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The Unknown Poster

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Everything posted by The Unknown Poster

  1. Carolina advances to conference finals after sweeping islanders.
  2. He’s now attacking social media for their banning of racist trolls. He’s clueless about freedom speech. He’s going off the deep end.
  3. He’s now attacking social media for their banning of racist trolls. He’s clueless about freedom speech. He’s going off the deep end.
  4. Best part is, it was wholly believable.
  5. Not before the election. What do you mean I thought I had it in the bag? Do you think Im Hilary? You ignored the rest of my post because you cant answer honestly. Serious question: are you a child (would be good to know so we treat you appropriately as your level of understanding seems very juvenile and Im saying that seriously). And by snake eyes, do you mean the report that detailed a whole bunch of collusion and even more obstruction or some imaginary report only you saw?
  6. Yup and this is what needs to be weeded out. Posting false facts, knowingly and repeatedly. Its absurd.
  7. Ill play along even though you've now been corrected and educated by multiple posters about this. The counter-intelligence investigation was started after Australia revealed to the US what Papadopulous said, which was Russia was offering dirt to the campaign. What part of that dont you understand? If Obama wanted to sink Trump, he'd have publicly revealed all this. He quietly informed Trump that Russia was trying to infiltrate his campaign. Doesnt sound like an effort to undermine to me.
  8. If you actually cared about corruption in the FBI, you'd be really upset over the Pro-Trump leaks from the Rudy-connected New York field office that duped Comey into blasting Hilary shortly before the election. But you're not. EDIT: also cite sources for your statements please. And also, as many people have said, read the report so you can stop pushing the false "collusion illusion" nonsense. or just stop what you're doing which is really transparent.
  9. Truth Czar say: False context and you are knowingly posting dis-information, unsourced because you know its wrong. https://www.nytimes.com/2019/05/03/opinion/trump-campaign-spying-fbi-russia-.html Now, can we knock off the trolling?
  10. Thats a great comparison. I remember when Sammy was first running and vowed to put his business into a blind trust, won and changed his mind. With Trump, its quid pro quo. Quite obviously. He's turned the presidency into a business, selling out the American people. His presidency will be talked about for a hundred years...and not for anything positive. Hopefully the US can take this as a tipping point and change their ways. The GOP needs to be scrapped altogether and a new conservative movement created.
  11. Its not whataboutism when Trump is the current president and most of the discussion is about his current actions and actions related to him. Unless you're from the future but that seems unlikely (would have to be a future where Obama and Hilary have somehow become joint President). Also, Im not sure you have the power to warn people. lol
  12. EDIT: I love the warning but edit to remove my invitation to explain it. 😉
  13. I suspect you're repeating your MO of taking a discussion you dont like off-topic so mods come in later and just lock it down. If you dont like a post of mine, report it. But stop with the attacks and silly accusations of bullying. If you dislike the truth, alter your behaviour. You've bullied many people many times. I have not. Mods: sorry for off-topic...this is getting out of hand. KBF, ignore me if you dislike my posts. Dont sully the discussion with off topic nonsense please. End of discussion.
  14. How about you stop taking every opportunity to 1) defend Trump 2) attack and belittle people that criticism him. If you dont want to be seen as a trump supporter, stop supporting him. Deflection is weak.
  15. Truth Czar says: False. You've had a long history of abusive behavior towards people that dont agree with you. Please dont project your actions on me. When you embrace people who stand for certain ideologies, you wear it. Sorry!
  16. Thats what makes this showdown with Congress so important. I was thinking the GOP will eventually regret setting political precedent for the power of the presidency but when a Dem is in the White House, the GOP will just flip flop again anyway.
  17. Oh sure. My post is "cancer". Not the few people twisting themselves into knots to defend a guy like Trump and embrace a clear racist. Every time he gets caught doing something else awful, the trigger response is "what about Obama/Hilary". Every. Single. Time. It would be hilarious if it werent so sad to see the love-in for a racist moron. Well, its still pretty hilarious actually.
  18. Hes under multiple investigations. He has , what, 20+ credible allegations of sexual assault/harrassment. A federal prosecutor just concluded an investigation detailing collusion and obstruction. I mean...its one thing to willfully embrace him but to outright ignore reality? Come on....
  19. Its like they willfully bury their heads when its negative stuff about their guy. Also, quickly cued up the whatabout Hilary response.
  20. tax fraud, for sure. Pretty clear. maybe he should release his tax returns to prove he's on the up and up. haha
  21. I think it would back fire politically but the States have the right to do what they want. So more power to them. Its not like this is a political thing in the sense they dont like him. He's a criminal who, were it not for his position as President, would have been indicted. So, I can see it. I wouldnt do it, but I can see it.
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