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The Unknown Poster

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Everything posted by The Unknown Poster

  1. The chatter is she wants to start a family. I definitely see her going back to WWE at some point. The money is too good and she's treated too well and she's very good at it.
  2. Yeah Meltzer had that story for a long time. Ronda ripped him for it. But he wasright. She was booked for raw but suffered a badly broken hand so they sent her home. Basically her future is up to her. They’d like her back and that’s why the finish of WM was the way it was.
  3. I don’t know. You’re the one that brought him up. You’re not playing whataboutism again are you? Is bernie the president? Hey how about that stephen Miller? You’re a big fan right?
  4. Some updates from Meltzer Ronda broke her hand pretty badly during the match. She was scheduled for RAW tonight as her last appearance for awhile. Brock went home already and is not scheduled. Nothing on the books for him. He's linked to an Aug 17th fight with Cormier. Brock vs Seth going on first was a last minute decision after the show had already begun. AJ is hurt too, not believed to be serious but he was seen at the airport moving gingerly and flying home.
  5. They're going for it. Plus the rest of the league will write them a cheque.
  6. It was almost perfect if it ended with Kofi/Bryan. That would have been a solid Night One. Problem is, Night Two took place immediately.
  7. Its pretty obvious. The immigration scare is all about the racism of Trump and his cronies. Make America White Again.
  8. Another newsbyte sort of lost over the weekend is Jim Ross talking about AEW's TV and saying it will be live, two hours in prime-time weekly. Reports are its not officially signed yet so no concrete details but that its a non-network channel that everyone gets with important streaming components (important, I gather, in the sense the channel sees AEW as valuable to their streaming business). Money is still on TNT/TBS. Meltzer is saying that the streaming aspect is so important that by Double or Nothing, if they havent announced it, it would likely become obvious. I assume the idea is that the channel wants to stream the PPV shows. AEW also close to an international TV deal that is said to be pretty lucrative. In New Japan news, Okada regained the IWGP title and Kota won the IC title. Kota is going to beat Okada for the title eventually, I'd wager. A lot of people feeling the ROH/New Japan show painted ROH is a poor light. The New Japan matches were excellent but consensus seems to be ROH didnt hold up their end of the deal. Signing Enzo & Cass might have made people think less of it than it deserved though.
  9. Yes, a slight botch in that the shoulders were meant to be down. But the rumor circulating among the wannabe Meltzer's is that a "WWE source" is saying Becky was supposed to tap out Charlotte several minutes later. That story sounds like something Heyman would leak to work the dirt sheets. But it seemed pretty clear that was the finish. And it was a bad finish. The match wasnt as good as it should have been though it was still good.
  10. Big Dave officially retires And there are some rumours floating around the uncredible dirt sheets that the main event was a botch and was meant to go on several more minutes with Charlotte tapping out.
  11. Blues in 6. But...if Jets find their game, they could have an easier time to the conference finals then last year I think. Finals would be tough again...but Ill take it.
  12. There is the idea that you go out on your back, sure. And I guarantee Angle didnt have an issue with it. Big Dave also...I bet he insisted on losing. Flair is another one I'd have considered putting over on his way out but there was an angle involved there where HBK was basically an unwilling hitman for Vince. If Angle worked Gable...or Black or someone with the idea they hate to put him down, but they will because its the opportunity they've been waiting for, then sure. But Corbin...he's getting good and being a **** but no reason whatsoever for him to beat Angle. Also, like you, I liked most of the matches. But Kofi/Bryan was light years ahead of everything. I didnt even care about that match going in, outside of whether they'd actually put Kofi over. By the end, I was sucked into the emotions. Daniel Bryan is the best all around wrestler in WWE (work, promos, facials, mannerisms...everything).
  13. Well. That was way too long. Bryan vs Kofi was amazing. Really enjoyed Joe squashing Rey. Hunter vs Dave paid off the story. Womens main was good with the right ending. It feels like Seth won the title about a month ago. And what’s with them trying to pretend like Seth won for the first time? Terrible. Great way to start the show though. Unforgivable to lay angle down. Show was very long.
  14. Hard to tell from video I saw but looks like Travis Browne was first guy in and was tuning the prick up. One of the revival dropped him too.
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