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The Unknown Poster

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Everything posted by The Unknown Poster

  1. We'll see what happens. Harris was lower than I expected until just now...there is a lag time. Beto just announced and received more donations than anyone. In a month, that polling might change. But it's true which is why Biden and Bernie poll so high. They are the most known to mainstream.
  2. Bernie has zero chance. He's actually really bad for the Dems because he's kinda an *******. Its so important for the Dems this time around that they don't eat their own, and they look at the big picture and fall in line behind the best ticket. That isnt going to be Bernie and his supporters are so fanatical, he really needs to ensure they fall in line. Which is not to say Bernie doesnt have good ideas...most mainstream Dems have adopted his "Health Care for All" position...thats a major accomplishment. But now it can be enacted without Bernie.
  3. I bet those TO-Orlando flights remain untouched. I assume they're popular. Getting to Toronto....they might mess with that but hopefully not. I know Westjet is surviving by using the larger planes on some routes but those planes are supposed to go into Trans-Atlantic service in the spring. They might have to lease like Air Canada is doing. Im sure there is a ton of pressure on Boeing to get this sorted out fast... I imagine it will get resolved...but the X factor is if governments take a look at how the MAX8 was certified and whether it requires re-certification and re-training by the pilots.
  4. That's Trump's dream ticket too!
  5. When is your flight? I have a trip end of May and it's already super short (two days) so I dont want any changes. We're only scheduled, thus fare on one MAX8 (on the return) and I was really looking forward to it. Hopefully things are sorted by then. Incidentally, the flight ban was only for passenger flights. Carriers are allowed to fly the MAX8 to re-position them. WestJet, for example, is using the downtown to convert some of the grounded aircraft to their 2X2 Premium seating ahead of schedule. Most Westjet planes are in Calgary. None grounded in Winnipeg. Air Canada has some MAX8's grounded in Winnipeg though. Being able to position the aircraft allows them to be close to maintenance areas in case of any required hands on work before MAX8's can fly again.
  6. Air Canada has said they are planning for no MAX8's through to July 1st...which is a long time. WestJet looks to be doing a rolling two week shuffle. And Boeing apparently has a software update coming in the next few days.
  7. Did Hilary announce that recently? I know she was quoted saying she wasnt running a few weeks ago but her people back-tracked saying it wasnt a firm no. Either way, I cant imagine her running. I dont think Harris will find too much issue if she was to "tough on crime" as a prosecutor. She can say her positions have evolved over time and that she remains tough on crime that deserves it. For example, she was against legalizing pot but changed her mind. She might be a good counter to Beto. Although dont count out Booker. He's got a celebrity girlfriend, after all As I was typing, I got a CNN news blast saying Harris has jumped to third in the polling, behind Biden & Bernie.
  8. She might feel she shouldnt take a back seat to Beto due to her age but she lacks political experience. A Beto/Kamala ticket would be prone to questions of experience but not against Trump. And with Obama actively campaigning, he'd reduce fears of inexperience I would think. The Dems need to think about the future. Well, the GOP do as well. Who's next in line? Trump and the GOP by extension pretty much chewed up and spit out all their qualified candidates. Would Jeb have a chance now? Would he want to? Kamala would be primed to win in 2028 if a Beto ticket was successful. Ofcourse, I dont think Hilary has officially said she isnt running...
  9. Well he served in the House from 2013-2019. Obama served in the Senate for less time. I think they served a similar time in State politics. Obama was 47 when he became President. Beto would be 48 when the 2020 election happens. Plus the current President is Donald Trump. Although that might give pause to those voters who felt experience in politics didnt matter when they voted last time. EDIT to correct: Obama was in state politics before Congress. Beto was a city Councillor. But he likely has a better chance at appealing to moderate conservatives who are fed up with the direction of the GOP.
  10. I know a guy who knows a guy who got a cease and desist. So they must be shutting down all stream. *sarcasm* 🙂
  11. In theory, I like it. I think its important for the Dems to have a woman on the ticket. And ofcourse there are strategies that go into play in terms of delivering certain states. Biden will be a popular choice but the old white guy look just doesnt seem right. If guys like him, Bernie, Hilary, Obama and Bill were all united in delivering for the ticket, it would be an impressive united front.
  12. Yeah I didnt buy that they'd move to fight pass. They made way too much on PPV. WWE had lower drawing PPV's that werent a big deal to do away with but they lost a ton of money by giving up WM and a couple others so quickly and easily. I guess it depends what ESPN is paying them. For a fan, its not any more money because they lowered the cost of PPV by the equivalent amount of the subscription cost. But surely not all their fans have ESPN+. They have 2 million subscribers so the potential to create more revenue for UFC. UFC had one PPV over 2 million and several that were over or close to one million. So yeah probably, if they feel their fans will transition to ESPN+, it could be a great deal. If UFC only got half the $65 they charged for PPV, they likely get much more than half for the $60 charge through ESPN+. I think WWE vastly over-estimated how many wrestling fans they had (they had crazy surveys results showing absurd numbers) but I think UFC events are more "must watch" as long as they continue to create stars and compelling fights.
