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The Unknown Poster

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Everything posted by The Unknown Poster

  1. The idea the Dems or anti-Trumps are so stunned or distraught is part of the GOP narrative right now. Shame that so many fall for it but again, to many its not about truth, its about winning. Its like cheering for your team even if they blatantly cheat. I sure wouldn't be gloating like these guys are if I were them and the report, speculated to be terribly damning, was being purposely hidden...I think Trump knows it's damning but he's trying to get in front of it. He's actually really stupid because most American's dont really care about this right now so if the Dems spent their time talking about it, its actually Trump's best shot at re-election. Which is why Pelosi has been brilliant in her strategy (and you see many Dem candidate's following her lead). Trump delivered them a huge gift with his ObamaCare stuff. Polling shows overwhelming majority of Americans want to see the entire report. Majority believe Trump is not exonerated. Even if American's not taking the report as a swaying issue in the election, those are bad signs. Dems *should* do their duty in the House in terms of investigations and seeing the full report but as far as the 2020 election goes, they are doing the right thing. Right now, there is no issue that Trump has that he can use to increase his support from his base of racists, morons and GOP4Life voters.
  2. I think that's wishful thinking on your part. Stunned? Meh. Surprised that Mueller didnt weigh in on Obstruction which was actually part of his mandate. But in reality nothing matters without seeing the report. The GOP like to play by different rules when it's their guy (not that the Dems wouldnt but its the GOP controlling this). By the way, the other side was investigated over and over, deeply and thoroughly. Take off the blinders. And stop with the whataboutism.
  3. Pregnant but far enough along that she knows its a boy and has a name already.
  4. Thus far XFL is taking a better approach and is better financed. And I bet they'll have a solid TV deal too. I cant say they will succeed but I bet there will be zero talk of folding the league halfway through season 1.
  5. A few wrestling news and notes from our good friend Uncle Dave (Meltzer) - Nikki & Brie Bella both announced their retirement. They will continue under contract to WWE as brand ambassadors - two lawsuits against the parent company for Lucha Underground were settled with the contractual release of a few wrestlers including Joey Ryan. The basis for the lawsuit was essentially, guys had - Cain Velasquez joining wrestling, appearing for Mexico's AAA to set up a match, as yet unannounced, at their big show TripleMania. - WWE is trying to lock out all other promotions from running Tampa and area for next year's WrestleMania. They've tried this before and not been successful. I see their point but it comes off predatory. - Eli Drake's contract expires May 31st. Might have some WWE interest - All In 2 will be Aug 31st back at the Sears Centre in Chicago. - Vince sold another 3+ million shares for $270 million, to fund Alpha Entertainment, the parent of XFL. So he's over $360 million into the XFL which puts it well ahead of AAF in terms of being well financed for potential early losses. - Brutus Beefcake should be the final HOF inductee announced on Monday - WWE ring announcr Jo Jo announced she is pregnant with a baby boy named Knash (Kevin Nash?). Father is Bray Wyatt. Jojo's father is former MLB star Jose Offerman so that means Offerman and IRS are basically related (and Barry Windham!).
  6. Well the basis of the doc is that he's the biggest star you've never heard of, so there is that narrative that he's a huge star, WWE's biggest want, million dollar deals...and so many people havent heard of him. This was especially true in Winnipeg where I know there was frustration over the lack of interest by our two daily "news"papers. I think its like anything though. If the doc about a figure skater is an amazing doc, Im still not watching it. So I think people who like wrestling will watch it, people who know Kenny will watch it and being on TSN, the benefit is it will reach an audience otherwise not reached, such as casual wrestling fans who arent familiar with Kenny but see a wrestling doc and want to watch it and there will be people who love sports and give a watch because it's Engraved on a Nation. I think Kenny is more well known than you think but I base that one people I know casually (like in the office) who have Zero interest in wrestling and know nothing past Hulk Hogan who say "Oh I've heard of Kenny Omega" and the huge deal WWE offered him. Hes more well known in Japan. Within wrestling, he's a huge star and thats proven by his drawing power. Hopefully the ratings are good! But it also could be one of those things where, 5 years from now, more people watch it because he's a bigger American star than he is now.
