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The Unknown Poster

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Everything posted by The Unknown Poster

  1. I agree. I could handle some "slower" episodes of Discovery with more room to breath. But the episodes that referenced past events or had an impact on everything were always the best. Which is what DS9 did the best. And what Voyager did the worst (since every episode they'd get beat up and reset everything at the end). When TNG did Best of Both Worlds and followed that up with Picard going home, it was totally out of the norm for that show and awesome!
  2. Trump ordered top secret security clearances for his daughter and her husband over objections of senior security officials. He then lied about it (as did Ivanka). And is refusing to comply with Congress' request for materials related to this. Witch hunt? Come on... Foreign interference in US elections continues. Gee I wonder why. Maybe gutting cyber security was a bad idea. Maybe telling everyone it isnt true was a bad idea How many businesses wanting favours from Trump just spend money at his properties? Trump Org under investigations for insurance fraud. Let alone everything else....the only reason this seems like a gong show is the sheer enormity of Trump's crimes and improprieties.
  3. I was so excited for Enterprise but they just didnt embrace their concept. It was just another barely warmed over TNG shadow (like Voyager) rather then a real prequel. I know the producers have said they wanted to be more of a prequel but the studio wouldnt let them. Such as, the producers wanted the whole first season to be the construction of the ship and for the series to be essentially earth bound, which makes a lot more sense. Maybe the Red Angel has something to do with the Temporal Cold War so we can finally resolve that! lol
  4. Anything is possible but I doubt it. Unless Roman can convince Ambrose that WWE really really means it this time. If Im unhappy with creative over five years and at contract time they promise to make it better, by answer would be "why now, why not three years ago?" So I think Ambrose probably leaves and apparently that is still the plan as of this week. Which would explain why he lost to Elias when he should have won to heat him up for the Shield reunion. Ambrose hates the corny creative, prefers more realism. I dont think its money as he was offered over a million per year to stay. I think he probably wants more freedom and if he can make close to the same money, why not? he wont be able to use the name though. Previously he worked as Jon Moxley and his real name is Jon Good.
  5. Well fans didnt like Enterprise regardless. The choice to do a season long arc didnt help matters but the ratings were declining anyway. I hated the Xindi arc because I thought it was just a boring and poorly told story. DS9 did serialized story-telling way better. Discovery is similar to DS9 but without the "filler" or "stand alone" episodes. But thats also because DS9 had a lot more episodes per season given the standards of TV at the time.
  6. There is a lot of speculation that the SDNY's investigation is is akin to a mob investigation. But I suppose if Trump was essentially a mob boss, thats okay as long as it was before he was President, according to some people. Keep in mind, the WH is refusing (so far) to hand over requested documentation. But...nothing to hide, right? lol
  7. I think the XFL might make it this time. Last time, Vince was coming off his big victory over WCW and had a hugely profitable company. He was at the height of his **** waving, swagger. He poked the NFL bear and made the XFL a WWE-version of football. It wasnt as bad as the mainstream press made it. Keep in mind that Vince learned as the season went on and was determined to do a second season but NBC pulled out and they had little support for national TV. This time, it will be all about TV and it sounds like the XFL has good national TV partners. If the TV deals pay the way and they can show growth, it can work.
  8. It wouldn't surprise me to see them cut back the amount of information in each episode in the future as they do not often allow time to breath. Keep in mind, they had more behind the scenes turmoil this season when the show runners who replaced Fuller were fired after the first few episodes. Sounds like they have stabilized now. Their stated vision, though, was to be as cinematic as possible. In effect, these episodes are like an action movie. Its not as bad as, say, the Kelvin films because TV affords more time to tell the stories but I get the criticism. Someone calling it a soap opera though...he obviously doesnt watch soap operas. lol
  9. Tommaso Ciampa is having neck surgery and is out, potentially over a year. He will not be working Takeover (they hoped he could work through it), so will vacate the NXT title. Really really bad news for a terrific worker who could have made something on the main roster. I sort of fear what it will mean for Gargano too... At least they have a built in issue when Ciampa returns, maybe next year's WM.
  10. The whole kelvin thing was a failure. Won’t go back to that. Plus Picard’s time shown in the kelvin films through flashbacks was prime era.
