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The Unknown Poster

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Everything posted by The Unknown Poster

  1. Sorry my reply went over your head. Embracing a clear white nationalist President is pretty sad. And again, you seem motivated by a desire to troll and bait. You can't call the Meuller investigation a sham and also hold it up as an exoneration. You cant have it both ways. You're all over the place in your attacks on me but you have yet to make a true statement to support your perspective. Which is too bad because as a conservative myself, I could (and have, in fact, which makes your previous remarks about my position hilarious)...it would be nice to see a real counter argument made from time to time (as hard as it is with this guy in the White House) Im waiting.
  2. What he meant was, its a waste of time if all you're going to do is throw alt right trump-ites in jail. Its only worth it if you somehow get Hilary.
  3. This isnt true. Maybe we need a truth Czar to keep the Trumpologists in line. lol
  4. You do know Nixon resigned in disgrace, right? He DID leave office. This almost feels like The Watchmen or maybe a new season of Man in the High Castle...
  5. It sucks even more when the wish is for a white supremacy and it DOES come true.
  6. This sounds like a basic legal fact that some people dont understand. But the new nationalist narrative is, if you dont cuff & stuff Trump, he must be 100% exonerated. It makes the Clinton impeachment awfully embarrassing for a lot of GOP in hindsight.
  7. This makes no sense. Your post (which I replied to) had nothing to do with basic legal concepts. If you want to try again, thats cool. But my reply stands, even if it went over your head.
  8. Huh? You're either confusing me with someone else or you're trolling again. I never said anything of the sort, and Im not a leftist. But again, facts arent something you're interested in.
  9. The real twist is, they're correct! On those three anyway. Taking emotion out of it, facts are facts. I know the alt right doesnt like that. But its true.
  10. So you're being willfully ignorant of the facts? Mueller was not able to indict Trump. You know this.
  11. You dont even use the words accurately. You're clearly trolling. I cannot imagine someone being so consumed with a US election that they'd do that. Im all for debate. I love a good debate. Many intelligent people post here and occasionally change my mind on various topics. But this trolling behaviour is clearly designed to get threads off topic or locked. You've done this many times and been corrected/educated numerous times. Please stop. Its not a debate or discussion when you are embracing/pushing untrue things (which you know are untrue). Mueller never said there was no collusion and he certainly didnt say there was no obstruction.
  12. According to Mueller actually. Its in the report. many examples of obstruction. Please stop.
  13. Again, why are you doing this? You know he cannot be indicted. What is is your motivation in trolling this thread? You've posted that before and been corrected. Please stop.
  14. Thats factually untrue. Im all for differing opinions but you shouldnt just be able to come in here and post lies to forward a false narrative. Why would you even want to? Have the Russians invaded this forum? lol Secondly, you wont read the report but if you did, its chalk full of collusion. If you're a legitimate poster, start by checking the definition of collusion and go from there. Good luck!
  15. I think UFC and ESPN would have to get together. Similar to how SPIKE TV foot the bill for some big names going to TNA (like Sting etc) because while the promotion certainly benefited, the carrier benefited even more. There is no pressure on UFC to bring in a big draw like Brock. But ESPN certainly wants the big draws. If Brock leaves USADA testing, then its probably over. If he doesnt, its just a public negotiation. But Brock also doesnt need the money and still has WWE to fall back on. And with AEW, he has a new leverage point to use against Vince if he so desires. Paul & Brock showing up on AEW TV would be something...
  16. Might be more to the story. Apparently, Brock provided UFC with a price they wouldnt pay and thus Dana's "he's done" statement. Since PPV isnt something talent can leverage like they could in the past, Brock wanted a larger flat fee. Draws like Brock arent as important to UFC under the new ESPN deal so they balked. If I was ESPN, I'd want Brock though. So you never know. But Brock isnt going to do it for anything less than a big big payday.
  17. Also keep in mind that these guys want to create a narrative that the investigation occurred because of the Steele dossier. Whats important to remember is 1) thats not true 2) the dossier has been largely confirmed as accurate. Maybe the House should bring in Steele and let him publicly discuss the finer points of his urgent concerns over Trump. That might be can't-miss TV.
  18. EDIT: Thats not what you posted.
  19. Isnt there a thread for this? And it isnt this one.
  20. Whataboutism. Like, if you are anti-Trump you HAVE to be anti JT too? Does not compute. Apples & oranges. And off topic anyway. But when you can't defend your guy, its easier to attack the other guy. Thats the MO of the very fine people on the right. 😉
  21. Whats worse is the nationalists and their water-carriers like Barr completely lie about the obstruction law. Its okay to obstruct and investigation if the end result of the investigation is you didnt get charged with a crime. Ummm no, that is not the law. Its all about creating a false narrative for the (as someone else said) brain dead who embrace anything that supports their view that Trump did nothing wrong. Ofcourse, it might work. And thats the really sad part.
  22. Yeah, the nationalists arm bands have very different symbols and their screaming isnt for a re-vote, its for the death of minorities.
  23. For those that like the business aspect, here is the opening of Dave Meltzer's newsletter, discussing WWE's quarterly earnings report: EDIT: And if we need any more proof Vince has lost it, this is his answer to the question of declining metrics: Huh? EDIT: EDIT:
  24. I think they wanted Barr first so they could pin him down and if Mueller contradicted him, it would be perjury. Barr is such a weasel though. AG cant handle questions from staffers...lol They'll get Mueller. Thing about Mueller, he has been exeedingly fair to the President. Much more than he had to be. And I understand the criticism of him. He should have been more concrete in his report but I wonder if he thought Barr was not so conflicted. We'll see if Mueller is more pointed in front of Congress. if he is, its bad for a lot of people, including Graham. Like, how can you not want to hear from Mueller?
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