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The Unknown Poster

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Everything posted by The Unknown Poster

  1. lol rhetorical is right. A ton! He was generous with his booze and weed if he invited you over though (I didnt smoke, but I enjoyed his booze). He had been longtime friends with the manager of the bar and partied together a lot during the era when Burton sang the national anthem at Jets games. Burton was "the Sheriff" and the bar manager was "The deputy". I remember a story where they went all night and Burton had an afternoon game. They got him to the arena and he was passed out in the green room, carried to the ice level and when it was his time to sing, he suddenly bolted upright, walked out, sang perfectly, walked back and passed out again. He used to play for us at his home. And with the same gusto as a concert. Amazing he can still sing the way he treats his voice. Great guy though. Super nice. One time, I took my then-gf to his house and she was too young to know who he was but I was showing her around and she loved that I was excited. We get to Burton's bedroom (which was sparse save for a single bed and small TV in the middle of the room). We're sort of making out and Burton suddenly walks in, is surprised to see us, apologies for interrupting and leaves.
  2. Sure did! Best job I ever had 😉
  3. In regards to the first Max 8 crash, this is pretty damning: So obviously, several other pilots figured out how to deal with it. I think the end result is going to be Boeing bearing the brunt of criticism for not highlighting this new feature but the aircraft itself will be considered safe. I saw the FAA is under scrutiny for certifying the plane too. The idea being that the Max is different enough from previous versions that it required more intensive training. Which is why Boeing would not highlight the major changes.
  4. https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/saskatchewan/burton-cummings-moose-jaw-1.4948061 Funny he doesnt mention that he lived in Winnipeg recently. He likes to make it sound like he lived in L.A. the whole time. He had a place on Park Ave for many years but the impression I get was it was to be close to his mom. When she died, he sold the place. He was a regular at the hotel I worked at and I've been to his home many times. One of my co-workers dated him and another was his house-sitter when he was away.
  5. Dude lives in Moose Jaw now. He’s probably pretty grumpy
  6. My PVR screwed up so I missed the first twenty minutes last night but it was another good one. BUT...they have to slow down and give us more character moments. The storyline involving Airiam last night was filled with tension and emotion and was wonderful...imagine if they had shown any semblance of this emotional personal connection between her and the others or told her back story before...it would have been a killer episode, the way it ended. How long before someone speculated that Airiam is found by the Voyager Probe and is the catalyst for V'ger in TMP? lol
  7. Burton Cummings ‘bullying’ women’s fitness class allege members https://www.dailyjaw.com/2019/03/14/burton-cummings-bullying-womens-fitness-class-allege-members/?fbclid=IwAR3UVSeEpK4ihri5TfYe-R6HC-7kExDNOKqMiKpJgBHyyUKkrWH8pFKpFsc
  8. How can someone be so adamant of their innocence and yet so petrified of the investigative report? He seems to be saying that whatever crimes they find shouldn’t matter because they shouldn’t have been looking anyway.
  9. Well one thing about Netflix is, they're super secretive about their viewership but they have detailed info...I assume people just didnt watch it. I'd like to see some more adult drama's in the vein of OITNB (like HBO is known for) on Netflix to keep me interested.
  10. I thought the same. Why not just get rid of MCAS and rely on auto pilot and human pilots to manage the angle of attack? It made me think about the Air France crash which was pilos not realizing they were stalling...Im not sure if MCAS would have helped in that situation because i was an air speed issue and not an angle of attack issue. But had the computer over-rode the pilots and put the plane into a nose-down, it might have saved the plane (I believe one pilot was pulling nose-up and one was nose-down, not until the main Captain returned to the cockpit and assessed things did he demand nose-down but it was too late). So I wonder, if you could just switch it off, would pilots instinctively switch it off whenever it activated even if it was correct? Wouldn't an angle of attack warning to the pilots to control be wiser? Or treat it like auto pilot where, if the pilots touch the yoke, it automatically disengages. But I suppose that defeats the purpose of having it at all...just get rid ot it. Better yet, re-design the tail so the plane is stable. On the other hand, I read of an incident where pilots attempted a go-around (due to failure of auto-throttle) and the settings for trim and their go-around thrust resulted in a crazy nose-up angle of attack and the plane nearly stalled. One type of aircraft advises reduction in power when met with stall warning (to counter-act hard thrust pushing the nose up). Interestingly, the MAX8 did not include an angle of attack gauge in the cock pit so pilots wouldn't know what their angle was. That gauge was voluntarily installed on many fleets' MAX planes around the time of lionair. From what I am reading the base issue is Boeing trying to extend the life of the 737 which has been mostly unchanged for 50 years. Larger, more power engines, moved forward on the wings without a re-design of the tail section to compensate. One engineer I read said its the only commercial aircraft that is inherently unstable and requires software to compensate. The Max was marketing to airlines as a cost effective way to upgrade because pilots on older 737's required little training and pilots of Airbus A320's (of which Air Canada had many) required less training than a whole new design). I also read that, in the wake of Lionair, Boeing was working on a software fix that was supposed to be in place in January but was extended to april due to disagreements over how much the fix should actually fix. That dithering might have cost a lot of lives.
