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The Unknown Poster

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Everything posted by The Unknown Poster

  1. Nah its the usual diversionary whataboutism at play. But you do you.
  2. I guess I dont know him as well as you do. But I do applaud your commitment to the alt right methodology of petty insults and attacks when someone scores points on your boy. He might be a POS for all I know. Doesn't change the fact your guy is an unindicted co-conspirator in a serious campaign finance scheme designed to avoid a crushing loss in the election, directly attributable to the work Michael did. But really if the best effort the Trump-ites have is to hold up Michael Avanetti, they are losing. Badly.
  3. Breaking news: https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2019/03/29/boeing-737-max-8-crash-anti-stall-system-activated-ethiopian-plane/3308487002/
  4. If the only thing Avnattie is ever known for is getting Trump implicated in a felony, it was well worth it.
  5. https://www.cnn.com/2019/03/28/business/wow-air-scli-intl/index.html WOW Air a Low Cost Airline suddenly ceased operations, stranding over 1000 passengers in various locations including Canada.
  6. What will come out first, the full Mueller report or the JFK assassination documents
  7. He should have called the RCMP, got wired up, called SNC back for a formal "offer" and then said "well, I guess you're not leaving after all, are you..."
  8. Im really curious if there was a quid pro quo offered other then the idea JT's get was to preserve jobs. You'd think the normal reaction when being extorted or whatever by a big company would be to press mute, scream "Go **** yourselves" and then turn mute off and say "we want you to stay in Canada but the PMO does not involve itself in criminal investigations. Oh and by the way, Im now referring this call to the RCMP. Thanks!"
  9. Really, if she uses Whatsapp, whats the problem. Precedent set for that now. Whatsapp is my choice for all secret and foreign relation correspondence. But dont worry, I screencap the messages before I delete them. So you know you can trust me.
  10. Not attacking their opponents, attacking reporters. Wow.
  11. And ridiculed her as incompetent and a nothing burger while giving her wall to wall coverage.
  12. Another witch hunt. Those pesky witches keep getting caught
  13. Fox preparing the trump base for bad news
  14. Based on the WWE criteria and precedent of some of the guys who are in, yes he does. Big star for a period of time at the IC level. Had a few upper card moments, mainly thanks to Hogan. I would expect Hogan to induct him, but Danny could help write the speech.
  15. Sure. But...that doesnt change the fact of what I noted in my reply to you.
  16. Well to a large degree it IS bush league but thats the point. Its the bush leagues (I say that in a kind way) that do it because of the eyeballs it brings. Its good business. AEW doesnt want to look like TNA or ROH or even New Japan (in the US, they'd love to be compared to New Japan's market share in Japan). Business-wise, all those promotions that go and do it, its great for them. For fans, its also great because it turns into a massive wrestling-themed vacation. And those promotions, many of them, are going to put on showcase-level events that weekend because of how many new fans are in town and willing to watch them. I see why WWE wants to block it, I just think it looks bad because while its meant to hurt the smaller groups, it also hurts the fans. I dont think many fans who are there end up blowing off WWE events to go see the indie shows. But I have seen many people who consider all those shows as additional reason to go to WM.
  17. You're better than that. Thats a deeply troll-worthy remark. Also, whataboutism rears its ugly head again. The real question should be, how did Avenatti work out for you guys? Oh yeah, got the whole finance violation scheme revealed leading to Cohen flipping, implicating Trump in a felony etc. Worked out pretty good.
  18. Oh yeah, nearly forgot about the confessed Russian spy who hooked up with the NRA and pal'ed around with Republican's including Trump campaign officials attending her birthday party. Nothing to see her. But what did Hilary have for breakfast, lets appoint a special prosecutor to find out!
  19. I dont think so because like you said, the risk of Vince selling so much stock is in de-valuing WWE, which he really doesnt want to do. And he made it clear with this last stock sale that he has no plans to sell any more and will continue as CEO and Chairman (so no one thought he was preparing to leave). I really think Vince really thinks the XFL will be viable. Forecasters have WWE's stock actually rising some more. When you compare it to market caps of other companies, it IS over-valued, but because of the TV deals and their cost cutting, since they are going to be very profitable and flush with cash and dividends, its always been a good buy.
