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The Unknown Poster

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Everything posted by The Unknown Poster

  1. Funny, I didnt. But I find it interesting you took it that way. If you call people names, you cant also complain about being called names. Even though I didnt at all. lol
  2. Oh here we go. Someone doesnt agree with KBF so they are automatically a bully, silly and nonsense. lol
  3. Silliness. Yeah right. So so gross.
  4. Like really, are people so blinded by their irrational love of the alt right that they are looking for ways to criticise Dems for wanting gun control? Thats as gross a position as it gets here. I thought the "veiled" racism was bad..... good grief.
  5. Oh please. Any criticism of Dems for "wanting to take away guns" when the GOP would rather have dead kids than gun control is absurd. If anyone is using kids as pawns to push an anti-gun narrative, so what? You think people dont care about dead kids? What, the Dems have some sort of benefit to wanting gun control? Yeah, its called not wanting people to needlessly die. Talk about barking up the wrong tree. "Those Dems are mean, they dont care about kids at all. We care about kids though...dead klds!" Would be hilarious if not so sad. What a joke.
  6. And perhaps the best of all time, Ric Flair.
  7. Its actually hilarious when the white national trump supporters complain about this. Its like saying "sure, our guy is a serial killer, but you got a speeding ticket, so conspiracy!". Like Carter Page was a victim or something. Trump and his cronies are so awash in Russian collusion, its almost easier to believe its all BS then to believe they're that guilty. Its kinda like OJ Simpson. He was such a terrible killer and left so much evidence, his lawyers could say "no one can be this stupid, it has to be a set up." Nope, they're that stupid.
  8. If the gop wasn’t beholden to the NRA, students wouldnt be pawns. It’s a national shame how the right would rather have dead kids than gun control.
  9. Bret spoke with conviction even when delivering bad lines. Very good promo. I didnt watch a lot of WCW but a good example would be his debut where he had to over turn the Hogan/Sting match and even though Hogan screwed Sting, making Bret's actions absurd, his delivery was fine. He wasnt Hogan or Austin or Rock but hardly anyone is. His El Dandy line was hilarious. Even Bret admits he was better when he had something to say as opposed to nothing. In WCW, he had a lot of nothing. But again, the Goldberg angle was a great example. I didnt think HBK had very good delivery. He was okay but I think people equate his in-ring charisma with charisma on the mic and it wasnt true. I wouldnt say he was bad, just not that good.
  10. Lol the GOP funded oppo research that led to the confirmed steel dossier. Okay. Its like looking for an undotted “I” in the midst of a criminal investigation with overwhelming evidence to pretend like your guy didn’t do it. Haha
  11. Old news but resurfaced this week
  12. Austin was a great promo. Michaels was okay. Bret was way better. Who carried whom in 97?
  13. Terrible on the mic? Haha did you even watch wrestling?
  14. Yeah the back tracking is hilarious and certainly lightens the mood! i wonder what the admin thinks of the senate now.
  15. I like that Junior is considering pleading the fifth. He’s admitting he’s a criminal. What a week. This admin is more corrupt then we ever thought.
  16. Its just a regular Wednesday. How was Hilary's day?
  17. He's going to look pretty stupid for refusing to release them. Its all about "what is he hiding" now.
  18. People playing devil's advocate or expressing a reasonable argument would be great. I've done that a few times. But the people who think they do that, actually dont. Most, not all, are not doing that at all. Its just rage posting in defense of the indefensible.
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