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The Unknown Poster

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Everything posted by The Unknown Poster

  1. https://www.theverge.com/2019/5/2/18518176/boeing-737-max-crash-problems-human-error-mcas-faa Details on the two crashes, flawed design, damning Boeing and the FAA. Yikes
  2. I believe the “but so and so did it” is a successful Defence. Many criminals argue that in court. Hey that guy killed someone too so why can’t I? Also used by many children when caught by parents. Seems appropriate for trump and his supporters.
  3. By all means, back that statement up. Because 1) you dont know me 2) you cant cite anything Ive posted to damn me either. Thirdly, I dont think that word means what you think it does. haha
  4. Firstly, whataboutism is the only thing you guys have. Secondly, if you dont understand the difference which is laid out well in the link you provided, no one here can convince you otherwise. Thirdly, Ill try not to get myself in trouble, but you've revealed your character on this and if you think what Trump has done with children (not to mention every other thing) isnt awful, you're a lost cause.
  5. Im glad you at least linked a source that undermines your point. I wasnt sure you had a sense of humor. Im glad to see you do.
  6. Great news. I have a decent audio set up and while I dont really notice much being "bad", I definitely notice when its good.
  7. They'll say people should go to the US if they dont want to have their children torn away and terrorized and locked in cages. So its their own fault.
  8. Or just start next seasons thread on July 1st. This season til June 30th. Next season July 1. Either/or works for me.
  9. Maybe Im a cynic but do we think they even wanted to? Or did they get perverse pleasure out of traumatizing little children and causing the kind of anguish and pain to parents that snatching their kids away would cause? How anyone can support that is beyond me. Gross.
  10. A few people here refuse to learn. A few differences between this and Starr was that Starr's report was submitted to congress. Mueller's was submitted to the DOJ. It would have been nice if Mueller had ignored the DOJ and indicted trump but he couldnt do anything without the DOJ authorizing it so had he tried, it would simply have been denied. And in fact, it may have been used against him to remove him. I think Mueller did two things that are upsetting "anti-Trumpers". 1) he was very very fair to the President (probably out of respect for the office and a desire to be seen as impartial) 2). he wasnt more forceful in presenting his obstruction & collusion findings. Ofcourse, collusion wasnt even apart of his mandate despite people here continually using that term. And again, I suspect he didnt want to be overly forceful on obstruction because he didnt want to be seen as biased. He did an investigation. He laid out his findings in black & white. The only issue is the willful ignorance by people who wont accept the clear and obvious obstruction. There was never any chance Trump would be indicted. Just as there was no chance Clinton would be. But I suppose Clinton was totally exonerated by Starr too lol Mueller even makes a point of saying he recorded all the information for a reason - Congress to use it (or DOJ to use it when Trump is no longer President). Its right there in the report. Im going to guess that perjury wont be seen as a real crime by the right either. Only when it applies to a Clinton, but not to Barr, right?
  11. Not sure if its been posted yet but fun fact. James Wilder Jr attended the most recent WWE Performance Centre try out camp.
  12. Truth Czar says: you can google all the indictments and guilty pleas resulting from the investigation. In fact, someone already posted about it earlier today but you're ignoring it for some reason.
  13. See, if you dont even understand what is happening, why take part?
  14. Oh believe me, Im more amused then worked up. But the MO on display is to spread untruths and false narratives, bait people and try to get the whole thing locked down. If this was a discussion in the Jets thread and the same person kept repeating the same false fact over and over again, he'd be told to knock it off. I guarantee that a whole bunch of the "anti trumpers" that post in this thread could make a far better "right wing" argument then most of the trump-ites. Because there is no basis in fact. Its ignoring reality.
  15. Who is supposed to be a traitor and who is supposed to be removed? By whom? You're not making any sense...
  16. You dont believe Obstruction is criminal? A lot of people can claim they're innocent if you choose to de-criminalize their crimes. I've been pretty clear on my thoughts regarding impeachment. But I wouldnt expect you to care either.
  17. Again, truth Czar would say you are maliciously posting untrue things. Your post is factually false. Please stop doing that. It just muddies the thread.
  18. Re'quoting your original post that I referred to as not true. Your reply doesnt seem relevant. Your original post is still untrue.
  19. What part of the quote are you disputing? Im not sure I'd consider impeachment "no teeth", but I suppose opinions vary.
  20. Actually, the aim of the investigation was: Truth.
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