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The Unknown Poster

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Everything posted by The Unknown Poster

  1. More on this story Isn’t this what these clowns accused the Dems of doing (even though it wasn’t true)? Looking for dirt on biden’s Son sounds like....a witch hunt. We know where the investigation began. With trumps staff bragging about Russia offering help. Maybe trump sent rudy out of the country hoping he’d get lost on the way back
  2. I think Kennedy was surprised to learn The last Jedi was as bad as it was. Rian just doesnt have the story telling chops to work on Star Wars, even if his trilogy would be wholly original. Im much more interested in the GoT's guys' trilogy.
  3. New matrix film in the works. And Rian johnson’s Star Wars trilogy rumoured to be cancelled.
  4. but the usual suspects will come here to defend trump or complain about Hilary. Or maybe Biden’s son! Lol
  5. Scheif will do alright on his next deal. He isn’t going hungry
  6. His nicknames are getting worse. Has he suffered a stroke? Although I do enjoy the irony of calling Biden creepy when trump has 20+ credible allegations of serious sexual assault/harassment. I think he should totally make sex crimes a key election issue!
  7. At least their collusion with foreign governments to win elections is more out in the open this time. Lol
  8. Won’t be long before he just admits he’s a Russian agent (probably unwittingly) and campaigns as such
  9. If Lucas had made a change like that, we could all get behind it. That was better than most of the prequel trilogy saber battles too (which were too cartoony, many of them).
  10. It’s mostly cause Bret buried him. So some people parrot that. But ironically Bret was accused of being formulaic as well. Although for longevity it’s probably not a bad idea to sort of phone it in on house shows. But some guys are known for busting their ass on house shows too. By 92 when Flair went to wwe he was still great but a lot of people seeing him then for the first time missed his real prime. Still the best rumble ever though
  11. Here’s another one for people who don’t understand to lol at (hahaha)
  12. If you're a younger fan or a WWE-centric fan (Im not sure Goalie's age but he seems to be a WWE fan), many of those people see Flair as over-rated because his best days were late 70's into late 80s. He got a bit formulaic in the 90's though there was still instances when he was the best thing going, even into the 90's. Even in late 90's in WCW, he was a big ratings draw. His house show feud with Savage revitalized house shows in WCW. Bret Hart said he thought Flair was over-rated because he basically had his formula and stuck to it. On the other hand Steamboat talks about them having their best matches on random house shows (and their televised matches were considered some of the best of all time). My opinion is, he's the greatest performer of all time, which doesnt mean he's the greatest in-ring worker but he was among the greatest in his prime. But even when he was old, he still connected emotionally in a way few guys did (his RAW match with Hunter where literally everyone wanted him to win the World title., even his stuff in TNA). But when you combine everything, he was the greatest. And he was still good in the ring at an advanced age. Lots of guys were more athletic or more spectacular that no one talks about because thats all they were.
  13. There was actually some concern that networks might have cooled off in the last few weeks with WWE's ratings tanking. But AEW reportedly had two networks very interested. One was said to be more money and the other higher visibility. I'd assume Turner is the high visibility one. Its really hard to say what willbe a good rating. Basically, if they draw more than whatever programming they replace in that time slot, its a success. But the X factor is streaming and DVR numbers because sports are more valuable than other programming. I think if they can end up with a million viewers, its a big success. I bet they start off quite a bit lower but can grow. Can't underestimate power of Jericho and Omega. Id assume they want Ambrose. WWE is being super protective too obviously, not wanting to let anyone go. TNA got over 1 million consistently on SPIKE...big success. But WWE is so soft right now. Im not sure anyone can predict. Certainly the Elite guys have shown to be bigger draws than a regular WWE card but its also less availability (less house shows etc). Its really exciting though. I think the Khan's are in it for the long haul. Hopefully a 3 year TV deal at least, to prove themselves. With WWE's ratings, to get the money they're getting from NBC and FOX, AEW is in a good position to capitalize as long as they dont flop and I cant see that happening.
  14. The RAW writer fired was the "home" lead writer which is the team that stays in Stamford and doesnt travel. Dave Kapoor, the lead writer for SD, didnt like him and one of them had to go. Kappor felt Callahan took it too personally when changes were made to this scripts. Angle is training to be an agent. Saudi Arabia looks to be Goldberg vs Lashley.
  15. The biggest loser. Well,. the truth is becoming really clear. It matters not what the reality is, the rational right has been co-opted by the alt right and they support their guy no matter how stupid or racist or wrong or dangerous he is.
  16. True. They only love the constitution when it works in their favour. Which is why the second amendment supporters are generally pretty dumb. Its not really about the constitution. Its about their desire to have guns combined with their mental instability in terms of thinking they have to be ready to take down the government. Its absurd. Its as if the Constitution was found on stones in ancient caves and worshiped, unchanged, for millions of years. Its been changed many times. Suggesting the solution is counselling for victims is just a distraction technique. Who was arguing against counselling? You can see whats going on, criticism towards Dems for making a public case about gun control ("politicizing victims") rather then quietly support counselling. Thats absurd. Gun control has to be political because its a political issue and only when enough people have had enough will things change.
  17. Speculation the streaming component would be B/R live. TNT would likely be Wednesday. TBS would be Tuesday I believe. They’ve flipped back and forth on that. Should be official before the up fronts which is May 15. The UK deal to so the PPV is really good too and potential for that to air the tv which would be better then WWE’s UK deal (in terms of exposure not money). He interesting to hear the money aspect. Khan said he expected to be profitable based on deals they were negotiating. AEW partnering with Turner is basically the worst thing for WWE but likely very good for fans. Probably good for wwe too in terms of competition making everyone better. Very exciting. Should be more info next week and certainly in Vegas.
  18. True. But that’s a political thing. The gun nuts are nuts. The politicians are in bed with gun lobby. Reasonable people don’t want guns.
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