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The Unknown Poster

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Everything posted by The Unknown Poster

  1. I’m of two minds. It’s better for the US to just beat him. But this isnt partisan. It may end up being because the GOP might shirk it’s duty. But the duty of congress is to hold the president to account. If he broke the law which he appears to have done they have to impeach. Ans the GOP, with this evidence, can event disagree. They impeached Clinton for lying about an affair. Hardly comparable to trumps crimes. Its actually better for the Dems to just use this in 2020 and beat him. But congress would be aiding the criminal if they don’t do their duty. I thknk though, they will do more investigations before introducing articles of impeachment. They’ll want Mueller under oath. They really should demand Trump testify too. And let him plead the 5th.
  2. I’m driving so can’t cite the passage but the report actually lays out the motivation for trump to obstruct. Which is that trump feared a full investigation works uncover other crimes. Hes toast.
  3. Was just going to make that point. The number of times people around trump refuses to carry out his orders - they disregarded orders by the president - to save his ass. Wow. Clear obstruction. And this is the redacted report! He’s going to be impeached. Little doubt of that now.
  4. Mueller farmed our a lot of stuff. So as to trump’s criminal enterprise that’s probably a fight for another day. Seems clear mueller wanted congress to take his investigation and ultimately decide. Mueller isn’t a judge. Just an investigator. It’s akin to the cops submitting their findings to the crown. Except the AG intercepted the findings. Trump clearly expected benefit from Russian criminal activity. And did everything he could to interfere in the investigation. No one can say otherwise now.
  5. Ummmm for the trump supporters this is bad. For the people trying to say no collusion and no obstruction before the report was even released, this is bad. Its trickling in. It’s bad.
  6. But it was a total exoneration right? Nothing to see there right?
  7. The freshman congresswoman made a true statement that has merit. But ofcourse being a woman of colour and a Muslim puts her square in the cross hairs of the white nationalist agenda. Don’t bother looking at trump’s own absurd remarks about 9/11. Just attack the dark lady.
  8. I agree. rogue one was great. Luke not acting like Luke. Snoke. Rey’s parentage. The casino plot just didn’t belong at all. The Mary Poppins Leia scene. Side lining her for a new character that was basically just her. The slow motion chase through space. It was awful from beginning to end.
  9. Trek 09 was ok. There was a lot wrong with it but judged in the context of a re-boot, it was good. STID retroactively made it worse though. The basic issues with Trek was JJ going into it not knowing Trek, not liking Trek and feeling it had to be "fixed" by being made more like Star Wars. If JJ had respected Trek the same way he respected Wars, I think his 09 film could have been amazing. Plus, hiring a hack like Orci to write it was a bad idea too.
  10. Nope. Sorry, as I said, you laid yourself bare. It's over. Thanks anyway.
  11. The best part is using "charges" as the standard when the DOJ has already ruled he would not be charged under any circumstances. lol. These fake conservatives hiding their true nature...it gets harder and harder. We know what they are...
  12. Well you have now completely exposed yourself. You're saying it literally doesn't matter what Trump has done, or what he does. It doesn't matter that he is a racist. It doesn't matter that he is a moron. It doesn't matter that he's an unindicted co-conspirator. Up until the moment he is in cuffs, to you nothing else matters. There can really be only one reason why someone would so blindly and fully embrace a racist piece of crap who has at least 20 sexual assault/harrassment allegations among other crimes...you can wear that proudly. But there is no reason for you to continue posting here now that you've been laid bare. Thanks!
  13. Kennedy screwed up big time with their big idea of film maker friendly movies and playing this weird relay with the saga, handing off each film. They should have fired Rian when he tore up JJ's story for 8 and turned in his own, awful awful script. I think JJ did a terrible job on Trek but a great job on TFA. It shows his different respect level for the franchises. He should have done the entire sequel Trilogy. Hopefully he can save it. Solo was just a terrible plot and the love story undermined his relationship with Leia. They didn't show Solo as the scoundrel he was purported to be before ANH. It was terrible and should be ignored.
  14. I was out with a close friend who is Jewish last night and asked him about this. He said that far too often, any criticism of Israel is seen as anti-semitic and that a lot of Jews have issues with how Israel acts. Lets be honest, its not like these people in this thread give two craps about Jews. They, like the GOP, use it as a weapon. Its gross but transparent. And frankly, I don't agree with everything the Dem said. But when you have the other side hypocritically overzealously attacking, what can you do but shrug? If they judged their own members with the same standards, look out. But they don't.
  15. If you think a criminal president hiding his crimes, being lawfully investigated by the majority that was voted into office is mdd slinging, you're not even trying. What is it about Trump that you love so much, seriously?
  16. AAF pitched a merger with XFL before the season even began. Vince said no way https://www.sportsbusinessdaily.com/Journal/Issues/2019/04/08/Leagues-and-Governing-Bodies/AAF.aspx
  17. A trump defender wants his guy to get away with it. What a surprise. At the same time wanting investigations into everything from Hilary to mueller to Obama.
  18. Solo was worse in the sense it was terribly boring and convoluted and not on keeping with the characters. But solo only ruined itself. 8 nearly ruined the entire trilogy.
  19. Are you still in love with Trump and playing the whataboutism game? Like really? you completely lost any moral ground to complain about how the Dems react to their own when you blindly support this president. You just have. Sorry dude.
  20. And how does one have a counter report for a report that totally exonerates you?
  21. also what happens with the pens now? What can they do?
  22. Yup. Busiest bar night of the year. Crazy party night
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