  7. It would be great if ESPN sees this as something worth expanding (30 for 30?). If I was AEW, I'd be interested in getting involved, buying it outright or using their media connections to set something up. Its probably complicated but as AEW is going to be a television/streaming property, buying the doc would be a nice addition to their library.
  8. From my perspective being involved, I knew the focus was the Golden Lovers but not entirely sure how they'd fit everything in. And the answer is, they really couldnt. It really begs for a 90 minute or 120 minute version. They filmed a lot on Kenny's early days in Winnipeg, his going to WWE, his returning from WWE (there was a whole potential story thread about that). And they really loved the footage they got from Kenny's return to Winnipeg last October but barely could squeeze it in (might be something in the works on this). There were many people who provided interviews who were left on the cutting room floor unfortunately. Although they asked many of us similar questions so it of course, they used the best ones. Mike Angels and Jason Geiger in particular were very, very good interviews. And now I can reveal a stupid mistake on my part...the day of my interview, I think I was scheduled for...5PM, something like that. I was really excited and then, for some reason, had an allergy attack. Felt aweful. Stuffed up, watery eyes, everything. So I fumble around the medicine cabinet and take a couple pills. A few minutes later my gf says "you didnt take these, did you?" Yes, I said, why? "They're nighttime pills!" Oh no...I drank a ton of coffee and when I arrived, I got pushed back til...maybe 9pm. I was super wired but also tired. lol And also message to all aspiring Doc makers, sitting on a milk crate looks cool. It does not feel cool. Give me a comfy chair! lol Jokes aside, it was a great experience and I am humbled to have played a small part. I received a message from one of the producers, the guy who really pushed the project from the beginning, telling me that without me there was no project due to the footage, contacts, explanations etc. Very nice to say, totally humbled at that (it's not true but its nice to hear). Im so proud of Kenny. And when I think about the last 17 years and SO much crap in local wrestling (even today), this made it worth it. Seeing so many great guys I worked with locally (Kenny, Angels, Geiger, Tatum, Skillz, Nate, London's and whomever else sneaked in that I missed) on a TSN Documentary...its really an amazing thing. And they all deserve the recognition for their hard work. Kenny might have been the one guy in PCW to really make it, but you can't have a promotion with one guy. It takes a lot of guys to create an environment where talent like Kenny can develop and grow. All the boys deserve the credit. To the boys!
  9. Wow...that didnt last long. I hope Vince has his stockbroker on speed dial.
  10. Quick update on the Max 8 issue as Boeing is preparing to send out a software update. Issue: - There are two Angle of Attack sensors on the Max airplanes but the MCAS system only receives data from one. When it receives data indicating the AoA is too high, it automatically applies nose-down trim. This cannot be counteracted by the pilots without killing power to the trim (which most pilots say they were not told). Changes: - The MCAS system will use data from both AoA sensors. if the data is wildly different, MCAS will not trigger. If MCAS triggers and the pilots apply corrective measures, MCAS will not repeatedly trigger. This eliminates the Pilot vs Computer battle. - Two optional features on the Max airplanes include AoA indicators in the cockpit and an AoA disagree indicator. Both those options will now be standard. - Increased pilot training Boeing has had numerous pilots and airline officials out to their plant to go over the changes and put them in practice in simulators and reports indicate pilots are happy with the changes. I'd suspect the flights will resume shortly. There is also the FAA investigation concerning how the Max planes were approved and all that jazz....the gist being, Boeing wanted the 737 Max to be close enough to the previous model 737 that pilots required little training to become certified (saving expenses for airlines). The 737 is like 60 years old and Boeing keeps "updating" it rather then engineering a complete new replacement for this purpose. Although they are working on replacements for the 757 & 767 that will be brand new builds (797).
  11. Whoa whoa whoa, lets lower expectations a little bit....lol If we booked Feniz and Penta, maybe. No Bucks, they have their hands full chasing those guys around. Although I've had a long-time request in to book Kenny & The Bucks in Winnipeg...its just an enormous amount of planning. Hope to do it one of these days.
