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The Unknown Poster

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Everything posted by The Unknown Poster

  1. The obstruction statute is actually very clear. An endeavour to obstruct is a crime as much as actually obstructing. The only reason trump isn’t indicted today is because he’s president. Just because people refuse your orders to act illegally doesn’t save you. Not to mention the actual obstruction he did commit like firing Comey.
  2. The report is filled with stories of collusion. Why are you continuing to push this falsehood?
  3. I actually brought that up Rich. And yes it was mostly ignored. Like I said on a few posts if we can’t agree on facts, what’s the point. However even trump now admits the report is not an exoneration. So let’s accept that as fact. Your other point, the back and forth about impeachment was actually worthy because obviously the process is not fully understood. So it’s something we can actually learn from by discussing. As I said when I brought it up, trump is essentially not the president. His aids are. And it sounds like that’s a very good thing.
  4. I’m on vacation this week so not following news that closely. But apprently Delirious has lost some power on ROH. He’s srill booked but Bubba Ray Dudley and Joey Merc have more power. They apparently behind the Cass & Enzo deal. Also heat on the guys who helped produce All In for basically creating competition.
  5. Well if it is true it’s Tonys money. Proof of concept. But AEW has denied it. And it runs counter to Meltzers opinion. The guy reporting that even deferred to Dave as the best source for wrestling news. AEW apparently called the idea of a time buy “ludicrous”. Could be a complicated mix of ad revenue but I suspect it’s closer to a traditional deal. Maybe they have escalators based on viewership. Tony can afford a risk. Also I have a feeling...something might happen over May 3/4 weekend. If it does I’ll say why I think that. Edit. Just checked and Dave responses to the report saying one hour is false and time but is false and the only reason it hasn’t been announced yet is because they have multiple bidders.
  6. Yes. Poster should also look up Saturday night massacre. For another example of an AG with integrity. In fact Sessions refused to do trumps bidding. The deputy AG also. Trump is what three deep in AG’s to find one to do his bidding? Its not even a matter of opinion. Compare Barr’s presser and summary with the actual report and you can see him for what he is.
  7. Again you don’t understand what impeachment is. It trying to insult. But you’re conflating impeachment with criminal indictment. There is no mechanism for the DOJ to indict a president. It doesn’t matter what the AG thinks. By the way mueller works for the DOJ so you can’t say the DOJ didn’t think there were crimes. Mueller laid it out quite clearly. The only mechanism for holding trump to account is through impeachment or indicting him when he leaves office.
  8. Spoiler alert. Report found lots of crime.
  9. You need to do your homework. The president cannot be charged criminally. It’s the duty of congress to hold a president accountable. Clinton was “charged” ie the house brought articles of impeachment against him. The house approved and thus he was impeached. He was acquitted in the senate when the republican majority found him not guilty (every Dem and several republicans acquitted).
  10. Oh so you don’t mind if the president is a criminal as long as he’s your criminal. Gotcha. Hey how about those emails though right lol
  11. What??? Dude. You have no idea how or why impeachment is a thing. Clinton was impeached in the house. He wasn’t charged criminally.
  12. What part of impeachment do you not understand.
  13. The redacted report is so bad, so damning that one almost can’t fathom what’s in the redacted part.
  14. Do you know how impeachment works? There’s your answer. Same as Clinton. Same as Nixon except e saw the writing on the wall and made a deal to leave.
  15. Clinton was impeached. I’m not why you’re playing word games. You think impeachment is nothing?
  16. Again if you ignore facts then why bother. You’re not even trying. You didn’t want to believe the report before it was released. And now you want to pretend it says the opposite of what it does. Fact: the report details tons of collusion fact: the report details immense obstruction. Fact: mueller clearly states he was constrained by the directive he could not charge trump fact: within the context of being unable to charge trump, the report is incredibly damning. As Dean said, more damning then Nixon, Iran contra and Clinton. Until you accept the facts you can’t discuss the issue.
  17. I’m not even sure what discussion you’re engaging in. Your reply to the quote makes no sense. Are you in the right thread?
  18. Ummmm. They have the power of impeachment. That’s what congress does. To answer your other question it’s very clear the report was also laid out in such a way to preserve evidence for the day he isn’t president. The fact is, if trump wasn’t president he very likely would have been indicted. Congress can take that up and/or a future prosecutor can indict him when he’s no longer president.
  19. The political spin by the white nationalist base is going to be you can’t impeach him now cause the senate won’t convict. And if the Dems wait which is the smart political play they will say you should have impeached him before. They set the standard when they tried to take down Clinton for lying about an affair that was not illegal. That doesn’t come Close to trumps crimes.
  20. The party crying over emails for three years is fine. The party discussing a horribly damning report on trumps criminality is a dog and pony show. Hahaha
  21. Lol. What losing argument? I didn’t make an argument. I corrected you on the very wrong assertion that the senate impeaches. They don’t. You’re whole defense now is to let a criminal president get away with it because the senate likely wouldn’t convict him. Bet you had a different opinion when it was Clinton, who by the way was impeached on something that was not an underlying crime, if you want to compare the two. Lets be honest. If trump was filmed strangling a baby with his bare hands you’d still defend him because you like him and his “policies”. So this isn’t a debate or a discussion. You won’t accept clear facts. So what’s the point.
  22. What burden of proof? The report clearly references congress’ ability to settle the obstruction matter. The DOJ doesn’t dictate to congress.
  23. Dude. The senate doesn’t impeach. Like, if you can’t get the basic facts right don’t bother arguing.
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