  20. Its not uncommon now. And they will also set up Facebook and Twitter accounts for their little beans.
  21. Everyone knows...what is there to investigate. Only a Trump-ite would be handed the VERY compelling and credible Steele Dossier and ignore what it found in favour of wanting to know who paid for it. We already know who paid for. How about investigating whats in it? Oh yeah, most of it has been proven true...
  22. Half right. I have not always loved CNN but they are the best coverage of US news. People arent against Trump in the news because they're biased. They report on his many issues because he has many issues. Of the big news outlets, only FOX openly and gladly carries the water of one side or the other.
  23. So..you dont even want to have a rational discussion? If you have to lie and mischaracterize to make your point, guess what, you dont have a point to make. The investigation that produced the Steele Dossier was originally commissioned and paid for by a Conservative group doing oppo research on GOP candidates. Steele was hired by Fusion after the Dems took over the funding but what does that have to do with anything? You're suggesting that, had the GOP's oppo research on Hilary produced bombshells that they wouldnt use it? Come on...naive? Steele was a respected intelligence person and used trusted, long time sources. He turned the troubling info over to national intelligence agencies due to national security concerns...it really had nothing to do with who funded it. Its akin to saying, had they discovered evidence that Trump killed a guy, they shouldnt use it because it was oppo research paid by the opposition? Who cares. They didnt manufacture evidence. And nothing in the dossier has been refuted but much of it has been confirmed as accurate. The dossier is the LAST thing I'd hang my hat on if I was trying to defend Trump. Clinton was thoroughly investigated on several matters...which one do you want to discuss? Benghazy? FBI investigated for years. (They aren't independent?) Bipartisan Senate Select Committee on Intelligence investigated. Bipartisan. Five different House committees investigated and while some issued damning reports about the Obama administration that actually proves my point. Investigated and reports delivered and the public were free to make up their minds about Hilary and the Dems. Lets not forget that unlike Trump, Hilary appeared before the House to answer questions publicly. Clinton emails? So what? If what she did is so wrong, throw the Trump's out because they're doing the same thing. As for investigations, the State Department's Inspector General isn't independent? How about the FBI who were referred the case by the State Department? Your guy even benefited from an improper declaration by Comey that handed the presidency to him. The only corruption in the FBI was the New York office stacked with Rudy G's buddies. Clinton might be the most investigated presidential candidate in modern history. You dont appoint a special prosecutor just to play *** for tat. Mueller was appointed because there was far too much evidence of wrong doing, because Russia was clearly meddling (which Trump kept denying and continues to deny) and the AG himself was a potential witness/suspect. Not to mention that there WAS a counter-intelligence investigation happening at the FBI which Trump moved to quash by firing Comey, admitting on national TV exactly why he did it. In closing, these two things are fact: - There was VERY good and justifiable reason to appoint a Special Prosecutor in the Russia case, he was appointed and over seen by TRUMP'S guy - Clinton was heavily and repeatedly investigated. Keep in mind the Dems were the victims of foreign interference and crimes, some at the PUBLIC behest of Trump. Whataboutism fails when you try to use it on the Dems. And spoiler alert: Hilary aint running. And if your guy won, why does he want to keep fighting that battle? Because he knows he cheated and he knows Hilary should be President (regardless of what you think of her). You're barking up the wrong tree.
  24. 1) you have zero clue whats in the report 2) There was never going to be an indictment of Trump So basically, you're argument is "You CAN'T Indict Trump" and "Well didnt he indict Trump then?" In a report that is being hidden and filtered, Trump's OWN AG admitted the President is not exonerated in an investigation of obstruction...thats...that's incredible, really. That is the big red flashing headline that many are missing. But again, Trump could ADMIT he did it (which he kind of did) and you wouldn't turn...so it doesnt matter.
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