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The Unknown Poster

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Everything posted by The Unknown Poster

  1. I think the issue with AOC is only partially that she's a woman. What else could it be...lol Even on this board we've seen the same guy who insults and belittles AOC defend and support Bernie. What's the difference there...? Like...you dont have to be a rocket surgeon to see whats going on here. Cue the SJW rants in 3...2...
  2. But who is initiating the investigation of the Prime Minister? In the US, I think it's clear. The AG will NOT charge Trump based on the DOJ guidelines which have no basis in the Constitution and many scholers disagree. But THIS AG will not indict Trump. Congress doesnt have to give a good damn about the AG whatsoever. And in fact, it's their duty to investigate. An Impeachment is pretty ugly even if not convicted. And the evidence gathered could be used in future prosecution. Thats why the Mueller report MUST be provided in full to Congress at the very least because THIS AG will not be the final word on whether Trump faces charges. If Congress finds a smoking gun, Trump STILL isn't going to be indicted unless an AG wants to go to the Supreme Court (which it surely would) over whether the President can be charged. This AG won't. So even if Congress finds a smoking gun, it wont mean PRESIDENT Trump gets charged. Almost surely, Trump could be impeached tomorrow in this House. But lets assume the Dems do their jobs, impartially, and he is impeached. If its enough to warrant an indictment if he were NOT President, perhaps the Senate is moved...and the GOP does their job impartially. Trump is removed and he goes from the White House to the Big House because the second he isnt President, he is no longer able to hide behind the DoJ guidelines. Why did Nixon resign? Not only to spare the embarrassment of being removed in the Senate. But as a deal. He knew he was cooked if he kept fighting. Remember, his VP was not Ford, it was Agnew. Agnew was at risk of being impeached too. And there was a real possibility that Agnew would be impeached, Congress would not quickly allow Nixon, under investigation, to fill that spot. Nixon would then be impeached and the Speaker, who I believe was a Dem, would become President and then both Agnew and Nixon would end up prosecuted. Instead, Nixon fired the Special Counsel to try to make it go away (just like Trump wanted to do). Agnew was turfed so they could replace him with a Plan B because of Nixon's precarious situation. Nixon quit, elevating Ford who got the job because he was willing to Pardon Nixon. And thus, Nixon escapes with only crushing defeat and humiliating resignation. Ford wears the stain of a quid pro quo. If we use that as a road map, The GOP might see Trump resigning or declining to run in 2020 and elevating Pence as a reasonable "out". But Trump has little choice but to run now because he will almost surely be indicted for campaign finance violations if he leaves office and another term can beat the statute of limitations on some of these things. And always gives him some protections (and probably insider knowledge) of all the various criminal investigations into him and his company and family that are on going right now. If he's a private citizen he's in way more trouble.
  3. Dont you think there is far too much already known about Trump's campaign's "mingling" with the Russians to say the collusion debate is over without seeing the entire report? Even then, its not up to the AG to file charges for Congress to impeach. Congress is not beholden to the AG. I think the GOP going after Clinton for what many people saw as an effort to hang him for hanky panky, hurt the GOP politically. People dont like the long drawn out investigations and its possible an impeachment ends up hurting Dems politically...but even so, is it not Congress' duty to fully investigate and impeach should they deem it appropriate? Regarding JT, what is the mechanism to investigate and charge him? His AG? Minority Parliament? Thats the difference. Congress exists in part specifically to be a check on the President. Even in a minority House, there are bodies that investigate and check the President. What is the equivalent in Canada? Plus, our election is coming up quickly...
  4. Come on...we dont really know what Mueller found. Until we see the report and all documents. And I didnt say we SHOULD let the people decide JT's fate. if there is evidence that he broke the law, then he should be prosecuted and removed under whatever mechanism exists in Canada. Vote of Non-Confidence? How well will that work? Is there a means for Parliament to investigate and impeach? One big difference is that the PMO has far more power than the White House or at least thats the way it was intended (in the US anyway). Congress runs government, not the President. But lets turn this around, if you believe JT should be investigated criminally and politically for obstruction, do you not believe Trump should be impeached (at least the House portion)? Do you not believe Trump's AG should not be the final word on the investigation? Because I can side with you on this, if there is evidence of JT criminal wrong doing, he should be criminally investigated and thrown from office. Just not sure the mechanism in Canada. In the US, its easier. So you must agree with the fact this AG summary is not the end nor should it be...? Do I understand you correctly?