  13. One my buddies really likes her too. I dont know though...There's something about her I cant put my finger on but I dont know that much about her. Ill have to watch more. I still like Harris more but I read her fundraising was well behind Beto. Beto seems like the rock star choice right now and the GOP seem most afraid of him. But I find him a little wishy washy. But a Dem from Texas? If he can last the long haul he might be the guy.
  14. Thank goodness the Jets won or we'd need to request a welfare check on @Goalie 😉
  15. Yeah Monty's had a similar vibe, probably because they werent chains like Canad. I worked at U4IA, Boogie Nights and Scandals from the Canad chains. We hired a bouncer away from Scandals (or whatever it was called at the time, The Beach, I think) when we renovated into The Lid and he said his boss told him it was the biggest mistake of his life...haha Boy was he glad he made the move. Personally, I never liked Monty's because it felt a bit too closed in and I knew a couple of the bouncers as....I didnt find the place to be the safest. But that could just be me. Sometimes, when you're a bouncer, you always feel on edge when you're out (had a few run ins with people we threw out). I felt that way at Coyotes too and felt the bouncers were always looking for an excuse to fight. Canad were kinda the dicks of the industry and often tried to eliminate club courtesy for non Canad employees which caused heat.
  16. Did we all fall off the wagon? lol For those Keto people, Nuburger has a new bread called Wunderbread for their buns as an option. They specifically market it as low carbs, high protein. I have not been able to get actual stats on it but I tried it last night as it was my birthday and it was not bad. A bit stiff...sort of like a hard pita but it was a nice change from just having lettuce buns. I've sent them a message asking for the actual nutritional information so hopefully their "low carb" is actually low carb. They also have a version that is gluten free.
  17. Wouldn't that set a precedent whereby everyone could sue Trump for his Twitter antics? lol Nunes should probably worry about not getting implicated in anything related to Trump...
  18. I started working there in 98. It was always a university crowd so young, drunk, and yes, lots of hooking up. But it had a bad rep for fights and the bouncers were pretty rough. Sort of the end of the old days of bouncing where the bouncer was just a goon. I got into the bouncing game, first in...94 I think and it was just starting to change. I tried really hard to clean the Palladium up and it ended up being a really chill, safe place. Basically, 18-25 year old crowd mostly. But it was really like a neighborhood bar so all those 20 year olds kept coming even as they aged out of the main demo. Very fun place to hang out. Cheap drinks, good music, video screen before that was common. Speaking of the video screen, I remember one funny story...there was a video (name escapes me now but someone here will remember it....Satisfaction, maybe?) and the video was basically porn. A woman goes up to the manager and says "this offends me". So he replies "then dont watch it." Well, she didnt like that so she called the Winnipeg Sun, who actually did a story about it. EDIT: And I actually worked at U4IA too... I dated the reigning, defending 'show me your underwear' champion Vanessa, for a few months... those were the days. lol It was just before Stardust turned into Boogie Nights and I worked inside there...which was truly awesome. That place was hot as hell for a long time...and a lot of fun.
  19. You just have to find something on Netflix your parents will love. 😉
  20. Isnt it this bank who's head is the son of the supreme court judge who retired to make room for Kav? Or is that a different Trump scandal Im thinking of? Speaking of which, Dems want an investigation into the Florida brothel since it seems the previous owner sold Trump access to Chinese businessmen. Ofcourse, nothing to see here. All a witch hunt. Trump has never done anything wrong. All the smoke doesnt lead to a fire I guess. Spoiler Alert: Its an inferno.
  21. Thats a good question. I dont know the answer but UFC has historically been very active in shutting down streams. And I think, historically, people who want to watch PPV events, do so legally. This move will definitely see fewer eyeballs on the UFC product, at least in the short term. But presumably the revenue split is to UFC's advantage vs giving half to the cable companies. And it's a win for UFC in the sense they know what they're getting in terms of ESPN paying them a lot of guaranteed money for the right to host the shows. But as you said, in terms of streaming illegally, I think the people that are used to that and comfortable with it fall more into the group that would find using ESPN+ easy whereas the larger PPV universe would include a lot of people that just dont know how to stream at all. Even WWE still sells traditional PPV every month (which could be people who lack the ability to stream the network and perhaps some fans who just dont "get" the idea and dont bother learning). But its another sign of the changing world of PPV from cable providers to streaming. I know WWE was called crazy for doing it (and given where their subscriber count stalled, they probably should have kept the bigger PPV's off the network). It might be good for AEW on traditional PPV as they will gain the leverage UFC gave up by being one of the few events that can draw well on PPV so they might be able to get a good split of revenue. But I would think AEW's audience would lean to people comfortable with streaming.
  22. In a surprise move, UFC has ended traditional PPV in the US. If you're in the US and want to order UFC PPV's, you have to subscribe to ESPN+. But you dont get the PPV included (like the WWE Network). You subscribe for $4.99 per month and that gives you the option to order the PPV for $59.99 through the ESPN+ streaming service. Seems to have happened due to cable providers not willing to negotiate a better split of revenue for UFC (currently its 50/50 in most places, 60/40 in some but UFC wanted a bigger slice of the pie) and ESPN paying UFC a ton.
  23. AJ Styles confirms he's re-signed with WWE.
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