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The Unknown Poster

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Everything posted by The Unknown Poster

  1. We know Trump's thinking on this because of his allegations against Obama. Distraction, distraction, distraction. Worse, creating a real dark-skinned boogeyman for his base to rail against.
  2. lol yeah imagine wondering why its a "bash trump" thread. The guy sure doesnt deserve criticism. Can we please talk about Obama and Hilary? Why would we talk about Trump? yeeeesh
  3. Yeah, everything non-wrestling failed. Although his wife did end up a member of Trump's cabinet so thats something. Its a bit strange because Vince isnt a young man anymore...its really a legacy thing. Being willing to lose upwards of half a billion on a proof-of-concept is mind boggling. Even if he proves it and in three years, the networks are willing to pay for football..it would take years for him to recoup his investment. WWE has never revealed the succession plan for Vince but now Alpha would need one too if they want investments from networks etc. If Vince dropped dead tomorrow, then what?
  4. The AAF guy didnt really put $250 million into it though. That was smoke & mirrors. He bought in because he wanted some gambling software the AAF owned. He then went to the networks and tried to re-negotiate the deal to get them to pay more and they wouldnt. I cant sy for sure, but I'd suspect the $350 million Vince already put into Alpha will keep it going for at least two years. And Vince has access to more money if he needs it.
  5. There are a few people that, whenever something negative is posted here about Trump, they seem to go bonkers and need to try to change the discussion to something else,. usually about Hilary or the Dems. Its really quite remarkable. lol
  6. Probably has three years before being re-examined. Vince put in enough money for that period of time. Unless ratings are so horrific the networks back out after a year.
  7. He’s hoping his Supreme Court judges have his back.
  8. He’d have done better to take the money his dad gave him and just invest it. He’s clearly a failure on every aspect of his life.
  9. I suppose If its all fake he could prove it by releasing his tax returns.
  10. Hahahaha. It’s totally reasonable and understandable. But also fake. Haha
  11. There is probably nothing to see here and how dare you look anyway.
  12. The attempt to hinder congress is really shocking. Fine, trump wants to restrain them but the GOP going along with this sets a precedent they will come back to haunt them eventually.
  13. It’s funny to make fun of the idiot but he stiffed a lot of people. And there are real questions about a guy who kept getting funding and help and live large after all those losses. How could that be? Can you say money laundering?
  14. Wow...Trump's a bigger loser than I thought.
  15. I wonder why the so-called (ie Fake) Christian like Falwell would embrace trump... oh Exclusive: Trump fixer Cohen says he helped Falwell handle racy photos WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Months before evangelical leader Jerry Falwell Jr.’s game-changing presidential endorsement of Donald Trump in 2016, Falwell asked Trump fixer Michael Cohen for a personal favor, Cohen said in a recorded conversation reviewed by Reuters. Falwell, president of Liberty University, one of the world’s largest Christian universities, said someone had come into possession of what Cohen described as racy “personal” photographs
  16. I suppose the strategy is to embolden his base by making it appear the Dems are attacking him unfairly. More importantly, he has to hide because he cant let all the evidence come out. If the Dems impeach, does it turn moderates against them or does a Senate letting Trump off embolden the moderates?
  17. Nooooo. Bret was a way better promo. Its a weird myth that Bret wasnt a good promo. He was very good. Owen was decent when he turned heel though. But he'll forever be known for the "I kicked your leg out of your leg" line...lol
  18. That’s true. I didn’t consider impact. Although I hear Callis makes a ton, I wouldn’t think they’d pay agents a lot but you never know.
  19. Rhyno claims he is leaving WWE in July and turned down a WWE offer worth double his current contract. I think he should have taken it!
  20. Nothing wrong with father/daughter affection. Unless you’ve proclaimed your desire to date her and called her a piece of ass...changes everything.
  21. Well in their defense Bret wasnt much at the time...he was talented but only went to WWE because Stu made the deal to sell Stampede. But you raise a good point about guys doing more for themselves then the "writers" and how the culture has changed a lot. I cant remember which of Bret, Jim or Jimmy made the Hart Foundation suggestion (I just saw it discussed recently but cant recall). But they had to come up with their own idea or they'd have been screwed. And at the time, Jim was considered the better of the two...lol Daniel Bryan had his balls cut off when he came back and was sinking...his heel turn was his idea and he pushed hard for it and had enough stroke to make it happen. Meanwhile, the Revival try to push their own ideas and look at them. Vince is in panic mode now..should be fun to watch at least. USA and FOX are not happy.
  22. I dont know about that. Although some guys claim he was better then Bret but as far as everything goes in wrestling, I dont think he would have surpassed Bret. His wife claims he was already looking to retire and spend more time at home (I dont think he would have because the money was too good). But as good as Owen was, and was really good, Bret is one of the all time best. Hard to see a career trajectory for Owen after 99 where he'd have been elevated any higher. And WWE wouldnt let him go to WCW. By the time his deal would have been up, WCW was dead. They really didnt see him as anything which is crazy. The Owen vs Bret angle was originally proposed as Bret vs Bruce. Can you imagine? Bret said he'd only do it with Owen and had to use his stroke to get Owen that spot. Owen was awesome.
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