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The Unknown Poster

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Everything posted by The Unknown Poster

  1. Very sad. Winnipegger I believe (according to her twitter)
  2. Another young one. 60. He was a big deal in Japanese wrestling. Known by wwe fans for managing the Taka group. His brother is currently an announcer with WWE.
  3. He tried to say it was because the match was Bundy vs Steele. Lol
  4. Must be uncomfortable around the dinnner table.
  5. It sounds like a scenario similar to giving Eddie Guerrero's wife a job when he died - Vince seems sympathetic to the wife of one of his stars being a single parent of young children so he provides them with work. Reportedly, Dana requested a spot in creative. It sounds absurd but who knows, maybe she's creative. Right now, its sort of like an intern role but she's being paid and learning the job to see if it fits. Speaking of, Bruce Prichard's title is Executive Vice President...so thats pretty significant. But its being described as below that of the lead writers (Road Dogg, Hayes, Koskie, etc). I think only Hunter and Dunn are EVP's.
  6. Mueller can't charge him. Do you mean "accuse" as in detail in his report ways in which he belies Trump did X? I doubt Mueller is going to touch any part of whether Trump should be charged (indicted). Let's assume Trump is guilty of various things within the scope of the Mueller report and that Mueller does detail those findings with evidence. He submits that to the AG who does whatever he wants with it. I would doubt that Mueller would even go as far as saying "this office recommends indicting Trump for....X" I think he'd simply lay out the case and not give an opinion on that because he knows the DOJ policy. The special counsel is not an arm of Congress. So no matter what Meueller does or doesnt say, Congress is free (in fact obligated) to do their own work in determine whether the President should be impeached. Certainly, if Mueller details criminal wrong doing and its made public or at the least provided to Congress, they will use that for impeachment. Why wouldn't they? The investigative work is already done. But if Mueller falls short of accusing Trump with evidence, it doesnt stop the House from considering impeachment based on their own investigations. Trump is already an unindicted co-conspirator in campaign finance violations. His own words and actions in terms of firing Comey suggest a pretty clear effort to obstruct the FBI investigating his ties with Russia. I know that you're preemptively setting up a scenario where the Mueller report is either hidden or does not directly implicate the President in Russia collusion as the end all/be all of this, but it really isn't. You've got the Mueller probe PLUS the SDNY investigations. Neither of those two bodies can indict or impeach the President. Only Congress can impeach. Effectively, only Congress can hold Trump accountable.
  7. An interesting comparison from a Trump supporter considering as Teflon as Gotti was, he was a murderer and mob boss who eventually died in prison. Trump should hope to not be as teflon as that Don...
  8. Well he can't be impeached for "the Mueller report". That's not a charge. And ofcourse, you have speculation that the AG (at Trump's behest) might try to prevent Congress from seeing the report. So if the report contained damning evidence against Trump (collusion/conspiracy, fraud, obstruction etc) but Congress isn't allowed to see it, they can't do anything based on that report. Congress has a constitutional obligation to be a check on the powers of the President. What you see them doing now is requesting items that have already been turned over to the Special Counsel. I assume they are doing that because there is no reason for anyone to refuse to share items with the House that they've already turned over to Mueller. The only reason they would is because they the AG is going to run interference to keep the report away from Congress. Let's also be honest. Impeachment is a political scenario and it sinks or swims on public sentiment. If the public sours even more on Trump, especially conservatives, it becomes a lot easier. Clinton had become very popular by the time his impeachment made it to the Senate and it wasnt going to happen. But if the WH can keep the Mueller report from being made public, especially if its damning, the goal is to help stop public sentiment from turning on the President. The Mueller report isnt about impeachment. Congress might use it for that purpose. But its up to Congress to decide on impeachment, not Mueller. Unless Mueller wants to test the DOJ policy on indicting the President, the report wont do anything to Trump and never would have...unless it's 1) public & 2) sent to Congress. It should be on both, right?
  9. I really enjoyed this episode and thought it added a lot of missing pieces to The Menagerie. I always wondered why Spock would conspire with the Talosians or trust them after the events of The Cage. Or why Pike would want to go there. But in this DIS episode we learn more of the connection between Pike & Vina plus see that the Talosians had helped Spock before.... It also explains their power to create that insane illusion of Commodore Mendez in The Menagerie (Starbase 11, mentioned in Dis as being close to Talos is the Starbase Kirk picks up Pike in The Menagerie). It always seemed too powerful...but we see them do it in this episode but learn it takes a major toll to create an illusion that far out. The only negative in the episode was finally learning the cause of the rift between Spock & Michael. It came across as not that big of a deal and likely one of those corners Fuller's ideas painted the current creative people into. I assume there is a bit more to it assuming Michael ended up back living with Spock after she insulted him. We know from last season's flashbacks that Michael became more Vulcan-like. Since it was noted last night that she was helping Spock with his humanity, perhaps she decided to out-Vulcan him, If Spock took that insult as reason to turn away from his human side, it still doesnt really explain why he turned his back on the Science Academy (and his father) to join Star Fleet. When Michael (as a child) said "stop following me", I almost wondered if that will come up later and be something Spock sort of did...followed Michael to Star Fleet.
