really the same thing as being anti-Hilary. Often times people vote for their party over the candidate. Again, Im not sure what your point was....were you trying to argue that Hilary ran a bad campaign or was not universally loved? I mean, sure. So? She was far more popular than Trump.
  6. I know right? "But but but Hilary" is so over-used.
  7. Truth Czar is going to have to put in for OT. But Ill play along because I dont think you have earned to right to insult and belittle people and maliciously obscure narratives. You brought up free speech. I CLEARLY (and repeatedly) explained that I dont think people should be able to blatantly post falsehoods as if they are facts. Its akin to arguing that Laine sucks because he's only 5'6" and cant score. No one would put up with that repeatedly. But, to be fair, when you dont understand a post I make, you are welcome to politely ask for clarification. As for the rest of the quote, again, you belittle and insult which really exposes that even you think your position is weak sauce.
  8. Math isn’t some people’s strong suit
  9. She won the popular vote. Lol just because you wish it wasn’t true doesn’t make it so.
  10. Can you stop with the insults and trolling? Calling people stupid and disgusting is such a weak effort. If you cant do better, dont bother. Dragging this thread down to the muck isnt fair to the 98% of people who are taking part responsibly. Also, only 5 elections had winners lose the popular vote so I'd say you're also wrong about that. And unless you want to pretend the facts of the Russian interference are untrue, the popular vote difference never meant more than it did in 2016. But again, you're changing the narrative of a discussion you pushed...that Hilary was wildly unpopular. She wasnt. Thats a fact.
  11. They seem to run out of time. But it also could be a conscious decision to save big deaths til the end. Pacing wise it might have made more sense to deal with Jamie, Hound, Mountain etc a few episodes ago...spread them out. But as we get to the end, a lot of happening very fast, I dont hate the Cersei/Jamie death but its not ideal. Jamie is my favorite character so I wanted a more redemptive end for him. I thought he'd kill Cersei and be totally emotionally devastated to have had to do it. I guess he led her to her death in inadvertently. And Cersie sobbing like a child is sort of an insulting way to go that she deserves but its not nearly satisfying enough. It really should have been Arya or Jamie that took her out. Maybe she'll crawl out of the rubble next week.
  12. Why are you so obtuse on this? Why is it the people that have a nasty narrative to spread that seem to both hide behind free speech and fail to understand the basic concept of consequences? Again, you chose to change the narrative rather then support the actual content of the discussion. No one said disagreeing is hate speech. Only you. Absurd.
  13. Very true. Unfortunately, voting doesnt require an intelligence test. The 2016 election will be long studied and taught in classes for decades to come. If I recall, Hilary actually captured similar numbers to Obama. I think the idea of her being unpopular was largely a media thing. Plus the Sander's vocal minority. Its important for Dems to not shoot themselves in the foot with a nasty primary though. I think the people who voted for Trump due to dislike of Hilary could also be said to have voted for Trump because of his celebrity. But all in all, no campaign is perfect. But Hilary won the popular vote by a wide margin and had to contend with Russian interference. The Comey debacle sunk her most directly. Trump was toast after the Grab Em video (though that seems so tame now). Comey sunk Hilary.
  14. Truth Czar says "nope, you can spout the white nationalist talking points all you want to but ignoring facts is just willful ignorance". Unless you have some inside sources to indicate she didn't win the popular vote.
  15. Dont be so obtuse. Freedom of speech doesnt work that way. I guarantee if there was a discussion in the Jets thread about Laine, for example, and the same person kept stating clearly false facts about him, he'd be told to knock it off. You've been very very aggressive in attacking views you disagree with so you can wrap yourself in the flag of free speech but its wholly disingenuous. Imagine that!
  16. I’m actually glad they had the balls to go there. Plus Arya is a much more “earned” female hero. I sort of expect the series to end with Sansa in power (maybe not queen, but the seven kingdoms having their own autonomy). Jon probably dies, sacrificing himself to take out dany (seems Arya would be the one to kill her though). Tyrion lives only to be taken out by Bronn (or we get a scene of bronn living the good life at high garden ).
  17. It’s way down the list of reasons though but my reply to mark stated that I didn’t get his point. She won the popular vote by a pretty wide margin. While some people do vote based on celebrity, ihikary was widely popular. She was cheated. And I’m a long time conservative and I can agree with basically all the intelligence and maw enforcement agencies in the us that point to Russian interference (!bot to mention the big helping hand from rudy’s Buddies in the FBI)
  18. Lol! Do you have any further insight or just sarcasm? I mean, aren’t we way beyond debating how trump won? Lol
  19. Nope. She went off to visit another community.
  20. Thought we were ranked 18th but that’s for prospects. We have a ton of youth that aren’t prospects.
  21. Great episode. I really don’t know where the negativity comes from. Dany has hinted at this for awhile. Maybe because I just watched the entire series but it makes sense on the bigger picture.
  22. It probably isn’t hate speech. But it wouldn’t be hard to ban with a by law. We wouldn’t let people have flags with the N word on them would we? Bravo to the brave soul who took care of it himself
  23. Oh please. Its silly to compare the opinions of Americans we know. It makes no difference. I don’t know what you’re point is. Are you saying trumps base is not white nationalists? Are you saying he won because people hated Hilary? Are you comparing voting for trump on 2016 to what we know of him now? Trump didn’t win due to anti Hilary sentiment.
  24. Difficult to understand why it’s allowed to be honest.
  25. The alt right ladies and gentlemen. It Literally doesn’t matter that he was found to collude with Russia and break numerous laws. All the racist rhetoric isn’t even on the list for them. Well I guess it is but it’s under the “pro” side not the con.
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