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The Unknown Poster

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Everything posted by The Unknown Poster

  1. We’ve signed just about every core guy to a long term deal. Paul and Hayes were rentals. And even then jets went above their comfort zone to try to sign Paul. He went to Vegas for more term. Not because he hates Winnipeg. Hayes was never someone we had much chance at. And then with him getting low ice time in some games it was obvious jets didn’t see him in their plans.
  2. He went absolutely nuts this morning. No one has ever worn their fear so openly as this guy. What a disgrace.
  3. I was under the impression Martin told HBO how he intends to finish the books so they could wrap the show up similarly. I can’t judge the books. I could never read them. .
  4. Sorry guys. Not a spoiler after the show has aired. Especially when it’s newsworthy
  5. Andrade moves back to SD probably due to his relationship with Charlotte. Which means Black moves there as well not the norm for wwe to keep relationships intact but they have done so.
  6. Whoops spoiler alert (but it’s all over social media).
  7. Arya Stark nude sex scene causing heads to explode all over. Lol great episode last night.
  8. Worst part is, he was given his own trilogy so he could have done whatever there. Hopefully they fired him. I’m looking forward to the knights of the old republic trilogy by the GoT show runners though.
  9. Should have just coaxed JJ to do all three. From the trailer, kylo has his repaired mask back and Rey has Anakin’s repaired saber back. When it split apart in TLJ that was another groaner for me. I understand the symbolism but Rian really disrespected its importance with like throwing it away and then breaking it. As I recall the original scripted beginning to TFA was luke’s Dismembered hand, still clutching anakin’s saber floating through space before being retrieved by someone.
  10. I think what increases people’s unhappiness (for me) is how rian Johnson basically admitted to throwing out Jj’s story and wanting to turn things on their head. Not a responsible thing to do for the middle film of a trilogy. Agreed. Looking forward to Mandalorian. Hopefully we get Disney ASAP
  11. Wheelers remark was unprofessional but on the context of the moment somewhat understandable. I’m sure he’ll end up privately apologizing. No biggie
  12. And if we had seen the prequels before a new hole we’d have been terribly disappointed in the way Ben went out. Had luke actually appeared he’d have still been defending. Much like he did in return of the Jedi when he killed a bunch of guys on tatoine.
  13. What year was the temporal Cold War future guy from?
  14. I wouldn’t want to lose Myers because we under value him only to hope the jets go out and get a player like Myers at the deadline
  15. It’s how the saga should be. Related and familiar. They have plenty of other stories to tell they can be different. Its why rogue one was good (feels like it fits into the saga) and solo wasn’t (didn’t feel like it belonged).
  16. There is a petition to that. And Kurtzman said he’s heard the fans on it. Mount said they’d have to be creative if they want him back and mentioned the long shooting time. Peck sort of laughed and have a no comment so it would sound as if there have been discussions at least. I’d rather have Pike then Sec 31. And since they claim moving disco 950 years into the future is to free them from canon, it sort of doesn’t make sense that they’re developing a sec 31 show in the old disco era
  17. It’s actually 950 years into the future the disco is going.
  18. Well to be fair even with the jets playing poorly they beat the Blues if not for their goalie. I think what we’re all upset about is not a lack of talent. But last nights game is very telling of the leadership and mental strength and coaching. All three flunked. I don’t really care they the jets have only three picks this year. That was the price of trying to compete and we can afford it. Lots of talent. Still deep. Just need to exchange a few parts.
  19. Good thing jets are young. But this gamble didn’t work.
  20. On paper it wasn’t a bad idea. They had this theory that they’d be a film maker driven thing with all these hot directors. But solo turned out to be a disaster. They had signed rian to do his own trilogy before they saw TLJ. They directed the director of 9 before convincing JJ to come back Someone posted that they think lucasfilm over reacted to some complaints that TFA was too similar to ANH so they let rian have free reign.
  21. First half or so was good. It feels like the story got away from the writers. They asked for an extra episode because they couldn’t finish it in time. Luckily for them cbs agreed. Show looks great. Very well acted. Writing has been underwhelming.
  22. If Maurice said they he needs to go. Asnif the jets were the only team to play 82 games. Terrible game management in terms of riding one line into the ground. If jets had won would Maurice think that? Thise decisions are all on him
  23. Yeah it was a convoluted end to a convoluted mess of a season
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