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The Unknown Poster

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Everything posted by The Unknown Poster

  1. How stupid and hypocritical of these people after they continue to demand criminal probes of Hilary’s emails
  2. Yeah someone else assumed that it would just be the area around the Common but someone else suggested it was much bigger...which made me think the entire Forks. I dont head out there often but at, say, Pride, especially when the weather is really good, I've waited in line to get into the beer garden and you just feel like you're totally separated from the rest of the festivites. Let the whole area be licensed with pop up bars. More money for everyone, probably more people attracted and there is little negative. People who stumble up with their paper bags will do that any way. The big concern would be underage drinking, but again, a 16 year old who really wants a beer will get one. Just have enhanced security checking ID from time to time. Other places do it. So its fine. What did they do for the Jets playoff parties? Was the entire area licensed?
  3. The smart folks at Skyscrapgerpage are alluding to a rumour that the Province will allow open drinking at the Forks. ie. an expanded licensed area. Someone said "a chunk (of The Forks) being licensed is an understatement". I've often thought this makes sense. When there are events going on there and they shoe horn people into a beer gardens. Just let people drink throughout the area during specific times. Would be a major development though, almost unheard of around these parts.
  4. Arn Anderson filed a trademark for "The Four Horsemen." Speculation is it might be for AEW (ie. a Horsemen vs Elite program). I could never understand why WWE never used the Horsemen. Cody filed trademarks for "Prince of Wrestling", "Battle Bowl", "Bash At The Beach", "Bunkhouse Stampede". He said they were not all AEW related and more so to protect his father's IP (recall that WWE refused to let Cody use the "Rhodes" name). I could see Bash at the Beach being an AEW show. Jericho Cruise 2 is 75% sold out which is way ahead of the first one. I had a feeling that would happen when people saw how much fun the first one was. I liked the idea of the Cruise but was sort of...was it going to be a big markfest (I hate to use that term but you know what I mean). The boys on the cruise, too, were dreading it. They had a pre-cruise get together the night before and were all like, ugh let's just get through this. But then had a fantastic time and said everyone was super cool and they couldnt wait to do it again. The new WWE HQ will combine their corporate offices and production facilities. So thats probably one of the main reasons for the move. It makes me wonder if it's a long term play for a potential sale. They are going from owning to leasing. The rent is about $20 million/year with options up to 2063. AJ Styles signed a new WWE. Anderson & Gallows appear to be off most dates as they declined a new contract and are gone soon (I head heard September but not sure). Dana Warrior apparently did well in her "learning the ropes" of Creative role and is now on the Creative team full time. And has been in important creative meetings that other members of the team are not invited to. So she has an important voice. Summerslam in Toronto is sold out. I had considered going to this but with it being in the arena rather than Skydome, it was going to be a quick sellout and pricey tickets. Vince is still hot at Undertaker for doing Starrcast but he's now confirmed for the next Saudi show. Those Saudi shows are WWE's two biggest money shows of the year. Wouldnt surprise me if Taker appears at WM...maybe to take out Elias? Humberto Garza III, Shane Strictland and DJZ are all signed and will report to the WWE performance centre at some point in the next while. Kane has a book coming out called “Mayor Kane: My Life in Wrestling and Liberty” Black & Vega were off shows this past week due to being on their Honeymoon. - Meltzer (and me)
  5. I think they'd try to lock term Connor if they can so that will be a pretty big contract. Isnt he third...or second in goals scored over the last two seasons (they had the graphic up during last night's game). Ehlers is #4 though. Bridge Laine. Probably trade Trouba. Maybe trade Perreault if they need more space. Possible Kulikov if he's not in their plans as he only has one year left.
  6. Yup. We cant thumb our nose at agreements with the US just because of Trump. In fact, I doubt it much matters. The people running those departments on both sides likely have much more respect for each other than any national leader can change.