  11. Well you will...Picard show takes place twenty years after Nemesis.
  12. Yeah I thought it was weird they reinstated her to Commander. I thought it would have been interesting had they simply reinstated her commission but busted her down to Ensign or maybe Lt. Would have provided an interesting environment for her being a former first officer to have to answer to just about everyone on the ship (and add to her relationship with Tilly).
  13. A couple of good ones. I recently watched L&O:SVU's early seasons and really liked her. I will say this, you cant really judge the show on that first season. I liked the first season but it was a backstage mess. Fuller really wanted to change everything and put his own twist on Star Trek. By the time he was ousted, the show was already behind schedule and over budget so they pushed forward with a creative team that had to make the best of a show they didnt create. In Season 2, they try pretty hard to overcome some of that and get the show back on track to being a more reasonable TOS prequel. As I recall, Fuller's original idea (and, I assume, the logic behind the spore drive) was to make the show a sort of anthology where every season would see the Discovery warp to a new time period. I dont let the modern look of the show bother me so much although some flares they didnt need like holo-communicators bug me a bit (they address them in the second season). But two things really bugged me: 1) the critical plot point of Michael's betrayal of Phillipa & 2) how the show is shot, especially the space scenes. On point 1, this one incident drives the plot but it was not nearly as dramatic as characters seem to refer it. They literally blame Michael for the war when her actions had nothing to do with it. And the idea of her committing treason was grossly over-blown too. It struck me as....Fuller had an idea and the incoming creative team didnt want to run with that thread but it was too important to drop completely. Just always bugged me. On 2, the super dark, blue haze space shots and "unnatural" look of the ships bugged me a bit. But they largely correct this in Season 2 with better shot space scenes and no more blue haze.
  14. I think Enzo might be an idiot, guys
  15. Ummmm lol So if someone commits murder but there is not clear and obvious evidence that they are 100% guilty, then the police should not investigate? lol That's ridiculous. They have Trump's former lawyer on record pointing to many potential criminal acts. They did not put the cart before the horse at all. They are now doing what an investigative body does, it follows the evidence. You seem to be arguing that Trump is guilty but it should be okay to be guilty because Congress shouldn't be allowed to investigate him. If the evidence shows no wrong-doing, he will be fine. But the reason people are so upset is because they know what Congress will find. Not to mention Mueller's investigations and the SDNY. I mean, how corrupt does a President have to be before it's okay to take a look at him?
  16. You'd have to be incredibly partisan to think this is harassment. Thats simply repeating Trump's nonsensical talking points. The reason President's release their tax returns is, in part, to show they are not beholden to any person or corporation. There is plenty of evidence and speculation to wonder about Trump. You're basically saying, sure if he was a crook before he became President, its okay. Thats absurd. If Congress was investigating Clinton you'd be all for it. That's the real partisan politics. What Congress is doing now is exactly their job. And its why they have the power to do it.
  17. I think you need to brush up on the Constitution. Congress has an absolute obligation to be a check & balance on the President and to investigate potential crimes and if evidence exists, to bring that to the public and end his presidency. Are you suggesting Congress should not have investigated Watergate or the Clintons either? The only reason this seems like a gong show is the absolute mess of a President Trump has been and the sheer volume of improper acts on his part. You cant possibly be suggesting that a criminal get a pass because he's not a little bit criminal, he's so criminal that the whole thing is so insane...and thus they should let it slide?
  18. What is getting out of hand? Trump's meltdowns? Congress is doing it's job and following evidence. Regardless of the Mueller report, they are going to investigate as they should. I can see the claim of political bias but it was also political bias for the GOP to ignore Trump's antics for two years. Ofcourse, you've got the SDNY with numerous investigations too....unless they're politically bias. If Congress ignored this stuff, they'd be in dereliction of their sworn oath. You cant let a President operate as a mob boss.
  19. Yes, its not like the Cons are putting their best foot forward at all.
  20. Who's a traitor? The cabinet members who are standing up for the rule of law and freedom of the justice department? I lean conservative so I have no love for JT but I cant imagine any liberal looking at this and thinking JT is doing a great job and being screwed by his party. If we can vilify Trump for trying to lean on his AG, then we have to feel the same way when JT does it too. To me, it looks like honourable members of the Liberal party wanting to save the liberals, not turn on them.
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