  12. (CNN) — A Boeing 737 Max 8 aircraft from the fleet that was grounded after two deadly crashes made an emergency landing in Florida on Tuesday. No passengers were aboard Southwest Airlines Flight 8701, which was being ferried from Orlando International Airport to Victorville, California, for short-term storage during the grounding, the airline said. Just before 3 p.m. Tuesday, the two pilots aboard the flight reported "a performance issue with one of the engines shortly after takeoff," the airline said. "The crew followed protocol and safely landed back at the airport."
  13. Observer: The New York Times reported Tuesday that former UFC double champion Conor McGregor is under investigation for a sexual assault that took place in Dublin in December of 2018. The Times reported that four people familiar with the investigation have confirmed rumors that were somewhat well known within the sports world in Ireland, but couldn't be reported because Irish laws do not allow identifying individuals charged with rape until conviction. The story said McGregor was arrested in January, questioned at the time, and was then released. A McGregor spokesperson released a brief statement to media members: "This story has been circulating for some time and it is unclear why it is being reported now. The assumption that the Conor retirement announcement today is related to this rumor is absolutely false. Should Conor fight in the future it must be in an environment where fighters are respected for their value, their skill, their hard work and their dedication to the sport." Dating back to December and January, parts of this story were making the rounds in Irish media. The Irish Mirror reported that a famous sports star was accused of a sexual assault in a Dublin Hotel on December 10th with police confirming a complaint of rape was made by a women in an early hours incident. In January, there were reports of a well-known sports star who was arrested and claimed when talking to police that it was consensual sex. The Independent claimed the man was released without a charge but a source said it was a very credible case. They said the suspect admitted having sex, and the woman underwent a number of tests after being taken to the hospital in an ambulance. The NYT listed the location as the Beacon Hotel in Dublin. McGregor was reportedly an occasional guest there, usually staying at the hotel's lone penthouse room. He was last booked in the hotel in December. The story listed a source with knowledge of the investigation that police have secured closed-circuit camera footage. The NYT stated, and we can confirm, that media in Ireland had barred employees at meetings from even hinting at a name past using the term "famous sportsman". RTE had an internal memo that leaked out on January 18 which said McGregor was at the police station at 5 PM the previous day, but on its' broadcasts, they covered a man being questioned on a a rape charge without listing his name.
  14. Just received an interesting email. Saturday should be extra impactful.
  15. Excellent idea. Akin to a major concert. Why wouldn’t they? Big dollars. It’s not like Winnipeg is at risk of alienating cfl fans wanting an nfl franchise here.
  16. I did i did. Although we're very very close to a sell out. But pushing us out there is always nice. He mentioned the show right off the opener. Sounds like Kenny is running late lol he was in TO as recently as...earlier today? So...hopefully he makes it.
  17. I look at the Green Deal this way. If either party suggested a 5 on a 1-10 scale, the other party would say "well...thats crazy, totally undoable, absurd. Fine, we'll compromise and maybe...maybe we can do a 7 or 8". If they start with a 2 the compromise ends up being a 5 or 6. Things change when proposals start becoming reality. The US has some serious serious issues and they have to deal with them. Universal health care is no longer a crazy idea. I remember it being Hilary's pet project during Bill's first term. Thats a long time ago. Even Bernie, when he was squaking about this, he was seen as the crazy socialist and it was not politically expedient for other Dems to embrace that idea. Now they do. its long over-due. And when people say "how do you pay for it", look the US spends absurd money on all manner of things. Its not that hard to find the money. And the fact is, the super rich should be taxed more. The idea they will all leave...come on...they wont. Because they're still going to be super wealthy. They have to close that gap between the richest and poorest. A lot of the GOP mis-represent AOC's plan because they are afraid of her and it...because it makes sense to average Americans. Is there a real concern it could chase the wealthy away? Okay, if so, you deal with it. You discuss. You compromise. You make changes to make it work. But the idea that its either tax the rich to death or not at all is idiotic. Once both sides accept that certain things have to happen, its just a matter of working together to make them work. That really goes for anything. It seems you have two sides, where one side has plans for progressive social programs and the other flat out lies about reality to scare voters or discredit the Dems. That doesnt mean the Dems' plans are perfect. It means only one side is talking. GOP has to come to the table and remember their duty to the average American.
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