  11. Arby's has the best mozza sticks. I dont eat there often because its so far but it kinda makes it a special occasion. Plus I always load up on food to make it worth the trip. Too bad they stopped serving Dr Pepper. Alas, I am now on a keto diet so no Arbys for me for awhile.
  12. Beating a dead horse here but I find this incredibly fascinating. Here's an article (published after the Lionair crash but before the most recent crash). It explains what the pilots likely faced. https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2018/11/16/world/asia/lion-air-crash-cockpit.html?action=click&module=Top Stories&pgtype=Homepage In essence the new MCAS system activated, trimming the plane nose down by raising the stabilizers located on the tail. MCAS actived due to a fault sensor that indicated the plane was too high nose-up (which it wasnt). The pilot's would instinctively pull back on the yoke to raise the nose. This force causes the elevators on the tail to activate. But the elevators provide weaker nose-up than the stabilizers provide nose-down. So its basically a tug of war that the pilot cannot win. There is a procedure to overcome this but, incredibly, it sounds like Boeing never shared this with pilots. In fact, it seems Boeing never shared the existence of the MCAS system at all. After the Lionair crash, they sent out a guide to over-come the MCAS trimming nose down but its a bit convoluted. On the left side of the yoke is a switch that controls electrically powered trimming. So when the MCAS wrongly trims the plane into nose-down, the pilot would have to recognize what is happening and use his left thumb to active this switch, over-riding the MCAS pull on the stabilizers. But once the nose leveled and the pilot released the switch, MCAS would kick in again and go nose-down. The pilot must flip two switches to kill electrical power to the trim system to cut off MCAS control and then use the manual trim wheel to adjust the stabilizers back to stable. And apparently this MCAS was a cost saving move because Boeing engineers originally had plans to create larger stabilizers on the tail to off-set the increased size of the engines but that costs money (and might have caused the MAX planes to be given a new classification, rather then being considered 737's...new classification requires new certification for pilots). Basically, Boeing said the MAX planes were basically the same 737 and required minimal training to operate. I imagine Boeing is working on a software patch but there will surely be a push for a re-designed tail section and fleet-wide implementation before the planes fly again.
  13. Thought you guys might enjoy this...(a little look behind the curtain of promoting wrestling events when things dont always go as planned):
  14. Gallows & Anderson are the latest to turn down multi-million dollar deals to stay with WWE. Contract expires in September and they want to wait to see what the landscape looks like. Everyone is being offered 5 year deals for big money to keep them from AEW. Supposedly, Ambrose is still leaving (even though booking makes it seem like a work). No word on Styles, whose contract is up shortly too. He'd get a big offer from AEW but he makes a ton of money in WWE and probably takes the safer bet of staying. From Meltzer, WWE actually handed this out to mainstream media before their WM announcement presser: Hilarious.
  15. Kenny Omega captured the Wrestling Observer Wrestler of the Year award for 2018 in pretty much a landslide. Tanahashi was second followed by Okada, LA Park, Becky Lynch/AJ Styles (tied). Omega also won for Most Outstanding Wrestler (Ibushi came in second, followed by Okada). Omega came in second in Tag Team of the Year (with Ibushi), second only to The Young Bucks (who won the award for a record fifth consecutive time). Omega vs Okada was Match of the Year. Omega had five spots in the top ten in this award. New Japan won Promotion of the Year (landslide) over WWE. In regional voting, Omega also won MVP In japan and came in second in MVP In USA/Canada (Styles won). Omega's One Winged Angle was voted Best Move (V-Trigger was 5th best).
  16. I think the Liberals probably feel if they blow this thing up, they have 100% lost but if they try to cover it up and sweep it away, when they are inevitably attacked on it during the election they can claim there was no wrong-doing exposed. And cling to the idea that JT can charm his way to another win. The Cons better be friggen ready to embrace moderate voters. When I was in Mexico last year I did meet one Trump supporter but he was quite negative on Fox News saying that the worst aspects of the right wing movement basically take over and it overwhelms any good work Trump might be doing. I find more and more Canadians are seeing JT as an empty suit. Not so much that they hate him or think he's a bad person...just that he's totally devoid of anything beyond his pretty face.
  17. What do you call that? Oh yeah, obstruction.
  18. Fortunate on the low sentences. Almost absurdly low actually. I meant he was immediately hit with state charges. If convicted, no Pardon for him.
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