  10. The Cage (the original pilot for Star Trek) takes place 3 years before this episode of Discovery. In The Cage, Pike first visits Talos. He leaves Talos perfectly fine but the Talosions create an illusion of Pike to keep Vena happy. Ten years after this episode of Discovery is when The Menagerie takes place. That is shortly after Pike suffers his injury and Spock takes him to Talos to live out his life with the illusion of health.
  11. You're not exactly placing a tough bet when the DOJ has already said Trump cannot be indicted while President. Any one waiting for Mueller's report to come out with NO charges against Trump as evidence he's innocent is being disingenuous. The real shocker would be if they DID indict Trump or even have a sealed indictment. The likely outcome is a damning Mueller report that has no impact on Trump directly other then being of evidentary value in the House when they impeach. And I'd say the odds are pretty good Trump is eventually impeached. Whether the evidence will exist enough to convince the Senate to convict is the more uphill battle. That's the politics. In all likelihood, the SDNY will have some chickens coming home to roost at the Trump org eventually.
  12. My buddy works for the Province. Im sure he'd be thrilled to see a buy out. I love to hear how much everyone working in his office misses the NDP while he also tells me he's really bored with little to do all day.
  13. Its not really about how many eyeballs are watching, its about what networks value the eyeballs that are. We'll see...if the XFL cannot get a good TV deal, then so be it. But live sports is very valuable right now. All those networks that lose out on getting the NFL might take a look at a secondary league for a lot less money. Vince knows this because while his wrestling attendance and ratings have dropped a lot, the money he gets for TV has increased a lot and that makes WWE super profitable. Speaking of which, WWE sold the XFL IP to Vince for $1 million. Now, if I was a shareholder I might wonder why they only got $1 million when supposedly the AAF was offering $50 million. Fortunately for Vince, most people dont care about WWE. WWE also charged a few million to XFL for services rendered (leading to the theory that the XFL and WWE arent as separate as Vince claims). The next WM being announced for Tampa is some sort of connection to the XFL as well. Seems clear Vince will use the massive WWE machine to push the XFL but Im not sure how much of a positive that will be.
  14. Look at it this way, the NHL's plan was to introduce TWO new teams. The 30 NHL teams all supported it because they were getting a piece of the expansion fees. Vegas was one of the two new teams so they dont get to share in the expansion fee. It would be like if Seattle joined the league the same year as Vegas. The other 30 teams get the money, not the expansion teams. Losing one player, unless somehow you lose a super elite player, is worth the $20 million. Last time, Jets really lost nothing of much value. We'll see what happens this time but it could be a case of exposing someone that actually serves the Jets interests in reducing salary (as someone else noted). Given the choice, the Jets would always choose to take the money and lose a player. Its a lot of money.
  15. Jeff Jarrett has been added to the WWE creative team. Dana Warrior is training with the idea of joining the creative team as well.
  16. The rumour was that it would be called Jean-Luc. Destiny seems a little....I don’t know, manufactured. Pretentious? it doesn’t really matter. Anyway, heck of an episode of discovery tonight!
  17. He re-signed two years ago when he returned to call the undertaker match at WM. I think wwe wanted to keep him from doing too many other things but he was allowed to keep doing some outside projects. The first rumour of All Elite was that Jericho and Jim Ross has met with a billionaire about starting up. So that’s probably a good bet. Either as office guy or announcer. His best announcing days are long behind him though.
  18. As expected Jim Ross announced he is leaving wwe at the end of March. He said he doesn’t expect to be out work long and he’s been connected to AEW since before there was an AEW.
  19. Bettman claimed the Thrashers werent going anywhere, literally up to the moment he walked into the MTSC for the presser announcing they had been sold.
  20. I thought it was a great episode. It was called "Family" and had that theme running through all the various plots. It was a way to add some weight to the Borg story by having the Enterprise requiring repair at Space Dock rather than being reset. You had Worf's parents visit and Wesley is given a holo-recording of his late father. The story with Picard was great because he was considering leaving Starfleet and staying on Earth. I think the fact that there were unresolved issues between him and his brother was similar to Picard's unresolved feelings of powerlessness over his actions while under the Borg influence. Conversely, Picard's brother wanted his son to stay on Earth and not join Starfleet. It was a good episode. There was also Chain of Command two-parter. And....I think there was another two-partner where Picard masqueraded as a pirate or something.
  21. It stinks to high heaven. It seems the Liberals plan is to wait this out, hope it moves out of the public consciousness and they can win the election anyway. They dont want anything resembling an inquiry or trial (ie. sworn testimony etc) because it adds weight to the matter. They want it to go away. I remember being a Liberal voter under Cretien and was actually a big fan of his and turning absolutely against him. The point has been before, some people are loyal to party no matter what (we see that in the US thread) but many people will look at the facts and decide what the red line is for them. I havent voted Liberal in a long time but if I did, I would have turned away from JT now. And I dont even like the Cons since Harper left. So...who's getting my vote next election? Well, unless the Liberals turf JT, they have no chance. And at some point, the party is going to have to decide if they are better with a scandal-plagued JT or by turfing him.
  22. Congress shouldn’t care about this at all though. Nothing to see
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