  5. The reason I have often qualified my statements with the fact I am a Conservative is for this reason...just as I used to be a Liberal (Cretien days) and moved to the Cons. The rigt wing movement has been hijacked and the worst part is the people that are basically "Anyone But A Democrat" and it doesnt matter if Trump shows up in a white hood carrying a noose, that just doesnt matter to these people. And the fact is, progressive ideas are gaining traction. Its sort of rich to sit up here in Canada and call AOC (hmmm, why her, I wonder....hmmmm what could it be...) names because she supports universal health care. Or gun control. Or higher taxes on the wealthy. You have to have blinders on to just be totally opposed to good ideas just because it's not the alt right way. Politicians are supposed to serve the people.
  6. True but you didnt quote me and in either case, we were both off topic. My point being, there is plenty of commentary that JT broke no laws by trying to influence his AG. And if thats the case, his fate will be up to the people. And even if he broke laws, his fate is likely up to the people. But if we're comparing, so be it...if the Liberals appointed an independent counsel to investigate or even tasked the RCMP with investigating, so be it. No one would complain about that....(or at least they shouldnt). But that has nothing to do with Trump.
  7. The only benefit to that would be if it was akin to a major, major event like a Superbowl or WrestleMania and the league (and teams) shared in a greater profit. But you'd never repair the damage to the CFL by taking the Grey Cup to the US. Im sure the reporters would prefer a week in Orlando but thats a moronic idea. RP must be a self-loathing CFL fan to even suggest that.
  8. Which law did JT break? Also, you're conflating two separate things. But I admire you're willingness to admit you are totally okay if Trump DID conspire with Russia to steal the election...as long as your guy won. I assume you dont have an issue with Hilary's emails anymore, right?
  9. Allow me to make a plea to the moderators, if one person makes a remark in this thread that is not appropriate, don't throw the baby out with the bathwater. Goes for all of us. Just sayin...
  10. Thats an excellent point. Personally, I can't stand Trudeau and I think he's as crooked as can be in this instance. And it stinks to high heaven that he's blocked an investigation. BUT...the mechanism by which the people get satisfaction on this one is to vote him out next election and if the public is still interested, the new government can investigate whatever they want. In the case of the US, the real concern is a stolen election. We already know trump committed a felony to protect his chances in the election when he paid off women days before the election. We also know the only bad apples in the FBI were out of the New York office who had connections to Rudy who forced Comey to make that idiotic public proclamation about Hilary shortly before the election. Those two factors, regardless of Russia's interference, which we know based on facts, included communications with Trump's campaign, won it for Trump. And we know this by simply looking at the facts. When the P*ssy tape came out, Trump was sunk. He knew it. Everyone knew it. Comeys statement in turn sunk Hilary. Had those women come forward with their stories about Trump...at THAT time, he as sunk again.
  11. Imagine if Clinton had got the Starr report hidden away in a draw somewhere and his own AG issued a report saying "nothing to see here". GOP would go bonkers. And honestly, rightfully so. If Trump is exonerated, no harm in the public seeing the report. We learned far more about Clinton's sex life in the Starr report than we needed to know. So what, is the Mueller report embarrassing for Trump? Too bad. Its of public interest. The real reason is, that report is damning of Trump and he knows it. Hence is fevered angry tweeting last week when he knew the report was coming (which means Barr was leaking to him) and his utter silence when the report came because he knew it was damning and was waiting to see how far Barr would go to protect him. And for the all white nationalist supporters arguing that the "fake news" and Dem supporters are changing their tune on accepting the report, let's point out that Trump wants you to accept this report after demeaning and undermining the report, the special counsel and the entire investigation for two years. So if Trump wanted you to not believe this report, everyone is now expected to believe the SUMMARY of the report, done by the AG? Come on...you cant have it both ways.
