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The Unknown Poster

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Everything posted by The Unknown Poster

  1. Its one of the reasons that I, as a good and true conservative, hopes the Dems wins complete and utter control of both sides of Congress. Not because I believe in all the liberal ideas but because they have to get back to doing whats best for the people. There is room within that context for conservative ideas. the GOP party is so lost.
  2. Totally compromised. No other explanation. But apparently his support levels are pretty bad in his home riding so he's likely grasping at whatever he can. Isnt the Senate suppose to work for the people and not the President?
  3. Which creates the scenario that if you're a respected senator and you're gay and everyone knows but the public and you deny it and your personal emails are hacked, you suddenly become Russia's best friend and official water-carrier of Trump. Or something...
  4. This is why trump is so happy to say he’s like the report released. Because he has scum bags like this guy to hide behind.
  5. Well to be fair WWE was negligent in his death. It wasn’t malicious but they were negligent. They also promised Martha they wouldn’t show clips from his funeral on raw and they did. They are free to induct him as they can market the Owen photos and video they own. They just won’t because of the negative publicity. It might eventually come down to his kids deciding to allow it on the other hand, there is money to be made either for the family or for their charity. But again, ultimately you can’t fault Martha.
  6. I agree with you both. Keep in mind Martha has allowed Owen to be honoured in other venues. She just won’t allow it by the company she believed caused his death through negligence. Difficult to argue with her decision. But as fans we really would love to see it.
  7. Boy did Reagan get away with that one....and he's the GOP's poster child.
  8. I read some speculation Mueller intended his report to be used by Congress and might have made it harder for Trump's AG to hide it in this way. If he had come to the conclusion that Trump obstructed justice, he still couldnt indict, but that might have cause the AG to hide the report. Barr could have played word games and said "on the basis of the report, the DoJ does not intend to file any charges for obstruction" and people would think the report exonerates him. I dont know if it would make it easier for the White House to claim executive privilage but it would sure make them want to. If Mueller really did come to no conclusion, he might have decided his report spoke for itself and didnt want to give the AG or White House excuses to hide it. He might have effectively laid out the evidence for Congress (or a future AG) to decide on charges. But these are great questions. I guess we could ask Barr...but why not ask Mueller, in Congress, under oath, on camera.
  9. Apparently he talked to the DoJ about issuing a subpoena for Trump. Thats one big question Congress will have for him. Why didnt he? Very curious to know...
  10. There were certainly clues the report wasnt great for Trump. For one, Meuller never leaks. Yet Rudy G knew the report was coming. Its possible someone else in Mueller's office leaked it but its more likely it came from the DoJ, specifically the AG's office. Regardless, everyone said something big was happening this past week due to Trumps total and complete twitter meltdown. Then when the report is handed in, he goes totally silent. He was scared to death. Even though Rudy was already, before the report was handed in, telling everyone it was an exoneration. Trump was scared. Only after Barr submitted his summary did Trump do a victory lap. Because he didnt realize Barr and Mueller were friends...he was caught off guard by that. So he didnt know, until the very end, if Barr would protect him. Quite frankly it boils down to this: there is no result until the report is actually seen. @do or die post above is excellent.
  11. Imagine if Kav was a democrat appointee....
  12. I know avanetti said he wants to run for President but trying to beat trump at his own game is a bit much lol
  13. Not really. Firstly, Im not sure how old you are but Im old enough that "your generation" isnt usually applied to me. But it sounds young so Ill take it. Using censorship as a way to defend gross opinions is the tool of the gross. We already have hate speech laws so no, its not a slippery slope. Society has utilized common sense to decide that racism is not open to interpretation. And its not just about who Trump courts (though why that isnt enough for you if you arent a racist, I dont know). Its his actions. Its not like he's accepting votes from racists and then being totally non racist. They like him for a reason. Let's be honest about that. You can't nuance racism. Sorry.
  14. Actually there is evidence Trump the businessman was racist. he had issues with his apartment buildings. And thats my point, if racists vote for Trump, thats not Trumps fault, same as if they vote for Bush or Clinton. But unlike Bush and Clinton, Trump courts them, supports them, defends them. Its no wonder racist attacks are way up. Just on its surface we can see those deplorables are emboldened. Just because someone doesnt like Hilary doesnt mean they SHOULD embrace racists.
