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The Unknown Poster

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Everything posted by The Unknown Poster

  1. agreed Samberg looks like he could be a good one. Niku is good. D looked like a problem but it might not be too bad.
  2. Sasha is off to think about her future. She tried to quit over the weekend and was furious that the tag belts were being taken off her and Bayley. WWE told her to think it over. She's been unhappy for awhile.
  3. Well in his defense, its not hard to pull the wool over most of his base since they have hoods covering their eyes already.
  4. Yeah, hire now-convicted felons working as foreign agents and then cry that law enforcement was spying on you. Absurd. I mean sure, investigate if you want to. But if its actually a legit investigation, it wont be good for Trump. But the AG pushing this false conspiracy theory is outrageous.
  5. The Wrap reports that Turner and AEW are in advanced negotiations but deal is not signed yet, which is what Meltzer also said yesterday. The report adds an intriguing detail that the show might not be year round...Mentions TNT (former home of Nitro) as the likely destination with B/R as the streaming platform.
  6. The facts of the case are out there. Warrants signed off on by federal judges using strict criteria and re-freshed every 90 days. If a known Russian asset worked for anyones campaign, it would be disingenuous for that campaign to whine about being "spied" on. In this case, there was obviously plenty of evidence to get warrants. For the AG to openly use the term "spying" (and then have to walk it back) is incredibly irresponsible. He's clearly trying to feed the idea that the FBI and other DOJ officials maliciously attempted to conspire to hurt a legitimate candidacy. Yet he admits he has no evidence. Its a fishing expedition, the exact thing Trump claimed the Mueller report was (even though it wasnt).
  7. RD Evans, a writer for WWE, was fired (or quit, depending on the early accounts) during the Hall of Fame because Bret Hart mentioned Vince in his speech. So the whole DX skit where they poked fun at Vince insisting that no one mention him in their HOF speeches is true. Evans was the writer assigned to Bret and the story goes Vince was so furious when Bret mentioned him, that he fired Evans in Gorilla during the show (or chewed Evans out to the point he abruptly quit). In other news, Road Dogg quit as Smackdown head writer, apparently frustrated over constant changes by Vince.
  8. When the AG gives it credibility with zero evidence....disgraceful. Its funny because of all the evidence of Russian interference in the election and their contacts with Trump's people and Trump calls it a witch hunt. Now you have the AG say he has zero evidence but wants to look at how the investigation began...talk about witch hunt.
  9. I guess its a lot of breaking news but sounds like the UK arrested him on behalf of the US. I would think extradition would be pretty quick. Although, would the UK folks want to keep him out of Trump's hands... Someone (who knows who) is going to have a long, difficult talk with Assange that he will not like....
  10. I suspect the American's will keep good care of him until he's on US soil. I have little doubt DOJ law enforcement want this guy bad...the connections to Russia and to Trump could be shocking. But you have to think Trump will intervene (or order his AG to intervene).
  11. be interesting to see what Trump does in regards to Assange. His Russian handlers won’t like today’s developments.
  12. Yup regardless of the value of the information Assange released, Wikileaks and Assange are a tool of Russia. So no surprise the other Russian tools would be okay with it. I imagine if Trump's tax returns ended up on wikileaks, they might have a different opinion.
  13. With some chatter that Ppv’s May air on HBO
  14. The report must be incredibly damning
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