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The Unknown Poster

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Everything posted by The Unknown Poster

  1. Fortunately you don’t know the law. Nor do you know what the special counsel was tasked with. Once you accept that you will accept how damning this report is.
  2. Pretending the report isn’t what it is is very stupid.
  3. Pretending the report isn’t what it is is very stupid.
  4. You’re not even trying. It’s full of collusion. You can’t engage in a debate when you won’t accept the facts.
  5. Oh is he a 9/11 truther? lol that explains a lot.
  6. Serious question. Are you a parody account? I mean....you didn’t read any of the report but you’re actually going to say there is no collusion or obstruction? I mean dude...the report is chalk full of collusion and obstruction. It implicitly states that congress should take up the obstruction aspect and hold trump accountable for abuses of power. Like...that’s the report. You wanted to ignore it before anyone had it and you want to ignore it now that everyone sees it. Why?
  7. Wasn’t this guy praising the report and Mueller not that long ago? Lol hes going to lose his mind. Although I doubt he’ll read it. So he’ll glean stuff from what he sees on Fox News.
  8. So you’ve turned on trump now? Weren’t you suggesting g there was nothing to see in the report before?
  9. Funny how quiet the trump lovers are. Hahaha
  10. That was 100% on trouba. Held the puck unsuccessfully and then blew it on front of the net i had a better time at the strip club after
  11. It’s amazing that Barr thought his BS summary was going to stand. He’s either really dumb, which he isn’t, or just damned determined to carry trumps water. Imagine that being your career zenith. It explains a few things. The week before the report was submitted, Barr knew about it. Which means trump did. It explains why trump went ballistic on twitter for a few days. It explains why he also did this week when it became clear Barr couldn’t hide enough of the report from congress to make a difference. It does raise questions about the unusual meeting between Barr and the Sec of State last night. John Dean, nixon’s White House lawyer, compared this report to the Nixon special counsel, Iran Contra and Clinton Special counsel and said this one was far more damning then any of them. That’s shocking.
  12. Even Rudy admitted this months ago when he thought trumps goose was cooked. He said collusion isn’t a crime. Congress will decide that. But it’s worth noting that trump and his campaign absolutely colluded with Russia. It’s all over the report.
  13. Seth Abramson has an epic tweet thread going. Over 300 now. Worth a perusal A few note worthy items: A remark about the man behind the dossier. That dossier, by the way, has been largely confirmed as true. Nothing has been proven false. The only things not confirmed, like the pee tape, hasn’t been proven false.
  14. Wasn’t there off -ice issues with Kielbach? He worked for the coyotes for years too if I recall. Really really good.
  15. The sad thing is, he probably thinks this is true.
  16. It might be a better strategy to use this in the election. If the Dems win they can lay bare all of trumps crimes. If they lose they still have impeachment in their pocket. As another AG said, this evidence is there for the day trump is no longer president too....for criminal prosecution.
  17. It might be a better strategy to use this in the election. If the Dems win they can lay bare all of trumps crimes. If they lose they still have impeachment in their pocket. As another AG said, this evidence is there for the day trump is no longer president too....for criminal prosecution.
  18. Listening to a trump friendly former AG on cnN. Not sure who he was but man did he twist himself into knots. And Cuomo whooped him.
  19. Sanders had to admit to mueller she often lies from the podium. She’s finished as the press secretary. It won’t matter in this admin. But this admin is lame duck now.
  20. We all wanted to see Luke kick ass. Had the scene where he projected himself actually been real....wow. And have him crushing walkers with his force powers etc. That’s all we wanted. My problem with solo was mainly the plot was boring. It was really boring. And the characterization of solo was wrong. It was like taking the heroic solo from Empire and Return and showing the younger version of that character. But his arc in the trilogy was going from a selfish rogue to a hero. If he was always a hero it undermined his arc in the trilogy. The love story undermines his story with Leia too. He should have been a selfish jerk who either didn’t care about love or womanized. He could still be loyal to his friends (chewy and Lando). But he was way too heroic and lovey dovey.
  21. So on other words (correct me if I’m wrong), they conducted investigation with the handcuff they they could not say trump committed a crime. But then laid out all the ways he did. And if they could say he did, they would have.
  22. Vey clearly people are willing to disregard his orders. Those are civilians. Generals? Not a chance they wouldn’t disobey an order like that. They would. And it dove tails to my point about talking to a US major who told me he was largely disrespected by the military. Imagine this. Trump, the president is effectively a lame duck. His orders are disobeyed. His staff threaten to quit. Papers are stolen off his desk so he can’t see them. Hes not a real president. Which makes sense given how he won.
  23. There is a passage where Mueller refers to Trumps criminal conduct and states it’s the role of congress to hold him accountable for abuse of power. It doesn’t get anymore clear than that. Now will the people who have been defending this guy for months, who said it was time to get over it, that trump was exonerated and did nothing wrong, will those people now admit they were wrong and that trump has committed these impeachable acts? Or will it be “so what, senate won’t convict and hey what about Hilary?”
  24. Barr has stained his career forever now. He’ll be lucky to avoid getting impeached himself. For all the times trump attacked and maligned the DOJ and FBI etc to have the AG do this, it’s disgusting.
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