  15. What a goofball this guy turned out to be
  16. The Hart Foundation announced for the Hall of Fame https://www.wwe.com/shows/wwe-hall-of-fame/wwe-hall-of-fame-2019/article/hart-foundation-wwe-hall-of-fame-inductees-2019
  17. Great. If the RCMP deems there is probable cause to investigate, I hope they do. And I DO hope they do. If JT is cool on this, he has nothing to worry about.
  18. Come on....if I was being investigated for murder and the investigative report was given to my buddy who got the job because he said I couldnt be prosecuted and he said no one can see the report but trust me, Andrew is sort of innocent...would you all think I was actually innocent? There is no conclusion until the report is actually made available.
  19. No no. You're conflating. Being a terrorist is an act, not just an ideological. Being a racist can be both. I dont think the Liberals are pro-terrorism. In fact, I think thats absurd. But Trump and his inner circle are clearly pro-racist. Its a whole movement and to avoid the obvious stigma of being racist they call it White Nationalism. Im saying, someone can be a Trump supporter because they are ignorant or shallow or a racist. When I see people specifically demonstrate their general intelligence and knowledge of the racist rhetoric and policies AND carry the water by attacking a person of colour in an irrational way, its pretty easy to draw a conclusion. Maybe if we really examined the deep feelings that lay in the heart of the person, we'd come up with a nuance explanation, but really, why should we have to...dont come across like a racist if you dont want people thinking you're racist. (again, not saying you specifically). The President is a white supremacist. Thats a red line. For me and should be for everyone. For those where its not a red line, they need to examine their own beliefs...but they surely cant be mad when they are judged harshly. Liberals supporting terrorism just isnt true and is a red herring. And in the long list of reasons to dislike JT, that's a silly one to grasp at...way too far down the list.
  20. We dont know what evidence Mueller had against trump because havent seen it. Same with the SDNY investigations and Congress. Have to reserve judgement on Trump until later, to be honest. The RCMP can't just investigate the Prime Minister without a complaining witness, no? My point being, in the US, it's Congress' job to check the President and they have standing committees to do just that so the mechanism exists to investigate. What will trigger an RCMP investigation? Thats my point. If you ask me should they investigate, yes, ofcourse they should...someone should. But how.
  21. Totally different. I dont disagree in respect to how JT has spoken about terrorists and terrorist attacks. But Trump was served an easy home run before the election when asked to disavow Dukes and white supremacy and he wouldnt do it. Its not about who votes for the person as much as it is about the person. Trump seeks out the support of racists and white supremacists. If there was a KKK party and I said, look, Im not racist but I like their economic platform and I occasionally go to their *ahem* rallies, you would not, at all, believe that I was not a racist. If the hood fits, wear it. Way too much evidence of Trump courting and providing comfort to those people, along with the power of a known racist Stephen Miller in Trump's inner circle, and many of his policies to not be, at the VERY least, very concerned about whether Trump is racist. If you embrace that, what is anyone to think? There are some things you cannot separate. Supporting a racist and racist policies sort of makes you a racist. Im not saying you specifically, im using it generally. When specifically posters on this board defend Bernie and attack AOC so incredibly irrationally, what conclusion are people to believe. We cant say it by name or else we get in trouble but lets be honest, there is at least one person here who sure seems like an embracer of the racist right. Let me qualify, its not about being conservative. Its about embracing the alt right, white nationalist agenda that is, sadly, infecting way too much of the GOP for many of us Conservatives to handle...and thus, if I were American, I'd vote Dems all day long until my party got their heads out of their asses and eradicated the hateful alt right and got back to doing the best thing for the people.
  22. Outside of the discussion you and I were having, what does this have to do with anything. Again, turn it around, if JT's conduct is so horrible, how can you possible want anything less then the complete eradication of Trump's presidency. Need we remind you of the, what 17, credible claims of sexual assault by him...? Let's be clear...JT is a hot mess. That has nothing to do with Trump. You're projecting the right wing whataboutism aspect to this. yes, there are people who are blindly liberal as many are blindly conservative but there is little evidence of it in THIS thread. JT should be toast. The fact he isnt yet does not mitigate Trump. And the belief Trump is a crook does not make JT's actions more or less bad. They are separate. If anyone here believes JT was not wrong in this Lavelin thing or wasnt wrong in his actions and response to the assault allegations, they are absolutely blindly liberal. But if you hold those up as examples, you HAVE to come down on *our* side in respect to Trump or you're defeating your own point.
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