  12. And in fact, we dont really know what Mueller said because we dont know his report. We know Trump's AG has said there is no support for criminal charges. But he said before he was AG that there was no mechanism for charging Trump. So even if Mueller found Trump had killed a man with his bare hands in the oval office and buried him in the rose garden, Barr made it clear, Trump was in zero jeopardy. Which makes Barr's assertion that Trump has not been exonerated all the more interesting. Another way of saying that is, the DOJ suspects Trump of obstruction.
  13. As noted, in fact they have minus $2 million (until the cap rises).
  14. But even those Oligarchs made it clear they were reaching out on behalf of Putin. It might be that Mueller couldn't connect those dots enough to make a case. Trump himself said he fired Comey to make the Russian investigation go away. Plus it was Trump who put out the lie about Don Jr's meeting with Russians. Again, maybe it doesnt rise to an indictment but thats the bread & butter of the report that needs to be examined. There is no way Congress can conclude their investigations without access to Mueller's full and complete report. We already know Trump is a crook. He's an unindicted co-conspirator in at least one felony. Is that enough to impeach? Personally, I dont think so... but even if you have you MAGA hat pulled down over your eyes and think the Dems' investigations help Trump, you can't pretend that there isnt way way way too much smoke for Congress to shirk it's duty to look for a fire.
  15. Well as far as reading the report, I remember coming home and sitting down in front of the computer to read the Ken Starr report. I guess the GOP didnt have the same concerns for the office of President back then. And it was pretty embarrassing and damning to Clinton. And the point is, its almost impossible to believe the campaign didnt collude when you have facts already presented to show the opposite. Thats what raises questions and makes it important to see the full report and underlying documentation. Is it that they were all useful idiots and NOT malicious? Okay, we can buy that. I mean, Trump himself publicly asked Russia to find the emails right after his campaign met with Russians....Don Jr was ecstatic to think he was going into a meeting with Russians who made the meeting on behalf of the government of Russia, to get Hilary dirt. Its clear they WANTED Russia's help...now whether they were smart enough to coordinate and conspire or how far it went...thats what Congress needs to determine. And at the very least, Mueller should be called to explain his findings rather then rely on Trump's AG
  16. Yes, thats what I mean. Cap goes up and they arent "minus"...but then, they still have to sign Karlsson and a back up goalie. He's at$5.5 or so now...so even if they get him for $6, they are short. Maybe Reeves and someone else get traded but you have to find someone to take those players in exchange for draft picks. Maybe the Stastny signing isnt looking so hot for them. But I havent followed it close enough to know how well he's working out there.
  17. That minus $2 million is with expiring contracts. They have a few guys they can trade but will teams take full contracts and give back no salary? I think that will be their struggle. Unless the cap goes up about $7-$9 million, they can't fit Karlsson at all. I imagine they intend to keep him so something will have to be done. Plus they need a back up too.
  18. So you can see what is happening here. There were many reports that the report was very damning for trump and he goes totally silent for days. They don’t want you to see the report. Totally innocent though right?
  19. Ohhhhh I had seen a few rumors but I actually have the last three episodes on the PVR to watch...(we're watching the entire GoT's series right now). I was going to wait until the finale next week and watch them all together.
  20. They are going to have to make some decisions. Right now, with the cap as it is, they are minus 2+ million for next season and thats without Karlsson and a back up goalie. So they will have to trade some guys to fit those contracts even if the cap goes up 3-4 million. Ofcourse, they are still a very good team. But they havent really built any wiggle room into their cap situation. Although, if they can get through next season, they might be very good as Stastny comes off the following year but everyone else is locked up. In essence, they are pretty much the team you see for the next several years
  21. There is no way you really believe that. Lol. They’re all corrupt right? But trump he’s pure. Haha
  22. Nice try. You can’t pretend the report says anything when no one has seen it and the summary was written by trumps hand picked AG. Even then. The info out there isn’t good for trump.
  23. I think most of us knew this would not be a slam dunk. The end of trump always seemed more likely on degeat and prosecution via SDNY. Congress will strongly consider impeachment and now the battle will be over the full report which they will use as evidence. But I’m not sure that’s the best idea. But politics aside you have a criminal president so it really is the role of congress to impeach.
  24. It’s far from over. A two year investigation that can’t clear trump of obstruction? Yikes. That’s bad for him. Plus the stories out that the report is far worse for trump than the AG’s friendly summation.
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