  7. More info: The flat fee ESPN is paying UFC is believed to be inline with what they've earned from US PPV sales the past few years. That makes it a very good deal for UFC because it eliminates the roller-coaster of up and down buy rates. And for a major company like Endeavor (UFC's parent) who are likely to go public at some point, they like consistency. It also protects UFC from the lack of big stars or guys getting injured. The point that ESPN can decide the PPV price adds to this. UFC wanted a larger cut from the cable companies, so if instead, they're getting basically the same cut from ESPN, they traded a potential increase (which the cable companies would have fought against) in return for stability and consistency. It still works to UFC's favour to have increased buys because they get a cut of buys above the "average". UFC did about $185 million in PPV revenue in 2018 UFC and ESPN extended their deal from 2023 to 2025. Both sides are happy. Dana White extended his deal to 2025 as well and gets a cut of yearly profits. That dude is rich. The cable companies lose big time, missing out on upwards of $200 million per year they can't otherwise replace. As noted, ESPN sets the price and can release the numbers. UFC is barred from releasing buy rates. About 75% of PPV's are ordered through TV even with streaming options so there is a leap of faith that fans will follow them to ESPN+. - Meltzer
  8. End of an era. WWE is selling Titan Towers.
  9. And he's now changed his mind about wanting to get rid of the Electoral College. I wonder why...lol
  10. I suspect the Jets would have preferred to keep him but you gotta spend money to make money. If they make it to the finals this year, it was worth it, right? Wasnt there rumblings that Lemieux might have wanted a fresh start somewhere or am I conflating that with Petan?
  11. Nobody knows who either of those tweets reference 😉 Speaking of Kenny Omega....on a *ahem* unrelated note, PCW returns March 30th at Doubles Bar for our 17th Anniversary Show.
  12. I think they can manage the cap to fit everyone they want. Its definitely tight but if you look at their cap and assume a rising cap year over year, taking into account the Jets' big contracts coming due each year, they might be able to make it work. Especially if Trouba goes. A quick & dirty look tells us they have almost $24 million in cap space next year. Without factoring in a cap rise of $4 million+. But they have Kulikov's deal expiring in 2021, Buff & Perreault in 2022 and by then you're only 2 years from Wheeler's big contract expiring as well. So every year or so there is money being freed up. If they can manage Connor & Laine appropriately (ie. put off some bigger years until other guys expire), they might be able to do it. As it is, I could see Perrault going sooner, for sure. I predict they keep everyone we want them to keep. Which might mean Perrauilt goes. Maybe Trouba goes. And maybe they can't keep a guy like Hayes but I'd expect them to always look to add a Hayes guy at the Deadline...so the team is good enough to be good all year and add an expiring contract at the deadline for the Playoffs. They have enough youth and depth and prospects to do that for the foreseeable future I think.
  13. I really hope Vesa develops into a really good top six player. Certainly makes the future look bright.
  14. I do wonder, however, how many of the supporters really think about Trump as a person rather then just "siding with" whomever is their parties guy. We see that even on this board. Trump could probably show up to a presser in a KKK hood and announce the end of democratic elections, appoint himself Emperor and there will still be people who "support" him because "their guys" is in charge. It works both ways. But in the case of the GOP, they have been pulled really far right. And I think its partially because *that* base is not at all open to being lured to anyone else. Its super consistent. In theory, what they've done should be the end of the GOP as a Presidential option for many many years. But because they won last time, I think they're willing to give it another go and see if they use whatever means, legal or otherwise, to build upon that consistent base. And for a lot of voters, they just dont care and they dont pay attention. When they hear "economy is good", it literally wouldn't matter who was President. Thats the big ticket item. If the economy urns, Trump's approval would drop to that consistent white national base. What I wonder about is how many of that 42% are people who are right wing so they wont say he's doing a bad job but still dont like him...in other words, if the GOP ran someone against Trump, how many of those 42% would jump to a right wing candidate who isnt a racist, moronic assclown? I think this also tells the Dems that they shouldn't bother trying to be "moderate" or closer to center in an effort to lure white wing'ers to their side. It isnt going to happen. They have to be true to their liberalism and motivate those people to vote. They'll win if they do.
  15. On one hand, its not really surprising. But it is very very sad.
  16. Would you keep working for someone that said this about your spouse?
  17. Good luck! Since my trip is shortly after yours, let's hope the MAX's are flying by then and everything returns to normal.
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